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Everything posted by AlucardHS

  1. Seeing how CSS is not that new of a game and you have a 8800 GT, you should be having no FPS problems. But then again CSS has always had reports about FPS lag. What settings do you have the game on? Are the servers you connecting to close to you or far away? What is your net connection speed ?
  2. Go for A, it wont ask to cuddle, talk, complain, ask for money, call you asking what you are doing or get all emotional. For a better feel put hot water in it other then air !
  3. yea as if that doesn't yell "Steel Me Steel Me" !!!
  4. I use Winternals to just change the admin PW to something else. Really easy tool to use just boot up with it and it will run a OS live from the disk. Then go to the programs on it to change any account PW and boom your done.
  5. ok ok ok ok...for the sake of "The Children" from hurting themselves or others, you should delete my post of bad ideas.
  6. Funny you say that, one of the guys I know in college would mainly call me an Insatiable Jackass. Cause I would give him random answers to questions he would ask me. Sure its all fun and games but yea I tend to give out crazy random ideas.
  7. I wonder how much of anything I say you really think I do? Let see, whenever I bring something up random like this to my real friends they either laugh at it or go with it by adding more to it. You seem to take everything I say to heart. Calm down these are jokes
  8. Now this is what you do! Get the can and turn it upside down so the cold liquid can come out the other end. Find someone sleeping and spray it on the back of their neck. Would be more funny at a drinking party when someone is drunk off their ass and sleep. If you find a way to spray on that persons ass while they are still sleep its even better !
  9. well if he is not going to fight anymore, he still may have his career in the porno industry with Money Talks !
  10. Sticky Keyboards ? MyCafe.Net ? <- that domain is up for sale too Poor Mans Network ? eXtream LAN ?
  11. Test My Net Cafe ? FIOS Cafe ? A Series of Tubes ? 千本桜 ? Net Hub ? ill think of some more later
  12. Ill add some more cool USB drives the USB Leather Flask (250GB Proof) USB Lighter USB Batteries I also found this Epic Shirt when I was looking at the USB stuff. Really why be confined to just one hole?
  13. hey its not illegal until you get caught !
  14. If you get it broken or damaged of any kind. Send it back to NewEgg and they will give you another one the same model or you can ask for something else.
  15. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2010190020%201309822582%201109917865&bop=And&Order=RATING (why doesn't this forum do Auto URL?) That's a list of the top rated 22" monitors from NewEgg. Unless you have some contract with dell that you have to buy their stuff.
  16. http://media.putfile.com/Silverstein-Wins-the-Internet I had my fair share of doing things like this as well. Mainly when Halo PC was very very popular.
  17. why waist good bullets ?
  18. this one is better ! http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=macs_cant
  19. Yes, Yes you did
  20. call the place you got it from and tell them you got the wrong ver of the recovery disk and see what they say.
  21. not like she gonna get anything anyways.
  22. Link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/cnet/20080821/tc_cnet/83011357931002188537_1 But I thought anything Apple "Just Works" ! Unless that more faulty advertisement they are spreading out. Yea this made me LoL for the day.
  23. winamp doesn't support .flv web videos, so your out of luck on that !
  24. 1. have the laptop off before you plug in the monitor, that can be a reason for the distortion. 2. you should get your video drivers from Nvidia themselves since they designed that card. 3. got answer for this 4. if also you can DL the drivers for that monitor from samsung : http://www.samsung.com/us/support/download/supportDown.do?group=&type=&subtype=&model_nm=216BW&language=&cate_type=all&dType=D&mType=DR&vType=R&prd_ia_cd=&disp_nm=216BW a monitor like that is recommended at 1680x1050 at 60Hz or else the pic would not look good or distorted.
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