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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=5706.0[/iurl]
  2. Sounds cool. BTW don't get me wrong, I wasn't flat out saying you were lying. It's just most people don't/arent lucky enough to have connection speeds that fast. And then of course I noticed the " 653% faster than avarage for host" which is usually a red flag.
  3. I doubt those tests are real. No one is 653% faster than avarage for their own ISP. Do you have tha ISP's page with it's advertised speeds?
  4. I comepletely agree. If I understand right, marajuana was made illegal because it could be used for other things(e.g.: hemp rope) so some other big companies lobbied for it to be criminalized. Big buisness =It's all about who has the money and who wants the money. I read that post the same way. :haha:
  5. Mine is set at 50MB, but I don't really care what size it is, since there isn't that much of a speed difference.
  6. Yes there will be a cellphone directory, but It will only be able via 411. Most service providers will have an opt-in option. You won't have to put your number on the list if you don't want to.
  7. Welcome to the forums, stevey722 Nice speeds. What are your advertised speeds?
  8. We have three in my house. My sister has a laptop for school, I hava my own comp and my family shares the other one. The second two are desktops.
  9. Are you sure you're not addicted to TV? You put it twice, J/K I'd say I'm addicted to the internet. E-mail, testmy.net and such.
  10. Welcome to the forums, sundevil13 If you bought your computer there, they may install it for free. If not you will probably have to pay for it. FYI: memory isn't really hard to install, as long as your patient and careful.
  11. What's sad and has too many options?
  12. From Cnet: By Reuters CVS on Monday began selling a disposable digital camcorder which the No. 2 U.S. drugstore chain hopes will boost its photo lab business and be as popular as the single-use film and digital cameras. The $29.99 pocket-size camcorder was developed by Pure Digital Technologies, a San Francisco-based start-up company. Jonathan Kaplan, chief executive of Pure Digital, said the camcorder's launch made CVS the nation's first retailer to offer such a camcorder but it would eventually be distributed widely as other retailers sign up to sell it under their own store brand. The camcorder weighs under 5 ounces and holds 20 minutes of digital video and sound. It features a 1.4 inch color playback screen and an ability to delete video, and it saves video on a memory chip instead of tapes but it has no zooming capability. "Not only is this product for the average Joe, but more importantly, it's simple and easy to use even for someone who has an expensive camcorder they don't want to bring to their fishing trip," said Kaplan. After shooting, customers have to return the recyclable camcorder to their local CVS stores and its contents would then be transferred onto a DVD disc to view and share for a $12.99 processing fee. CVS, based in Woonsocket, R.I., said the camcorder debuted at more than 1,400 stores but its availability would be boosted to more than 4,500 stores by June 26. Single-use film and digital cameras have been cited by analysts as among key drivers of repeat visits to stores, helping traditional photo processors like drugstores and supermarkets mitigate the effects of a declining film market. The camcorder is manufactured in China and the memory chip is supplied by Samsung Electronics, the world's largest memory chipmaker. The one-time-use camera category has grown to 218 million units annually and is expected to account for 38 percent of total film volume in the United States this year, according to Mike Wolf, director of digital photography trends at market research firm, InfoTrends/CAP Ventures. "A simple and affordable one-time use digital camcorder," he said in a statement, "could spur growth in the digital video market in a similar way." Story Copyright
  13. That speed looks pretty good. Welcome to the forums, cembry57
  14. Usually it's bad when you get " * * * Request timed out." to a site, but most of us have gotten the same results when tracert ing that site. The lower the number of hops and lower ##ms (the time it takes to get from one hop to the next) you have are better.
  15. Click on Start>>Run... type in cmd in XP or command in Win 9x Type "tracert insert-site-name-here.com" without the "'s to copy it into a post, RIGHT-click, select Mark and highlight the text to be copied and press Enter. Press Ctrl+V to post into a message.
  16. My first pc was a Packard Bell Legend 520X 386SX CPU 2MB ram, I think or it was 16Mb 2400 Baud* modem with Prodigy "Classic" 5 1/4 and 3.5" floppy drives. 145MB HDD MS-DOS 3.5 Windows 3.0 NO sound card or cd-rom just the system speaker. *From Wikipedia 2400 Baud= 2.4 kbit/s 240B/s
  17. Epson makes a good printer. I've had my Stylus 740 for about 5 years or so.
  18. Also remember some laptop parts are made for a specific model nevermind specific brand. That can make parts become rare and thus expensive pretty quickly.
  19. Technically I have no Idea. But they may need to put your updated info into their system. If you don't see the speed increase in about a week or so call Comcast to make sure they upgraded you. Also, did you already try rebooting your modem to see if that helps?
  20. I've had mine since 2/02 Celeron 1.2Ghz 256MB RAM Intergrated graphics Intel 810E 40GB HDD I also later added another 40GB HD and a SoundBlaster Audigy Gamer 5.1
  21. Welcome to the forums, MacLifer Yes some people here do have the 6Mb/768Kb plan. Sadly I'm not one of them. The 6/768 plan has been available in most areas since April or so. You've been online for 24 years? Cool. Who was your first provider? I remember first using Prodigy "Classic" back in '89 with my 2400 baud modem.
  22. I'm not confused. I was just wondering which number we were "officially" counting.
  23. I got it from the actual number: https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=9993 <--
  24. Pretty good speeds. Welcome to the forums, RKurth
  25. I did the math. Allowed for changes in the number of people joining per day, and my final guess was 6/7 Only 7 more to go.
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