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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Bad plan brother. If your parents are smart and just take it to Best Buy for a free check up they will more than likely quickly find the problem. All you will be doing is depriving yourself of a comp for a while. I would instead tell your parents of your problem while in BB looking at the mid level nicely priced pc's and hinting at your upcoming birthday/sweet 16/anniversary with your gf/the possible brain tumor you have due to your blurred vision and headaches.
  2. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=12803.0[/iurl]
  3. Nero is the absolute best but of course expensive. I used to know of a free program that did what you want perfectly let me see if i can find it.
  4. And happy birthday to my lovely wife. You guys dont get to drunk.
  5. Do NOT post links to illegal content on this site
  6. Sweet man, stick around and enjoy yourself.
  7. :haha: Full Metal Jacket right? That made me laugh so hard my wife came in the room.
  8. Did you just call that lil fat kid a chunk? LMAO, that is great.
  9. Of course Im from Texas, but I dont do those.. Thanks anyway.
  10. Dang Phil I didn't think anyone else in the world watched VH1 but me. I loved where they showed the Japanese guy in the Sushi bar eating all those plates off the conveyor belt. Good stuff.
  11. Phil I gotta tell ya.. I FREAKING LOVE your avatar. Sick.
  12. Hey welcome to the site Aszeroth. Nice speeds man. http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013 Give this a look.
  13. LOL... Uhh yea... whatever you say.... Your not a cop are you? If not come over to my house at 420... ;)
  14. Ahh heck... that aint nothing special. Thats just the video my wife made of me back in 03 when the Playboy website went down for two days.
  15. DAMMIT.... I love that guy. I want him to come to my house and just hang out... play Nintendo... get drunk. He could swallow the pot if the cops come over.
  16. http://www.anonymizer.com/consumer/products/anonymous_surfing/ <---- best bet http://www.the-cloak.com/anonymous-surfing-home.html <----- Meh....
  17. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=12540.0[/iurl]
  18. Damn sexy, I didnt realise you had as many posts as you do.
  19. Damn right I wish.... Ill get ya drunk enough one day.
  20. Some things? You mean like Jackass or you mean like homo? Please clarify.
  21. I am at work now but will get back with you asap.
  22. I recommend System Suite Pro. It is a great all in one program.
  23. Which program is it you are wanting to use? Limewire can be set up to use any port you like. I would first off recommend changing the default port. Some ISP's automatically throttle back bandwidth to certain ports. Change the port in Limewire to something like 40000 and then go to your firewall and forward that port and give Limewire full permission with Mcafee. Then make sure that windows firewall is turned off. Go to your network connections screen in xp and right click, go down and disble xp firewall for your internet connection. Sometimes you turn off the firewall but it is still enabled for one specific connection. Tell me what program you are wanting to use and I will try to help you out as much as possible.
  24. Did you change the ports used from the default ports used by BT. Some isp's will throttle back the bandwidth used for BT. Try not using the default and changing the ports used to a much higher number like 40000.
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