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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. :haha: Cant help ya there, Im not smart enough to do all that dang computer Haxoring or whatever the kids call it nowadays.
  2. Well most of what you have listed there are being used legitly. Like the one touch is the driver for your shortcut buttons at the top of the laptop. I dont see anything that i recognize as a problem. I would suggest a reinstall if possible and use Firefox, IE sucks and just lets all that crap get stuck on your pc. If Spybot and AdAware dont get it try clearing your cookies and IE cache. I would also turn off windows update since most of what they put out causes problems with something. Thats just IMO though I dont know about the update installation. I do know it usually takes a LONG time to install some updates , so try just letting it go for a while. Also I would suggest something like Your Uninstaller (this program is the BOMB if you dont have it get it) you can use it to control start up programs it looks like you have several programs starting you dont need.
  3. Yea I dont think it should be anything BIG, just a little comment with a link. Deffinantly NO auto forward. Thats the kind of crap that pisses me off and one of the many reasons this site is so great (because it doesnt have all that crap just gives you what you want). :D Thanks for the positive feedback.
  4. Sweet man, if you need any help just hollar at me. I can probably help with a couple things. Good luck I hope it takes off.
  5. Ive not liked Apple since I played Dark Cauldren as a LITTLE kid. But hey to each there own. BTW this is by far a unique board, not all the garbage you see else where. Unless you count me.
  6. If after the tweaks you initially got slightly better speeds, I doubt that the settings are to blame. I have seen many people use Van's guide and never seen it slow someone down yet. But hey anything is possible. Im sure Van can give you some insight on this. Good luck.
  7. You FU@#$$ REATARD OF COURSE ITS MAC... GOD WHAT KIND OF HORSE DID YOUR DAD BANG TO MAKE YOU. Oh wait, I mean... bah doesnt really make me any diffrene. If your looking to start a fight I have two suggestions to help you out. Either find RTB and show him that you can download way faster than him and rub it in, if that doesnt work just move along.
  8. :cry: Im not very intelligent. So evil, is Microwave right, has your pc just slowed down lately or where you testing earlier with a diffrent pc or connection?
  9. Welcome to the site and thanks for the nice words, tell your friends about the site it is a word of mouth site. As for the progress bar I dont know if it is possible since your sending the info to the site, ahhh hell Im sure CA3LE can lets wait and see.
  10. So im looking at the total users testing and it has been consistantly over 200 and Im thinking why do so few come to the forum. Then I think "this is a speed test site, what could these people be talking about here" so maybe at the bottom of the speed results page nothing big or overpowering, you could put a link to the forum and put somehting like " Want your speed faster, check out our forum for some great tweaking tips" Somthing like that. Anyway just a thought. What do the rest of you guys think.
  11. Microwave he has Windows XP Pro SP2.
  12. One of my friends had the EXACT same problem just as you described with Cox, after about 2 months they FINALLY figured out his cap was set at the 1MB spot, so you may call them up and ask for them to check your cap. Good luck.
  13. :haha: Im not much for reading but I like that story.
  14. Hell dont appologize it was mostly my fault.
  15. Welcome to the forum , nice upgrade sounds good. And BTW you dont have to worry to much about "Flames" here Mostly good people here and this one Troll looking guy hes a hard ass but he has a heart of gold.
  16. Well, Cobra made mine (its sweet, Thankls Cobra) so once you get sig you want doesnt really matter if its animated or not, you host the file somewhere, there are alot of free sites to host just google and get the top. Then go to your profile and put the link to where the sig is located with before and after the link. You can just google for a sig or if you want a custom I suggest you ask Cobra real nice he is the shiznit when it comes to that. If that didnt answer it good enough PM me ill help you out (help keep the clutter down since we are so off topic), Im about to go to bed though.
  17. Ive laughed so much at it you deserve a karma.. :haha:
  18. :huh: Uh I dont know what your talking about....
  19. Yea probably, I believe it just takes total posts and divides by days since registration. But then again thats math and I get my own age wrong.
  20. Yea your already ahead of alot of people witht he zero smite I had to do something illegal to help RTB just to get mine up :haha: wait....... thats not funny its true.
  21. I just looked at your stats and you average less than a post a day..... That cant be right is it? Seems like you post much more. Have you changed names or did you piss off RTB and get your stats reset?
  22. I do the same. I have links to this site in my sigs where allowed, and plug it on all my regular sites. EVERYONE I have sent here has nothing but great things to say.
  23. :shock: If your not I dont know who is.,
  24. :haha: Holy Shi.... Microwave THAT is funny. :haha:
  25. Yea if you look at the stats, besides the mods and CA3LE we have very few regulars. Thats too bad this is a great site with alot of good people. I plug it at every site/board I associate with.
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