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Everything posted by ianonline

  1. i don't know if it has been published on the net, but I'm sure I have read it on the news paper months back.. I forgot the name of the senator, but it mentioned on that particular article that the office of that senator was using smartbro as their primary internet service provider. It was also mentioned that projects and proposals and other transactions are actually being sent using email.. the problem arises when that senator sent a very important email that was due that particular day... and did not make it on time causing a big damage and delay of projects.. it was also mentioned that it was not the first time the office of the senator experienced such inconvenience and with that last event it triggered the investigation... smartbro then offered the senator a dedicated internet connection with a static IP address as to pay for the inconvenience for free. the good thing about it was that one of the staff of the senator browsed through the internet to look for solutions and then stumbled upon several forums that list all the frustrations of the subscriber... the senator declined the offer and told smart to improve their service or else their office will be investigated as per violation of consumer rights....
  2. on the agreement that we signed, it did not mention about getting to trouble if we tweaks or stuff... would we get in trouble NO!!! they will! now that that one of the senator will study this case.. too much complaints from the customers...
  3. i think there is nothing wrong with the reset plug. coz basically this reset plug doesn't do anything with regards to smart.. it just reset your canopy so the settings will be back to the default, it doesn't make your connection speedy nor causes problem with regards to other subscribers.. so it's all good.
  4. hes not selling it.. he's giving it out.. all we have to do is pay for the shipment.. (kapatiran na to, sabay titig wag kang maingay pare) <---- just a filipino proverbs all about friendship..
  5. once again it is normal to have a different result... coz once you run a speed test from testmy.net you are actually testing your speed from your location to the location of testmy.net server... if you are testing your speed using a different website you are actually testing your speed on that particular area where that particular website is hosted... here is a scenario... it is fast to access website that are hosted in the philippines compared to websites that are hosted in indonesia... there are websites that are hosted in London and there are websites hosted in the US.. if you will measure your speed on each country they actually differs...
  6. doing business eh? how much?
  7. Great! what a difference on my end i usually use google to search for each process.. though it takes time I'm somehow confident that I'm on the safe side, i don't like the idea of downloading stuff but yeah, congrats for the speedy connection you have. would you mind monitoring your connection for the next 24 hours and keep us notified so we will know if you have actually solved the problem and not just a burst in speed
  8. i had 105 for my download using freegate and 120 for my ultrasurf..
  9. nope.. but dont worry i'll give it a try and will post a review bout it..
  10. i was looking at your processes.. it seems there are several processes that are actually not important.. try checking each of that process on google.. you will see if those processes are legit or not
  11. you made it up? you mean you lied?> hehe.. kidding.. anyways.. then probably the problem is with your physical smartbro setup itself.. coz the tweakings are done to optimize your computer and not your connection.. so as i what i have said, if the problem is with the line.. then no tweaks can help you with that... try calling the smartbro once again and have it fixed.. and if it still does not work.. don't pay your bills and look for another ISP
  12. i use proxy for anonymity purposes and not to speed up my browsing... if your connection is really slow, your browsing with or without ultrasurf proxy will be slow.. but i must agree that sometimes when i experience problems with my friendster such as pictures not showing up, most of the time i use ultrasurf, and everything is fine.. i was the one who promoted ultrasurf.. so i should say "Ultrasurf" anybody who has another opinion?
  13. I'm sorry to hear that.. with the fact given let me tell you that it's very unlikely to have 300Kbps download and 1-5 Kbps for upload... at least it should be around 50 or something.. anyways.. having said that you have good download, perhaps some tweaking can help you.. try to use the search box and type coolbuster 20 steps it should lead you to a particular thread that teaches you on how to tweak stuff... if you have further question... just use the search box coz mostly your questions have been answered.. more power and hope to hear from you soon.. welcome to testmy.net
  14. straight in a row..
  15. actually I'm serious.... .... NOT!!!!
  16. as expected
  17. hehehe
  18. fathers busy working! lol
  19. i cloned my mac address.. and my 2 pc's are working good.. trying checking the mac address and make sure they are the same
  20. don't be confused. Yes! you have to download this software.. but don't worry it has been tested... and you can take it from me.. it doesn't have any malicious intentions. This particular software is a standalone software. meaning you don't install it... all you have to do is run the program (it won't take more than 10seconds) and set your browser (as mentioned before) and you are all set. it automatically sets Internet explorer and automatically reset to default once you closes the ultra surf..
  21. okay okay.. got it.. lol.
  22. it is normal for smartbro subscribers in a particular location to have the same IP address.. it is because the access points (cellsites) acts as a big router... and your connected to this router using wireless connection thats why you have canopys in your rooftops.. remember the function of the router is to connect several computers to make one network. routers assigns a unique IP address on each subscribers/PC connected to it.... and thats exactly what is happening everytime you turn on your pc.. Your ACCESS POINTS assigns different IP ADDRESS to each computer... Im 101% sure that you are the only person who has this IP address on that network.. (refer to image 1) kindly refer to the illustration.. on the first illustration the field that says IP address is the IP address of your computer as it is identified on the router/access point.. and this goes in random manner.. and this is unique on your computer.. there wont be any computer who will be sharing the same IP address or else it will create a conflict.. the second illustrations show the distribution of IP address on a particular area... each subscribers PC is assigned with different IP address but the access point or the cell site uses only ONE IP ADDRESS the be informed that when you visit a website your computer sends the data/request to the router which is the access point. and this access point/router will be the one who access the website you are trying to visit... on websites that logs IP address it will log the since that is actually the IP address of the computer that accessed the website.. think of the router/access point as the MOTHER.... and the subscribers are the kids... the kids want to go YAHOO.com so the kids told the mother to go to yahoo.com mother went to yahoo.com on the entrance there is a security guard who logs everybody who goes in.. so since physically the mother is the one who went inside then the log will be the mothers IP address.... in our case the ROUTERS IP address and not your PC's IP Address... if you need further explanation respond to this and i'll make things a bit easier.. but i think this one is easy..
  23. i agree. i have nothing against testmy.net (i love it) but it wont hurt if you will try other speed test site.. it's always good to get a second opinion... i may not have thousands of kbps on my speed test... but one thing for sure.. i get a sustained 40 KB/s which i think is good enough for my smartbro..
  24. probably the cable that was used from the canopy to the POE adaptor.. if it's damaged then it could create a noise over the line.. try calling the technical support and have a technician come over your place.. and once it happened informed the technicians that you want to change the entire setup.. and call the customer service once again and ask for a rebate..
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