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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by ianonline

  1. hello mudmanc4.. to quote my post i said.. my friends are just carried away with their emotions.. having a slow connection is frustrating.. it used to happen to me a lot, all i do is kick some canister and my trashcan.. gone are those days..
  2. ENGLISH PLEASE!!! Inquiries, Questions that are not in ENGLISH will not be entertained, and ignorance to this policy could be a ground for termination and suspension of your account... For strict compliance... this is a global forum.. so to all my beloved countrymen let us all speak English.. there's no harm in trying.. after all we've been speaking English since primary..
  3. where? i miss partying. lol
  4. pretty fast connection you both have there. congratulations.
  5. hello, sharing your internet connected using a router should work just fine.. except if the one you are referring to is a hub. when you connect your smartbro to a router that router becomes the PC which owns the connection. then it creates another IP for each of the computer connected to the router.. if its a hub, it wont assign any IPs to each computer instead it just connects each computer for it to be able each others resources. Try accessing your ROUTERS PAGE and you have to do some modification in there. refer to the routers manual or you can check some online resources as well. i dont know much about this.. you might as well use the search option, im confident that this has been discussed somewhere here in the site.
  6. TMN means TESTMY.NET .. it's not an assurance that you'll get high speed after the update of the canopy page. instead, you will have new settings and options in your CANOPY page after you have upgraded your canopy. its really optional.. but for the sake of having the latest version would somehow make you feel better,,,hehe..
  7. your speed is pretty fast, though its below the normal speed. a lil tweaking and twisting of your canopy antenna would solve it.
  8. Kindly observe it for a while.. and keep us updated for a while.
  9. www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz9_TwpXoAk for the sake of those who wants to view. click play. if you are lucky enough and if you follow the guides presented here in TMN you can actually go beyond 384.. i got 800 boost speed and around 500 as sustained speed. so far 20 steps by coolbuster is yet the best tweak that i know. I stand corrected.
  10. actually with that kind of speed i wont last until day 2.. call smartbro and ask for a rebate and have your connection fixed.
  11. different versions the same meaning. i do admire the old way of writings.. especially when you mixed it with some fancy deep old words.. so anybody posting a new pic?
  12. i know some of you know but for the sake of who doesn't here's the real deal. the SPEED that is ALLOCATED in a particular AP/color code is being divided by people who are connected to that particular AP with an average limit of 384kbps per user.. for example 1GB of speed that would be around 1, 000 mb 10,000KB and more or less around 100,000kbps.. 100,000 kbps divided by 384 kbps is around 260.. so in an AP that has 1GB allocation should have only a maximum of 260 USERS... in this case its 1GB.. but it does not apply to smartbro which has only a few mb allocated in each ap.. so if you over load it, usually people suffer.. im not sure with the conversion thing, but im sure this is what is happening...
  13. nice speed you got there zazi.. you might want to give off some tips for our friends to try out.. keep it coming..
  14. to quote a mate... "A hungry wolf pretending to be a helpless lamb".
  15. well then theres no need for you to flush anything.. chill... don't make life complicated.. it's already complicated. all right.. i always say this... "keep us updated" ahaha
  16. i don't think flushing dns will solve any issue.. all i used was ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew... it has nothing to do with the slow connection you are experiencing with your smartbro. it's on the canopy positioning or probably the the AP/color code you are connected to. Kindly check your canopy page, change your color code, and try other AP.. forget the flushdns for the meantime..
  17. usually your computer will allow you to flush dns.. try restarting your pc, and see if you still continue to experience such problem it happened to me as well, all i did was restart my pc, restarted my connection and puff.. i was able to flush it.. update us..
  18. okay here's what i have to say.. the most effective way in accessing the CANOPY PAGE is not to use any router. so i advice you to connect the antenna directly to your pc..., since ROUTER has its own IP address and particularly inhibits access to the Subscriber module (antenna)... regarding the TCP/IP configuration, kindly use and have the subnet by its default 255 thingy.. once you have modified the tcp/ip open the command prompt and type " ARP (space) -A " it is possible that you will have multiple results more likely 2 - 3 of them... try each IP on your browser. type them one at a time and see if any of those works.. kindly keep us updated.. we are committed to help each other here, so don't feel dumb nor feel stupid coz we are all experts here, including you.. so i'll be waiting for your update... au revoir!
  19. ahaha.. i'm turning 21 but seriously i haven't seen marijuana in my whole life.. not even cocaine, i don't know if I'm just luck or what. hehe lol, you got me there...
  20. so far there are several options you can choose from, as presented by the previous procedures posted by our good friends here in TMN.. in your case try using in your TCP IP Config and use the subnet.. once you are done changing the tcp ip.. open the command prompt and type" arp -a " take note of the ips you can find and type it in your browser.. tell me how it goes with you.. looking forward to hear from you soon. Thanks for joining TMN.. and welcome to the forum.. i wonder if i know you.. i'm assuming you are aldriche my classmate.. just a guess though..
  21. i have actually experienced this one.. It happened to me when i was reinstalling xp with external drives attached. in my case there was a USB flash drive and an external dvd writer.
  22. How to change a drive letter To change an existing drive letter on a drive, on a partition, or on a volume, follow these steps: 1. Log on as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group. 2. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Performance and Maintenance. 3. Click Administrative Tools, double-click Computer Management, and then click Disk Management in the left pane. 4. Right-click the drive, the partition, the logical drive, or the volume that you want to assign a drive letter to, and then click Change Drive Letter and Paths. 5. Click Change. 6. Click Assign the following drive letter if it is not already selected, click the drive letter that you want to use, and then click OK. 7. Click Yes when you are prompted to confirm the drive letter change. The drive letter of the drive, the partition, or the volume that you specified is changed, and the new drive letter appears in the appropriate drive, partition, or volume in the Disk Management tool. REFERENCE: Microsoft Help and Support Website. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307844 No Copyright Violation intended...
  23. one reminder for momma T.. when you start doing the initiation, make sure he knows that it's not something to enjoy at. make him not want it... whipping is different from teasing.. hope its clear momma T. alright? .. its should not be the same whipping you give to mudmanc or to me or to roco.. remember the cookies? Shug took it! he took the cuffs too
  24. haha.. well if he misbehave momma T can always use her handcuff and give this boy a whip in the ass.. you're gonna love it here.. thats for sure.. so innocent.. hehehe kids this days..
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