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Everything posted by ianonline

  1. clever! time will come that smart will install each user its own base station at home. ahahaha
  2. yeah, cables.. try using a different cable.. and i'm crossing my fingers here.. hoping it will work..
  3. cool..
  4. certainly the cause of the images not showing in friendster is due to some bad DNS... anybody noticed any major slowdown lately? is it just me or others too?
  5. yep, im getting the same problem recently. images on friendster doesn't seem to show up.. i tried calling them and informed them about the issue.. in general everything is good, except from this intermittent loading problem.. By the way, smartbro is now slowly implementing a different method of authentication. before, the system logged the MAC address of your LAN card causing re-registration if the server detects a new MAC ADDRESS, instead they are now logging the MAC ADDRESS of your canopy specific to that particular ACCESS POINT ALONE. you will know if it has been implemented in your area since the log in page is no longer portal.smartbro.net but instead it's going to be bro-portal.smartbro.net... this is actually a good thing since we dont have to call them everytime we change PC... the difference is that you will be asked for your Service reference number and your account number and not your username and password. but the downside of this one is that if you are being re routed to a different tower then the reset would take around 4 hours.. this is based on my experience last sunday.. i called around 12pm got a call from them at around 4 and everything was fixed.. you might be asking if its risky to change the color code.. the answer is NO... you must remember that in a TOWER/CELLSITE there are several Access Point.. they are usually a cluster of 4 or 6 Access POINT to cover the 360 degree requirement... and this access point shares one database.. so you can connect on either of those 6 access point without calling customer care. as long as you are trying to connect to a same cellsite then its not a problem.. you will notice that its a different tower/cellsite since its going to be a diffent color COde... you might have noticed that the color codes comes in order.. in my end its 73 74 75 76 and 77. i connect to 77 at night and 73 in the morning. hehe.. so if its going to be 60 or 80 then i will suspect that its a different tower/cellsite.
  6. sure not a prob.. it was a part time job just to keep me busy during the summer. the pay was good. lol. and in fact it bought me a new pc. ahahaha.. take a look. fresh from the oven. got it yesterday. I'm buying more memory when i get my separation pay.. right now it has 1GB memory and 160 for the hard disk. not bad for a part time eh?
  7. no idea, that's a question that can't be resolved by doing a partial reset. lol.. kindly make sure that the placement of the picture is on the edge of the scanner bed if you are trying to copy a pic. browsing through the menus either on the setup button or the copy menu. you may see something like enlarge, print original size, something like that..
  8. it seems that the printer doesn't want to sacrifice the outputs. ahaha.. it's trying its best to impress you.. probably. lol.
  9. lol, he made an account just to say those line. what a jerk.. anyways.. you don't need to become a tenured agent to know the things sweetie.. being tenured on the production floor means you get more idea on how to solve issues in a timely manner.. but in proportion it still follow the same flow of troubleshooting.. and that's what im trying to share here.. well, you mentioned you got a friend in the company where i used to work? well you can ask him about the last PROMETRIC examination we took... its called AGENT CERTIFICATION.. get your data straight my dear friend.. lol.. probably we were just lucky to have my PRODUCT TRAINER print us a certification.. other than that, i don't need to prove anything, after all I'm here to share what I know and i will humbly admit those things that i don't know.. so stop that crab mentality you have.. Im Pinoy and you are PINOY.. dont be a joke.
  10. my friend, you actually don't have to post several copies.. that could be considered as flooding.. someone will answer it in a moment.. for the meantime why don't you use the search box to search for something you might find interesting... welcome to TMN
  11. over all internet speed has several factors affecting it..first it could be due to your OWN line or probably the website you are trying to access is actually the one that is really slow. if the speed of your internet is fast on the other website then probably its the website is having a problem and not your internet connection.
  12. it is of everybody's duty in this community to share their knowledge on the things they know.. and it is your right to ask questions on the things you are uncertain about. we are glad to help!!!
  13. Nice Question... and yes you are right, inks made by HP are quite expensive and we get that question a lot. this inks are not as of the same quality as of those inks made by other companies.. In HP , the inks are actually the cream of everything in the company. as a technician we have the capability to send you unlimited HARDWARE REPLACEMENT in case the printer after verification of warranty is found defective, everything is based through our personal judgment. but when it comes to inks we actually have to consult our tier 2 supervisors. and we cannot send you an ink replacement without their approval. thats how HP values their inks... .. among the rest of the company who manufactures the same product line I can firmly tell you that HP HAS THE MOST ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY WHEN IT COMES TO INK's... it is a proven fact after a series of test and simulations conducted.. the outputs made from HP inks can last up to whooping 500 years. it is a FACT.. talking about photo papers.. the photo papers may just look plain, but dare to buy one and put it under the microscope you can actually see something very sophisticated.. I am confident to tell you this guys not because i was told by our trainer during our product training, but because i made the testing myself.. we did the simulation and we did the examination our selves. i'm no longer working for HP as of the moment, so "BIAS" is never a part of this response...
  14. lol, not that type.. i heard they got supplements and this magic slippers. where it will send signal to my pituitary gland and simulate the somatotropic hormone which is responsible for growth... hehehe.. being desperate requires further readings... i won't give up..
  15. I got a call one time, when i'm on the process of registering the product, i searched for the product model she gaved me, after 3 minutes of searching i gave-up and assumed that i was given a wrong series of product codes.. so i asked the kind lady to read to me the text she can find in the front panel of the machine, what shed did, she spelled everything for me... E.P.S.O.N.. i was laughing and informed her that she called the HP technical support. she was embarrassed, i told her that we get that a lot (of course not) just to ease her, after knowing she hanged up. case closed for me
  16. well i'm only 5 feet 6 inches.. enough for a typical asian guy... lol.. anyways.. i heard there are lots of stuff out in the market today that can significantly increase your height.. i'm gonna do some research. hehe.
  17. Ei, just wanted to help... I'm a Certified (got a certificate) Hewlett-Packard Technical Support Representative (phone support). So if you have any problems with regards to your HP All In One Printer just ask here and I'll do my best to help you.. Deskjet, PSC, Officejet, Ink Issues, and stuff... I used to handle more than 20 Product lines from HP All In One Department, So instead of calling 1800- 474 6836, just ask here.. From Installation Issues to hardware issues, Information/how to, and other questions related...
  18. the best way to explain everything is by means of illustration. so please refer below... I know one of the major reason why people uses proxy server is due to the anonymity it brings... Good proxy server uses multiple servers, your request is being routed from one server to another before reaching the website that you want to access... YOUR IP IS ----->> ISP recognized you as -----> it will then send a request to a proxy server 321.321.321.321 ------------->>>> then the proxy server will be the one to visit the website so as the IP ADDRESS that will logged on the website/webserver will be 321.321.321.321 and not your IP address.... again the tendency of some Proxy servers is that they tend to route your request from one server to another causing more delay since it will need to pass through each of that server before reaching to you...
  19. is it true that women love tall guys?? did this theory applies to you Mr. Coknuck or she fell in love for some other reason? just curious..
  20. lol.. welcome to the forum my dear friend. Please be aware that using ALL CAPS is rude . since its considered as shouting.. and shouting is not good when your asking for a favor... if you have concerns with regards to your smartbro there has been several posts that i believe has answered your questions... try using the search bar thats what it is for.. happy searching...
  21. hey, im having 500 as my Rssi and jitter of 2 and yet i'm getting a good reception and a good speed... heres the thing you can do.. 1. open your canopy page 2. do an AP evaluation 3. it should give you several results with corresponding color code 4. use the color codes to change the channel on your RADIO tab on the CONFIGURATION pAGE it must be that though you are getting good signal something is interfering on that particular Access Point.. so the least thing you can do right now is change your AP.. usually a cell site has more than 3 AP getting a good RSSI is not an assurance of getting fast connection though it can be a good indicator but still you have to try changing the AP... it may take time but its really worth it.. patience is a virtue.. welcome to the community..
  22. thats what this community is all about.. friendly solution... and yeah I will take your excuse for saying that line. lol "nagbigla lang siguro" which means could be that it was just caught by surprise... and by the way there are threads where you can post your speed.. once again try using the SEARCH BOX.. thats what it is for...
  23. basically along the process of setting up you are actually asked to enter a username and password that would serve as your identification so you can make all the necessary permission to a specific group/type of website. i for once set it to high just to test it, and yeah it blocked MYSPACE.. if you will browse through the dashboard of opendns you can even actually set your own personalized message and even upload a customized image/logo.. i heard about this but never tried it, until you started this thread... so im also thankful for bringing this up.. all you have to remember is your username and password for OPENDNS and the figures YES YES! you can use it without using a router all you have to do is to configure the DNS.. the website illustrated everything perfectly..
  24. it do work.. try going to OPENDNS.com its really great im actually trying it now.. very good for family or business use... i suggest you set this up on your router so you wont have to individually setup each pc connected on it. the site gives a very thorough instructions.
  25. simulating the issue.. kindly wait for a response...
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