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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. ok got the monitor part figured out...now for SOUND. lol ok for the sound with my logitech (X530) speakers i found my adapter that changes the 5.1 to regular red and white RCA(??) cables. now...i just need to figure out how to hook up the speakers so i get sound from the ps3....
  2. well...night...lol but im using my monitor not a tv. im using a 22 inch widescreen acer monitor model al2216w. i need to know which/if i need it, hdmi to dvi connecter to use. and how to get the logitech x530 5.1 speakers to get sound, at this point i dont care if its true 5.1..just 2 channel sound will be fine at this point. i just need to figure out how to get the speakers to hook up to the monitor i can find out online how to get the monitor hooked up but then when i involve my model of speakers all the info gets conflicted so i dont know what to get to make it to work
  3. after more research, i just need a hdmi to dvi adapter for the monitor to display? that seems simple enough. and as far as i can tell i can get 720p with this monitor? (acer al2216w) and so how do i get the logitech x530 5.1 speakers to work with this? i have no audio out option on my monitor, and im not quite sure where my adapter is, but if i cant find it i could probably borrow one from someone. so im looking for a step by step on this stuff. its been forever since i've done anything like this, last thing i did was hook up a ps2, xbox360, and dvd recorder up to one tv....im rusty on this kinda stuff. any ideas?
  4. ok so my buddy has a ps3 and i have a HDCP compliant monitor. the Acer AL2216W. how do i hook up the ps3 to my monitor... also, i have 5.1 surround for my computer, any way to hook this up to the ps3? i have an adapter somewhere that allows the speakers to be plugged into a tv..but how do i do it on ps3? we are gonna have a tournament, and i only have a small crt tv that is bad quality cause its about to die. so how do i get all this working on the dvi monitor? i'm doing research but all my sources so far have conflicted edit/ forgot to add...the speakers i have are logitech x530
  5. hmmm....odd movie...
  6. :2funny: i show my friends this vid....jeez mudman...
  7. i come here often to watch the video shug....
  8. yeah, i just have to wait until monday now (day off) and i am going to go out and get my other drive and load it up and just test until i get it right.
  9. i'd not be able to eat that whole thing as far as the keyboard... i'd still take it
  10. If this doesnt work i guess would it be easier to partition my harddrive (120gb 111gb readable after installing XP) into two parts using Gparted or some program like that then install mandrive on the blank partition and install the boot loader upon linux installation? of course only doing this if the above doesnt work
  11. thanks i'll try it first thing when i get off work tomorrow. also, so what should my dvd burner drive be set to if the IDE drive is set to slave? CS? or just slave as well?
  12. lemme clear this up....i want to keep xp on my SATA, but i want to install mandriva on an IDE drive...and dual boot them ok...well my motherboard only has one IDE cable slot, so i will have my DVD burner and IDE hard disk on the same cable...how do i set this up to dual boot?
  13. anyone ...anyone????
  14. ok so i have xp pro sp3 on a SATA 3gb/s drive. but if i wanted to put in a separate harddrive which was ATA100 (ribbon cable connection) to load mandriva linux into and be able to dual boot, what jumper pin setting would i have to set the ATA 100 drive to. The ATA drive will also be hooked up to a LiteOn DVD burner drive. so should i set the jumper pin on the DVD drive to slave and the Harddrive to CS or should i have both set to CS or one to Master, one to Slave? What jumper pin settings are needed to make sure my SATA drive with XP pro on it is able to read and dual boot with the ATA 100 drive and be able to dual boot.
  15. well shug...thats why i use google to find another download link...i remember when it was all free...thats the last time i used it...i got tired of it. of course now i mainly download games and stuff so i use gamershell.com
  16. Thanks shug. tahts also a good point I only said what I did because in highschool I lost internet privileges for a quarter of the year because i found the password to one of the wireless networks. and i went in and unlocked it for everyone to connect to the faster networks that only teachers could get on. so I've learned not to mess with other people's settings. As its very very simple to track which IP is doing it, and when. and also in some programs such as zone alarm it logs IP addresses and you can use a locate tool to see where its coming from...
  17. true...we need better kickers....maybe then....just maybe we will do better...or maybe on the long drive they should use a driver, instead of a wedge or an iron....
  18. im not sure you should be messing with the settings of the school. they have them set up for that reason so not one or two people can hog the bandwidth, thats pretty selfish if i were to be using all of the bandwidth for bragging rights while someone who needs to download a file for a paper or something isnt getting anything on their end. just my opinion im not trying to flame, just saying, its set up that way so it should be left that way unless its YOUR network. imagine if something went wrong when you were playing with the settings and it crashed the whole network....
  19. yeah i remember when this worked...nto sure if it does...
  20. :haha: maybe they can make the 3 point shot after the hole in one. on the last lap and take the checkered flag
  21. yeah, im ready for it tonight, i dont know if i have to work a split shift yet so im setting up my dvd recorder but i would have forgot again if i didnt read your post. Thanks!!!!
  22. ahh well i'll catch the aftermath on espn sometime....well all i can say is it must have been a very good game to watch.
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