lol funny how every topic in every forum never fails to go off-topic in some way.
annnnnnyways, video games arent the cause of violence, people are just violent by nature. we had wars before video games and movies and before plays even so lets just drop that subject...
also, video games dont have a point but to entertain someone long enough so they shell out 50 bucks for it then keep them entertained just long enough so they wont return it. lol, i love video games, but thats everythings purpose that u can buy. however, if u want to look past that, , then the point of video games is just to entertain, not encourage violence or drive really fast through streets or kill cops or whatever. if someone takes it the wrong way, thats their fault, not video games. it just depends on the person. ive played video games since before i understood what i was doing (back in the NES days) and ive never had a thought of going and running over a crowd of gangsters, then get out of the car and use a flamehrower on the rest, then take a sniper rifle and wait for the cops to show then blow their heads off like u can in grand theft auto cuz i know its not real.