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Everything posted by organ_shifter

  1. You can download a free trial of it, after which, you will need a key for it: Kaspersky Personal Trial Page
  2. I'm sure you've noticed that this poll is extreme. In the event that you've had a change of opinion, I've made it so that you can change your vote. If it's not too much to ask, please share your reason for changing. For myself, nothing beats Kaspersky. If you use Kaspersky Anti-Hacker 1.7.130 in addition to Kaspersky Personal Pro version 5.0.20, you will be as secure as it gets through software. Getting the Kaspersky Personal Security Suite 1.0.22 would give you both pieces of software, but the anti-virus program that comes with it is the personal version, not the personal pro. I decided to get them seperately as the pro version of the AV has many more features, including an anti-spyware/malware/adware detector built in.
  3. I need his urgent aid. to explain to him by steps activates a system DW in miami FL, this system exactly changes it of direction transfers it to Cuba. I know other systems DW that are working in the island very well. I read its Gui'a of installation (Very good) exactly installs the antenna and my system DW6000.. The DW6000 this registered by the satellite G11 3700 in the advanced menu, manual option, never I have levels superior in strean to 10. To finish all correct one when in Manual Option I put 1350..aqu
  4. I believe they are only doing the 15/2 in areas that offer FIOS. Cox is fighting fire with fire in Virginia. Arizona has upgraded to 9000/1000 already. Cox is doing their thing.
  5. I believe the record stays up indefinitely, and only loses it's place if it gets beaten by another test. Nvidia, using their SLI technology, swept Futuremark's 3DMark05 Hall of Fame, claiming the top 20 spots. This is the first time that the record has been broken since Nvidia set it back on March 16. 2005.
  6. ATI Technologies Claims World
  7. Anything computer related really. I always find myself tweaking, decompiling/recompiling, downloading, or evaluating a program. I can't go into a store without hitting the electronics section before I leave (always looking for that next piece of new hardware to test out). I'm addicted to technology! When I'm at the house, most of my time is usually consumed from being on the computer.
  8. I second that. About what imbilly?
  9. I believe that the x64 emulator will only play the games from that site (which are all C64 games). The x128 version will probably only play games designed for the C128. I don't know why as the C128 could play C64 games, if I remember correctly. Try the x64 emulator for those games and see if that was the problem. Once you start the emulator, click on "Settings", select "Video settings", click on the "Fullscreen" tab, leave the Driver: Primary Display driver, Bitdepth: 32, Resolution: 640x480, Refreshrate: Default, check the last two boxes, and OK your way out. If you have a game pad, click Settings, select Joystick settings, drop down the list and select the one on your system under "Joystick in port #1", and OK you way out. Click on Settings, and select the option "Save settings on exit", which is second from the bottom. Click on Options, select "Double Size". Click on Options again, go down to "Video standard" and select NTSC-M (for US screen size). That's it. To start a game, click on "File", select "Autostart Disk/Tape Image...", browse to the folder with the game of you choice, select it, and then click Attach. The game/program will start automatically. Games will load just as slow as the original C64, so you will need to click on "Options", and select "Warp mode" (or just press Alt+W to start Warp mode and press Alt+W to turn it back off once the game has started.)
  10. Sounds kinda girly. Yeah baby!! Bring on SA!! It's going to be a back 2 back for Detroit.
  11. Nah. I had a telecommunications disk, but I couldn't ever get it to work properly. I wasn't even aware that it required a modem to function (game fiending 9 year old) until, mabey, a couple of years later. By that time, Nintendo had me with Mario, Contra, Metroid, etc. Although, I would still break out the C64 to play my very first EA Sports title "One On One: Julius Erving and Larry Bird" from 1984. I just got a Commodore emulator. The package contains several (C64, C128, PET, etc) Emulator Here: WinVICE-1.14 Legit Rom Site Here: C64.com Check out these screens from the C64:
  12. Just a little Commodore history. I had a C64 back in 1984, and then got the C128 for Christmas '87. I wanted to play games more than anything else, but my old man made me type out thousand line computer programs. It was his attempt at getting me involved in programming . Gigantic amounts of text just to see a balloon bounce around the screen in rhythmic movements. Ist Commodore: Commodore PET 2001 Released June 1977 US $795 2nd Commodore: Commodore VIC-20 Released January 1981 US $299 3rd Commodore: Commodore 64 Released September 1982 US $595 4th Commodore: Commodore (Business) B128-80 Released Winter 1982 US $1965 (Discontinued after 1 year) 5th Commodore: Commodore SX-64 "Executive" Released January 1984 US $995 (Worlds first portable color computer) 6th Commodore: Commodore Amiga 1000 Shipped July 1985 US $1295 without monitor, US $1790 with RGB monitor 7th Commodore: Commodore Amiga 2000 Shipped 1987 US $1,500 The successor to original Amiga 1000, with the 2000 having much more expansion capability. 8th Commodore: Commodore 128D (USA) Released January 1987 US $499.95 1988: December - Commodore announces the A2286D Bridgeboard for the Amiga 2000. The A2286D contains an 8-MHz Intel 80286 and a 1.2MB 5 1/4-inch disk drive. 1988: Commodore introduces the Amiga 2000HD and the Amiga 2500. 1989: January - Commodore announces that 1 million Amiga computers have been sold. 1989: November - Commodore announces the Amiga 2500/30. It is essentially an Amiga 2000 with a 2630 Accelerator Board (25-MHz 68030 and 68882 math coprocessor). 1990: April - Commodore offers Amiga 1000 owners US$1000 to trade in their Amiga on a new Amiga 2000. 1990: June - Commodore ships the Amiga A3000 computer. 1990: September - NewTek ships the Video Toaster, a hardware/software video effects tool for the Commodore Amiga 2000, for US$1600. 1990: Commodore announces the Amiga 3000. Prices start at US$4100 with a monitor. 1991: January - Commodore releases the CDTV package. It features a CD-ROM player integrated with a 7.16-MHz 68000-based Amiga 500. List price is US$1000. 1992: Commodore introduces the Amiga 600 for a base price of $500. 1994: Commodore International and Commodore Electronics (two of the many international components of Commodore Business Machines) file for voluntary liquidation. 1995: April - At an auction in New York, ESCOM buys all rights, properties, and technologies of Commodore. Present: Gateway 2000 currently owns the Amiga line of computers.
  13. Laptops are nice, but how is that screen for gaming? Does it keep up with the high framerates of today's games?
  14. Yeah, I thought that others might want to post some pics. Didn't want to start a new thread. Ordered it from here: iBUYPOWER (Formally GameVE) EDIT: Also at NewEgg. Price let me down though: NewEgg Page
  15. I just wanted to bump this thread in hopes of seeing some more pics, or changes. I got rid of the water cooling, and went with a giant heatsink/heatpipe fan combo instead. Ca3le, what happened to the pictures man?
  16. Man, I'm getting Comcast out of my life so fast once any type of fiber becomes available (SBC's Project LightSpeed or Verizon FIOS). I hate Comcast, but it's the fastest choice for me right now. I can't wait to leave!!
  17. Just built my latest system this year. Only thing I carried over from the old one is the 1gig of ram, IBM 40gig HD, and the ATI card. My Rig: CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3700+ Clawhammer (Socket 754) Mainboard: DFI LANPARTY UT nF3 250GB GPU: ATI Radeon 9700 Pro 128MB Disc Drives: LITE-ON COMBO SOHC-52x/32x/52x DVD-ROM/CD-RW | LITE-ON LTR-52x/32x/52x CD-RW Memory: Kingston (PC3200) DDR400 2 x 512MB HD: Seagate Barracuda 250GB S-ATA RAID0 | IBM Deskstar 40GB Ultra-ATA 100 Sound: Logitech Z-5500 Digital | nVIDIA MCP2-S 8CH Audio + S/PDIF (Coaxial) Case: Logisys Arcrylic Clear (2xUSB, Mic + Input Out) Cooling: Thermaltake Sonic Tower Heatpipe Cooling PS: Logisys Glacier Aluminum & Arcrylic Moded Gaming 500 Watt I want to get 2-3 gigs of really great low latency ram (OCZ, Corsair, Mushkin, Kingston HyperX) (2-2-2-5) I also desperately need a better graphics card for this motherboard (ATI Radeon X850XTPE 256MB 256-bit GDDR3 VIVO AGP 4X/8X Video Card) After getting those two things, I can easily ride the rest of this year out with it. 1st qt. of 2006, I can sell it and prepare to build a next generation system with all the fixins'. Dual Channel AMD 64 chips should be really cheap by then. Not to mention ATI's new dual GPU technology will be polished.
  18. If you have a splitter in use, be sure that you are using RG6 cable from the wall to the splitter, and then from the splitter to the modem. The flimsy cable is ok for tv signals, but you need the RG6 cable for you internet signal. I had to learn that the hard way back in 2001.
  19. In the process of your modem booting up, you should be able to access the configuration page during that time if you're using a surfboard. I do it all the time with my SB4200. The status page will tell you what step the modem on while booting, and as long as you refresh the page, you will continue to see each step. Even when you have no connection at all, you can still get to the surfboard's config page. When I'm doing extreme tweaking or testing different config files, I reboot all the time. During that process (with my 4200), I open the page all the time. The Status, Signal, Addresses, Configuration, Logs, and Help tabs all work fine for me. My regular modem (which is a Scientific Atlanta DPC2100) won't allow me to open the config page while the modem is booting. Even when the modem is fully booted up, I can only access the System functions. The Signal, Status, Log, and some other yellow button are all disabled. My levels are extremely high because of changing my living room around. I'm connected to a 5 way splitter right now. My speed is affected too.
  20. We did it up a while back in comparisons. View the thread here: 3dmark05 omg........ I scored a 2224 back then. I haven't tested since I upgraded a few things on the pc. Gonna test again.
  21. It would be cool if the news section could have a little preview on the side of the main page, similar to the ads by google. The last 5 articles would be nice to see when the page opens up (like a Testmy.net's live news feed). That way, we'll always know what's new and not interupt the main pages' content. When you click on the link to read more, you would then be taken to the news page.
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