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Everything posted by Deltamusic

  1. ... Have been doing that for some time, but yes it can get tricky unless ya got xp on all machines. My question is can you put a router on the seconday Nic?? hmmm :Am running a web server and my isp is not real keen on that kinda thing if you have a lot of traffic
  2. I love my Gmail! Have been using since day 1. Have found a lot of good info about problems in the workgoups for Google/Gmail] If the notifier is hanging up go to http://google.gmail.com and log in again. If you have multiple accounts the notifier seems to get lazy.. :occasion14:They just added some new goodies. As far as going public I bet they keep it as "invite only". Keeps bots fromsigning up. They have increased the invites to %) on my accountsI did see in tha groups where a users account was locked cause he sent an invite to ovious spammer.
  3. Am using Mediacom internet and all was great until they changed my ip, dhcp, dns and more. the new ip assigned sucks at best.When I got the service for internet only.... NO TV! I get that from my neighbor's Sat. Well when I call support they always ask how is my TV pic.? , so I check with small portable TV... I check today and have no TV.... but for chan 14, 15, 16, the rest is snow. I call and they say they put a trap on my line as I am not paying for video services They tell me the trap has no effect on data. hmmmm Am I to believe that????
  4. Gmail had a major update on their 1 year rollover. Now with over 2+Gig of storage and growing. Text formatting is avaliable
  5. On the average I get about 2800 down & 230 up... Check and make sure your not on the TV special they ran around Christmas.. It is worse than dialup!!There is a Mediacom service rep in the dslrports form... Name is Scooter I think. Wish one of the reps would join here..
  6. Defrag can take some time....
  7. This has to be the slowest...https://testmy.net/personal_stats_30d.php?User_Name=BeeWoodBee&m=02&d=11&Y=2005 This is a friend of mine speed.. Do ya get a prize for haveing a service that rents you a cable modem that is slower tha dialup
  8. Have you tried "allow multiple instances for Winamp"? Is in Winamp setup... also is your winamp agent running? Have had stranger things happen!!
  9. Have you tried www.blogger.com/ This is a free service from Google and has no Ads! There are a lot of templates avaliable. I used it as an alternate/temp host for my site
  10. MS AntiSpyware vs Ad-Aware vs SpyBot - Results To test how many infected files Microsoft AntiSpyware may have missed, we ran a scan using Ad-Aware and SpyBot immediately after running Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta. Ad-aware revealed that Microsoft AntiSpyware failed to detect 272 critical objects including 73 registry keys, 107 registry values, 89 files and 3 folders. Choosing not to remove any of the files identified and closing Ad-Aware, SpyBot S&D was used to scan the machine in able to see how many infected files it can identify. SpyBot reported 61 problems clearly not as many as Ad-Aware but still surprising that some infected files from Gator where still present on the machine. Ad-Aware Results and SpyBot Results Reverting the virtual machine to the point just before any spyware scan was ran, it was time to test how many infected files Microsoft AntiSpyware would find after an Ad-Aware scan. The first Ad-Aware scan revealed 1309 infected objects and a second scan immediately after a reboot resulted in 291 more infected objects reported. After removal of those objects, we ran Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta. AntiSpyware
  11. Thanks Guys....
  12. I have had SigX for a while and never been charged. All I had to do is register. They want $$ after the trial but I found that I can still update from the config screen. After login and tha sales pitch at the end there is a continue icon. The paid vers has a few more options. I learned how to use with the help ofCagle this sites adm,
  13. Anybody use Mediacom or mchsi? My dl jumped a lot!! :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3506 Kbps about 3.5 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is:: 428 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 63 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.39 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=UFLKF9LWQ
  14. For the most part everything is on the money I have found that I get a better result after a retest on download. Upload stays is very stable for me.
  15. Yea Micro.. I did this about tha same time you did. Most cable isp's do not allow users to have servers and with 2 ip's and twice the downlaod bandwith one could be his own mini isp. I keep my listener count to a low number not to raise any flags at the head end. One of my reserved listeners is my cable tech friend. I found ut he was a listener when I kicked him and then blocked the ip thinking he was one of those bandwith bandits. hehe... As far as the computer is... What would happen if ya had a dual-cpu system?
  16. Yes I have done that. It's pretty cool! Mchsi charges $5.00 for an additiona ip address. I was doing some work on my neighbors pc so I just brought her modem here. As long as the nic and mac address of the modem are registered with the client it works. fine. I have used it for some of my streams. This is where I have learned some of the basics of networks and what ya can.. or cannot do The coax I have comming here is RG-8. Larger than normal cable TV RG59-58., I have very little loss. It also helped when the company that contracted the the the installation of Mediacoms cable system here. I a small town.. The trick was was my computer id. It can get a bit squirrly when the DHPC renews the lease. This is a small town and with the head end just down the road. I will have to try it again since MCHI fot a bit faster. Now if I could get a better upload I would be a happy camper..
  17. is that bandwith with a "B"... am hosting 5 48k, 6 24k music streams that are public. If wanna share some bandwith I can fill it up..
  18. Is this an L33 quiz?
  19. Figured out what happend... how and why is a beyond me. Upon the scandisk my system time and date changed to next month.. ie 10/06/2004. Microsoft says.. "I changed date by mistake"... and it should not be a problem..as time is updated every 5 days... ahh when I did a system start to most recent good boot it booted to 10/08/2004, this starts the cycle over again!! I think I fixed by turning off system restore.. wiping all restore points and then rolling date back. After a hard bood ignore the scandisk request re-sync time and DATE "important" and all is well I hope life will be back to normal next month when I quit getting the message "tha file you are trying to install is older than one on disk" I did learn one thing.. "cpu-time.. ok cpu DATE.. a must! " i always thought that when ya were online 24/7 dsl/cable, etc that the time-date clock was updated. Time yes... date NO!
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