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Everything posted by ianonline

  1. as what he mentioned it was all about a particular server.. it doesn't happen a lot though..
  2. no not yet.. right now, what i did was change the directory and install it into "MY DOCUMENTS" which is private.. but i know there is really a way.. i will still accept help.. i sent an email to microsoft but still i did not get any response.
  3. good to hear that then...
  4. right now, i was able to check my LIVE account.. if you are trying to sign up probably it's with your IP address/Location....
  5. yep yep.. i think this is the best site for smartbro.. better than customer support. ahaha welcome
  6. it happens if you have created network connections several time using different or the same Lan card.
  7. the speed differs from place to place, country to country, depending where the host is located. for example testmy.net IP address: Host name: a6.e2.364a.static.theplanet.com is from United States(US) in region North America so once you do a download test/upload test you are actually measuring your download/upload speed to that specific region. maybe you have noticed in speedtest(dot)net, it gives you several regions where you can specify a server to test your speed. to measure your speed accurately it's better to test your internet speed against servers located in your own country... that's why it varies from one site to another...
  8. mine is opposite.. it gets faster during rainy days, and somehow faster during hot days.. but in general i got internet connection with smartbro. got some troubles sometimes but it's not a big deal.
  9. mac Monster.. lol.. speaking of computer. i just recently upgraded my service pack to 3.. now im running windows xp SP3
  10. ianonline, ATM, i'm observing the new AP i'm using with only 956 RSSI and Jitter is also 1as of now they say that field contractors are busy doing there maintenance at our base station here and I confirmed it to the field technician himself as he also has his own shop. Just yesterday at noontime until 6 pm our entire place had no internet because of their maintenance and reason is in our place there base station is already congested so i think they are adding up their receiver (if that's the term or antenna) to fix the problem. i see. though "we are doing some system upgrade in your area" is some sort of a lousy excuse cut them some slack and monitor your connection "system upgrade" shouldn't take one week right? unless they are really scrapping the entire cellsite.. keep us updated or whatsoever.. good luck Thanks anyways and I will soon update any changes made.
  11. even if it's designed for vista you can still use it for XP. it's your decision.. you own the unit.. your the boss
  12. several months ago due to curiosity i was forced to buy a one 2 meter 6 pin cord for around 200 pesos.. i used it and was able to do what it was supposed to do such as the reset, this cord has 2 end and both has 6 pin, i assembled one for audio that i used for aiming. you can actually hear radio signals. wooshing sound and high pitched tone. it was amazing, and yet somehow complicated.. but then it's really not worth the try... it's really hard to assemble.. but YEAH for those people who really want a testimony then this is it.. It is possible and it do work...
  13. hahaha.. why not.. we could use some sort of entertainment.. we can draw on her back...
  14. @jared by the way.. i'm using a genuine OS so alteration of something is not a possibility i'll be waiting and at the same time do my own research..
  15. your kidding right?!
  16. nope, no such thing as security
  17. where's the party? FOOD!!! Happy Birthday mate!
  18. the thing is i don't have the security tab you are talking about. hehe.. i'm using XP
  19. diverting from the real issue. ahaha.. they could be hoping that along the way you'll hang up..
  20. ei guys, i need help with regards to this issue I'm having right now, I've conducted many searches for this one but to no avail.. my concern is something like this... My PC is being shared by me and my sister, so we have two separate accounts... I have an administrator rights so is she. When I install a software on the PC it installs for all the users including hers which is not a problem.. but what if I want to install a software only specific to me, I want to install a software where only me can use.. I hope someone can help me with this.. More Power!
  21. yeah, something like that.. i don't know if i can use it simultaneously though. i still have to try it, coz in my family i'm the only person who uses internet a lot. my parents/siblings doesn't even mind having or not having an internet connection, though they surf sometimes.. so i cant ask them to try it out for me.. about combining two canopies; it's actually possible.. you can use one for just download and the other one for upload.. you just have to zero the fields in the canopy page and at the same time modify the MAC address of your canopy. it's useful if you are on TORRENTS where you actually have multiple sources, unlike normal downloads where you are only locked in to one SERVER/HOST... i don't know much about the details but i did stumbled on one topic where they were discussing about this one. yes, its measure to minimize those problems.. coz it's not common for a person to have several canopy's unless they've been making up names.. ahaha a hopeless answer. ahaha. frustrations. (sighs) call them and whine to them, and based on experience, they act fast if you speak english to them.. you will be on priority if you do.. trust me..
  22. i was the one who installed my own SM at home. i got extra SM.
  23. exactly.. that's the new system they have.. basically before you will need a username and password, but in this case the service reference number and the account number as your password. in this method, it won't identify the MAC address of the LAN card you are using, but instead it's going to identify the MAC ADDRESS of your Subscriber Module/Antenna.. in this way, you don't need to call them for reset in an event that you get locked out by using a different PC with a different LAN Card. a good move.. BUT.... i got two canopies. one i use here in the city and the other one i use it in our province around 80KM away from this place.. when i tried to set it up last Friday i was asked for my Service Reference and my Account Number... it did went in but i says "FAILED ACCOUNT REACTIVATION" since my SM was not registered on to that particular AP.. so what i did is call them and have them reset my connection.. they called me after 4 hours and i was able to surf.. without any problem.... i was worried that if i'll go back to the city i will have to do it again, BUT IM SURPRISED since when i turned on my PC i was able to surf the net without having to input the username/password or the Service reference and account number and i was able to browse.. still a glitch..
  24. don't loose hope, it's not the end of the world.. try the tweaks if you haven't.
  25. so its purely with the acquiring network stage right? and it timed out until it says limited connection/no connectivity? it's somehow a problem with the router being unable to assign an IP address to that particular computer.. try the auto sensing somewhere on your lan properties. i used to have this problem with my linksys before..
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