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Everything posted by paladin

  1. There U go CA3LE messing with ur excellent site.. I haven't been on here in a while, still doing that caregiver thang. Y'all take care now, I check U out some but don't post.
  2. Hello CA3LE: Long time since on forum. Still test on here Quite often. This is still the BEST site for me. I can't get on here much as I am sole caretaker for my Wife who has short term memory loss. Thanks for the great site and Happy New Year.
  3. Thanks for the thoughts guys. I have been playing chief cook,bottle washer,chauffeur and nurse for my ill Wife for a long time now. I now know where the old sayin, A woman's work is never done, comes from.!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone know anything about cholla from way back????
  4. Lordy I remember AOL dialup so, I'm happy with my Suddenlink 15 that usually gets around 25. :cheesy: Happy to finally make a post after a few years, just had other fish to fry. (that's an old East TEXAS Sayin.) Oh by the way CA3LE I quit looking for a test site after finding yours many moons ago.!!!!!
  5. Foxitsoftware.com
  6. TD: I have used Foxit Reader for several years now and no prob., downloads everything that I have tried and it stays well updated also. Sites want you to use Adobe but, Foxit will download it. I also use Secunia PSI and it keeps all my stuff updated or lets me know that an update is available. I don't include MS Update on it though. Just a thought.
  7. I am with you Tommie, Kaspersky I. P. is best for me, along with Counterspy and WinPatrol.
  8. CA3LE: I am sho nuff glad you got it fixed. Thanks. I may not be the brightest screwball on the block but, I am kinda like Coknuck. I have been using the same Junk Protection for a lot of years and have never (Knock on wood) had a bug, virus, insect or web bat on any of my Equip. to this point. (Knock on wood again) Back to work doing NOTHING.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Whoops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Win. 7 SmartScreen is popping up saying this is unsafe website, it pops up every time I change pages. This just started today when I tried to test my speed. It says it has been reported to Microsoft as containing threats to your PC and personal or financial information. First time I have ever had this pop up. Some one needs to check it out.
  10. This is what I get from Suddenlink 30 miles east of Dallas and I am happy with it. We have very few problems here since they finished installing fiber optic and got it set up. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 13492 Kbps about 13.5 Mbps (tested with 12280 kB) Download Speed is:: 1647 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2010-04-02 04:48:06 GMT Bottom Line:: 235X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.62 sec Tested from a 12280 kB file and took 7.456 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 350.94 % faster than the average for host (classicnet.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-07VJSIF5A User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618) [!]
  11. Well TST, I hate that you have to go back, so I will just say again. DO NOT VOLUNTEER FOR ANYTHING AND KEEP YOUR HEAD AS LOW AS YOUR A$$. May GOD Bless and keep you safe. Keep a smile on your face and everyone will be wondering what is up your sleeve.
  12. Folks need to remember that they have the power to change things by using their power to vote. I have friends that do a lot of bit#hing and whining about the sorry state of things but, come time to vote some are too busy to vote. Those are the ones that I tell to go talk to someone else as I don't want to hear it. I can tell you one thing and that is that this ole boy votes every time. IMO people who don't vote have no voice in anything. What I have stated is History and the Future.
  13. Computers have been using me about 5 yrs. and I have been using them for about 5 yrs. I don't really want to learn how to repair them, I just want it to work when I want to use it. I mainly use mine for e-mail, breaking news, Medical news that I can use to argue with my Dr when I do go to see him. Seems he always wants some blood or pee. He always wants me to take a Statin drug and I tell him don't waste your ink as I am not gonna take them. :haha:
  14. Yep, I turned 17 in 1950. The good ole days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No TV unless you were rich. And for sure no AC, the one thing I will not do without now. :haha:
  15. This was Ping for only one player on TV screen. About the time VCR's came out. Early 70's. Don't guess I ever played the one you are talking about.
  16. Just got a new LG 42in LCD and I love it. Beats the H**l out of watching Joe Lewis fighting ? on a snowy TV in the Hardware store's show window back in 1950. More snow than figures on the screen.
  17. GAMES --- I'm still playing Ping on the TV. (not really) :2funny: I bet a lot of you don't even know about that one.
  18. L4L: I am no geek but for my money the Acer is by far the better of these two. Put the specs. side by side and the Acer is better. Better contrast ratio and 3yr Warranty. Also better connectivity. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. paladin

    Good to be back.

    Hey rayray, I remember you well as you reccomended Kapersky IS to me. I still use it and it is the best I have ever had. Thanks. :grin2:
  20. I read most of the Micro#$%&*$ Kb articles about SP3, when I read the one that basically said that it installed all the updates from the past, even the ones I opted not to install, that was enough for me. I WILL NOT BE INSTALLING IT ON MY JUNK. IMHO it is only some more forcefeed from MS to try getting you to buy Vista when you get tired of the SP3 junk.
  21. WELCOME BACK SOLDIER and thank you for your service. I am glad that you made it back in one piece, guess you didn't volunteer for anything per my advice. Off into the wild blue yonder.
  22. If anyone is worried about defragging, go to Ashampoo.com and try the Magical Defrag. I have used it for about a year and it has done a very good job for me. I am not a or a . :haha:
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