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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. Hmm... That's not even the IP address for testmy.net
  2. You say 'had', do you still have cable tv? If so then you should be upgraded, st least soon.
  3. Please don't post the same exact topic twice.
  4. This topic has been moved to Show off your scores!. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=7831.0[/iurl]
  5. Welcome to the site, capone. That test looks cached. Clear your browser history and turn off any internet accelerators. Also what firewall, if any are you running?
  6. You guys are right. No warez links are allowed. I couln't verify the site since it's down, but from the name of the site and what archive.org showed, it does seem like a wareaz site.
  7. Not so fast guys. http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/nogas.asp Quote from the link above "First of all, everyone's "not purchasing a drop of gasoline for one day" will not cause oil companies to "choke on their stockpiles." Oil companies run their inventories on a weekly basis, and since the "gas out" scheme doesn't call on people to buy less gasoline but simply to shift their date of purchase by one day, oil company stockpiles won't be affected at all. Next, merely shifting the day of purchase will not "hit the entire industry with a net loss of over $4.6 billion." Consumers won't be buying any less gasoline under this "gas out" proposal; they'll simply be purchasing gas a day earlier or a day later than they usually would. The very same amount of gasoline will be sold either way, so the oil companies aren't going to lose any money at all. " Now I've heard boycotting one gas company at a time possibly could work.
  8. I wish my area was that neat. BTW it looks like you love to burn a lot of CD's and DVD's.
  9. I go to the chat room once in a while. Usually sometime between 7-9PM/ET. There aren't too many people there, but hopefully that will change.
  10. Welcome to the site, PONGsiFU. I haven't seen a upload speed that low on Comcast.
  11. I went to the link you posted, and looked at the specifications link.
  12. That doesn't look too bad. The second hop timing out is a little odd though.
  13. From Webopedia: PING "A utility to determine whether a specific IP address is accessible. It works by sending a packet to the specified address and waiting for a reply. PING is used primarily to troubleshoot Internet connections. There are many freeware and shareware Ping utilities available for personal computers. It is often believed that "Ping" is an abbreviation for Packet Internet Groper, but Ping's author has stated that the names comes from the sound that a sonar makes. " Some people also use it to see why a site may be slow. Lower numbers are better. It's measured in MS milliseconds.
  14. Firefox, Hmm... Well, anyway, not all spyware removers remove everything. I personally use Spybod S&D, Adaware and Hijackthis. You may have downloaded spyware without realizing it. Just be careful of downloading things in the future.
  15. I'm sending you a pm.
  16. It could be a BHO (Browser helper object, aka:toolbar). What browser are you using? If IE Do you have XP SP2 installed?
  17. It looks like you also connect it to your computer (specifications) via usb. I wonder what that's for.
  18. Have you tried scanning in safe mode? Did you also try hijackthis?
  19. OMG Emachines must be desperate. Hopefully Gateway will change that. I have an Emachines, and put in a second drive, no problems. Special chip, oh please.
  20. I saw the tracert topic, so here is one for pings. C:Documents and SettingsPeter>ping testmy.net Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=53ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=52ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=52ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=53ms TTL=49 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 52ms, Maximum = 53ms, Average = 52ms
  21. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 369 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 45 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Mon Aug 29 2005 12:56:06 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Bottom Line:: 7X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 22.76 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 0.54 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-6NAMUBETV
  22. Using a router would be cheaper. Unless you need a static IP for whatever.
  23. Well there is 1-888-COMCAST. I'm guessing that doesn't help though.You could look at your bill for your local Comcast office's number.
  24. IP says it's Verizon, so it's real.
  25. It looks likne their toolbar is now gone
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