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Everything posted by cak46
Thanks Shug. No, never had the pleasure of dealing with AOL:) Just did a survey for TW and reiterated my displeasure. ISPGeek: I'm an IT professional and have been in networking and programming for over 10 years. You have quite alot of assumptions in your response. What happens when you ASS-U-ME too much? (Makes an ASS Out of (U)you and ME..... I understand that problems occur and that it takes alot for a conversion of this magnitude. I'm a bit perplexed that you assume no one knows as much as you about IT/Networks, etc.. Further, you assume (incorrectly) that I treated the staff of RR with less than professional courtesy. You also assume that I did not know that the support staff, are in essense, the same people. The staff are not the problem here and you are right, they get the brunt of it in these situations. The decisionmakers who implemented the changeover without notifying customers of potential problems are the real culprits. I was told by one of the techs that I did get through to that they were aware that the problem I had was going to be an issue, but they had predicted incorrectly how far-reaching the impact of the problem was going to be. If I implement anything on my networks, I make damn sure there are no unforseen issues that will occur and if there is a known issue that my end users will experience, I have the common courtesy to send them an email prior to the implementation informing them that an issue will occur. Further, I send an email also if I have no unforeseen expectations of problems, again, common courtesy. I'm aware that the implementation affected all other users of RR and this is why other users should complain to RR and get credits as well. This whole situation is just another example of poor customer service by large corporations. My undies get in a bunch when people try to defend the flawed actions of large multi-national corporations driven by their bottom line, not their customer service. Would it have hurt TW-RR to send an email to the Adelphia customers explaining that there may be down time and they expect problems to occur with the changeover from Adelphia to RR? Also, would it have been a big burden and costly for TW-RR to inform Adelphia customers when the implementation was to occur? There is no information coming from TW-RR at all throughout this changeover and this is simply not acceptable for me as an end user who is paying for a service, in my view. YOU need to understand that customer service should be first and foremost in any corporations eyes and should be first and foremost for each staff member. But, then again, the majority of Adelphia customers in the NorthEast only had Adelphia available for cable speeds, so I guess that TW-RR CAN just ignore customer service, since we are a "captured audience", so to speak. I'm sorry, ISPGeek, but the TW-RR decisionmaking process is flawed in my view. If you are a decision maker there, you may want to help alleviate this type of thing from occurring again by looking at it from the customers perspective. If you are frontline support, I feel for you because I know there are many out there that blame the front-line techs. Simply, there is no excuse for poor customer service at any level of a corporation. Peace.
Hi Basic, Thanks for your thoughts. I didn't have much trouble with Adelphia tech support. They were responsive most of the time. HP's product support, though, is a whole different ballgame. I just cannot believe that TW would implement such a far reaching change without doing their homework on it first.
Been a while since I've been around, but this is a story that just needs to be told. I live in the NorthEast where RR just took over my area under the wonderful and delightful deal made for the purchase of Adelphia.............. My connection had been down for at least three days that I'm aware of. Tuesday, I call TW to have them fix the problem. Two and a half hours later, I'm still listening to their advertising in tech support queue hell....... I finally hang up. Wednesday I try a few times to get through, about a half hour each, before calling it quits. Today, I finally get a tech, HOOORAH. He tells me they screwed up on the transfer on many of the adelphia customers and they need to send a signal down the line to fix it and that it will take about an hour for the code to get to the modem because their server is backed up (Must be constipated, I suppose... :haha:). I say, ok, lets do it...... Two hours later, I try the connection and not suprising, still no connection..... :evil6: I call again, wait an hour and 47 minutes just to be disconnected by their phone system because it's overloaded by all of the incoming calls for support for their sub-standard system........... Now, rather pissed , I call back again and wait about another 45 minutes before getting through. The tech sends the codes again, and I'm up and running Yaaay! at right around 1000Kbs........... :cry2: I miss Adelphia..... The only good thing to come out of this is they gave me a two week credit due to their ineptness. So, if you're one of the poor saps, like me, that are stuck with TW and are having trouble in the NorthEast, their conversion of Adelphia customers could be causing part of your problems...... Can anyone beat this????
One of the original reasons, from the stickys I've read, was for a place that members could get together out of the public eye, where people could "loosen up" a bit. For the people under 18, if they are willing to click on a topic that explicitly states "18 and over only" or some other disclaimer, then most likely those individuals have already been to other sites with much more explicit content than seen in here. I feel that limiting the group because of the possibility of some dishonest individual viewing threads they shouldn't just seems wrong to me. I do not care whether nudity is allowed or not. The larger question for me is where it will go from here. What might be next: Violent content, explicit language, references to smoking, drinking, etc., etc.....?
If you are running xp on the machine you can encrypt the folder so she cannot access it. From what I understand, even an administrator cannot access it. Here is how to do it: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/security/learnmore/encryptdata.mspx Hope this helps!
9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future
cak46 replied to kedwon's topic in General Discussion
No Central America? ... Ahh ha...hmmm... Ayuh (Maine thing) -
I think that it would accentuate the value of a dwelling if patch panels and wall jacks are used, compared to running long patch cords through the walls. This is only my opinion, however....
Cost of shielded is significantly more... http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=1460918&sku=C184-32388 If you want to invest in it shielded will reduce any interference, either shielded or unshielded will work, though. Edit: Here is the punch down tool I use, about half way down the page (Wire Stripper Termination Tool) http://www.radioshack.com/search/index.jsp?cp=2032058&f=Taxonomy%2FRSK%2F2032237&categoryId=2032237&kwCatId=2032058&kw=tool&pg=2 Panels are pretty generic so find one in your price range and the number of ports and it should be ok. Don't forget to borrow or buy a tester... It will save you alot of grief in the long run. It tests each wire in the 4 pair set for continuity and will tell you if something is crossed or not connected correctly.
Hi everyone! Let's get to know each other. Nickname - Avatar- Sig
cak46 replied to j3grizz's topic in General Discussion
My id is my initials, the 46 is just random.... No avatar but the dog is mine 14+ years with computers and networking. I work as a Network Administrator (an IT Department of 1 person) for a private non-profit company of about 100+ staff doing pretty much everything involved with LAN setup/support/design, software, hardware, maintaining 8 servers (a mix of sco unix, nt4.0, win2003 srvr. ent. ed.), database programming, help desk support, telephony, etc. for the corporation. They keep me pretty busy but I love it! -
I've never attempted punching down stranded, but a telecom guy I work with who installs cat5 daily told me it's difficult. Stranded is primarily used for patch cords, not in the wall work. Also, stranded is more expensive. The kits that swimmer posted are more for creating long patch cords. From what you siad earlier, it sounded like you wanted to have a patch panel in a room where you would take a patch cord, plug it into the patch panel, then connect the other end into a switch. Each RJ45 female on the patch panel would represent an outlet somewhere in your home. Is this what you were looking to do or was I mistaken? Example of patch panel I've used: http://www.cablemakers.com/patch-panels.htm Edit: Took my other edit out 'cause I'm an idiot and tired on occasion....... http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/search.asp?keywords=cat5e+solid&image122.x=0&image122.y=0
You'll need a punch down tool to attach the wire to the wall jacks and patch panel. I'd suggest not using stranded, this is much harder to punch down than regular cable. A good set of wire strippers. Also, a snake to run the wire down the wall cavities. You can buy spools of wire pretty cheaply on-line and I've also seen it in Home Depot as well. Patience is a good thing to have when getting wire into an existing building Edit: I forgot, you may want to borrow or buy a line tester as well. They are anywhere from 50 to 100 bucks. Got mine from home depot but here is another one from the net. http://www.action-electronics.com/tulan.htm#Tp500
Anyone own one of these or knows someone who does?
cak46 replied to Swimmer's topic in General Discussion
Have one that flys around here. Here is a site info on it: http://flyingchutes.com/ hope it helps. -
L1 cache is the primary cache memory built into your cpu chip. Webopedia defines L2 as this: L2 cache Short for Level 2 cache, cache memory that is external to the microprocessor. In general, L2 cache memory, also called the secondary cache, resides on a separate chip from the microprocessor chip. Although, more and more microprocessors are including L2 caches into their architectures. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/L/L2_cache.html Cholla's got it right........ enable or disable L1 in BIOS (if it's available as an option for your older machine). Hope this helps.
Total time logged in: 12 days, 10 hours and 11 minutes. I come and go as work permits and help out when I can
If a file is in use by another program, such as Word as an example, you won't be able to delete the open file. You can give it a try, just for fun : Make a document file in Word, or some other word processing program, then save it to your desktop. Now, while you have the file you just created open in your word processing program, try to delete it from your desktop. You most likely will get a sharing violation error when you try to delete it. A file does not need to be in the task manager as a process to be locked. Most any file can be locked by just being in use by another program. BTW: There are many sub-processes running underneath each of the listings in the task managers process list.You can see these by downloading a process viewer: here is one that I use: http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file_description/0,fid,6102,00.asp Many spyware programs will load as sub-processes (modules) because these processes are 'hidden' from view in Task Manager. Hope this helps!
Try KillBox to stop execution and delete the file: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/files/killbox.php If you need help with killbox, please let us know! tdawnaz If a file is in use / loaded into memory, there is a lock put on the file preventing deletion.
Sometimes it helps to set your speed to a specific setting, 100mbps full duplex, etc., if you are having trouble with your link and/or speed. Can't hurt to try it.
I thought that the site was split between two servers, maybe load balanced. If I were a script kiddie, couldn't I set up a script to pound the hell out of the download test, chewing major bandwidth on one of the servers?
Just started again.... 9:30pm EST. Fine up until the time. Could it be a DoS attack?
But was it tasty? Thats the real question.... :haha:
I would say my favorites are: (in no particular order): Deniro Dreyfuss Samuel L. Jackson William Shatner (just because I'm a ST addict)
I've had the opposite experience. FF has always been faster than IE on download tests. Could be a function of the machine, but who knows?
^ | | | :haha: :haha: :cool: LMAO-ROF