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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. Just to let you guys know, uncapping your modem is illegal. You will eventually get caught.
  2. netmasta


  3. Do you know if it was Maximum PC, PC Mag or PCWorld? Because I keep mine, and I can look through some of them. I think I remember reading something like that too. I think the drive is acually 4 250GB's in some type of RAID array, or something like that.
  4. netmasta


    Maybe he can post on on of the other forums some people have created recently. I have no Idea what the link was either.
  5. netmasta

    AOL does a 360

    We may never know. :haha: Seriously though, I think some of them stay for the e-mail and AIM.
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forums.
  7. I may be wrong, but isn't a T3 45Mbps?
  8. I installed SP2 soon after it came out and have had no problems with it. It adds a few features such as the Windows Security Center, which lets you know if your firewall and virus checker are on and up to date. Also, if you plan on downloading future XP patches, you will have to have SP2 installed first.
  9. Live bookmarks. From Firefox Help: "A special type of bookmark that acts as a folder to contain the links in a feed. You can create a live bookmark by visiting a site with a feed, clicking on the live bookmark icon in the Status Bar, and selecting the feed format you wish to use." Whenever you see the live feed "logo" an orange box, it means that site supports RSS feeds. For the shortcuts, Make sure you have Firefor set to your default browser. Go to Tools>>Options, then "default browser". Make sure the box is checked. In my time using FF, I've noticed that not all links will open in FF. Some of them are designed to open in IE. There are dozens of add-ons for Firefox. Go to https://addons.mozilla.org/ to see a bunch of them. I would highly recommend Adblock. It does an excellent job of blocking unwanted banner ads. You can block basically anything with it, including Flash ads. I also have the Yahoo! Toolbar for firefox. It's available at http://toolbar.yahoo.com As for other extensions, just look around the add-ons site. You'll probably find a few interesting things.
  10. That's true, but you may have to sign up for magazienes, credit cards, etc. that you really don't want or need.
  11. I just joined PHP and billybob12345's forums. Hopefully you will get more members soon.
  12. You have to complete offers and refer people before getting a "free" product. I personaly think these schemes are a little shady.
  13. It looks like you're on Comcast. I'm on Comcast and have had no speed test problems, but over the last few weeks some sites have been loading slow for me too. It seems to have started with the last Sober worm outbreak. maybe some of the servers are extra busy.
  14. Try doing a tracert to the site there may be a slowdown someware along the line. To do a tracert go to Start>>Run. Type in cmd, or (command in win 9x). A screen with c:Documents and settings%user name% should show up. there type "tracert testmy.net" without the "s. To copy that info into a post, RIGHT-click, than select mart and highlight the text and press enter. Then press Ctrl-v to paste it into a message.
  15. Only 625 to go. If 44 people join per day in the next 14 days, my guess could be right.
  16. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4001 Kbps about 4 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 488 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (prem) Test Time:: Wed May 25 2005 10:53:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Bottom Line:: 71X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.1 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 11.26 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-GOIARUB67
  17. That is odd. Here is how mine looks:
  18. It's right over " Return to topics after posting by default." in the "look and layout preferences" section of your profile. lol, I wonder why the word password is censored.
  19. I just firgured it out. You must have accedently unchecked the box in your profile that says "leave words uncensored".
  20. You could put the links to the stories on a fader thing at the top of the page like the last 10 posts thing that was there before.Of course it could't be on testing pages.
  21. I still see password (p a s s w o r d). No *'s here.
  22. Where does this happen?
  23. I've seen that before, lol
  24. It doen't seem to always work for me either.
  25. Sorry, but I have no more ideas. Hopefully you'll know what to do in the future though. About secret questions, that is.
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