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Everything posted by Cobra

  1. isnt it interesting that as much as people complain about XP and microsoft... XP is getting 88.9% of the votes... not that i can talk, i voted for xp, too.
  2. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1788 Kbps about 1.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 218 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Sat Feb 19 2005 14:48:30 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 32X faster than 56K 1MB download in 4.7 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 54.63 % of your hosts average (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-ANPHYC185 i remember the days when i thought i had some super-fast connection but it was only cuz i was using IE... sigh... imagine the yellow here being my speed-
  3. meh, i dont like microsoft for a couple reasons: 1. their support people suck 2. my computer constantly crashes, then on restart (only thing i can do to fix it...) it takes forever error-checking and never finds anything, then error-reports, which after it finishes automatically loads IE, which will do one of two things: -bring up their stupid support center site where they tell me that they still (after months and months of this same crash...) dont know what the source of the problem is -or cause my computer to crash again because it loaded buggy IE...
  4. neowin! woo! representin' dawgz! lol, ok, ill stop now.
  5. thanks ca3le. now ive gotta go change this > to this /> for stuff in all my files. what fun. lol, swimmer, to quote the GMC, "It's not more than you need, just more than you're used to." i dont think that internet explorer automatically fixing my errors is it, i think its just firefox trying to color code the html code when you view the source. i also think that when u viewed it the first time and it was messed up, ca3le, i hadnt fixed the comment problem yet. then when u changed stuff, i had already changed the amount of dashes before "Demetri" from one to two, which fixed the main display problem. also, im not that lazy of a programmer, i just assumed that imageready coded it correctly and didnt want to mess with it. in all the coding i did, i added the /> at the end of code where it was needed.
  6. okay, well, i fixed it. apparently it was my fault because in the commentary i put jokes from Demetri Martin (my favorite comedian) and at the end of each joke segment of commentary, i put "--Demetri Martin -->" somehow, the "--" before "Demetri Martin" threw it off or whatever... firefox keeps editting my code... sigh... it even took out the "<!" in a couple places, making text show up with "--" in front... friggen FF...
  7. okay, i just recently added commentary to the source of my site, mostly jokes from my favorite comidian- Demetri Martin. so i open it in FireFox and everything is just messed up and all over the place. i check the source and firefox occasionally ignored the --> sign i used to show that i was done writing commentary. then i open it in IE and and everythings fine. whats with that? to show u what i was talking about, try opening these in both FF and IE before commentary: www.cobradesigns.tk after commentary: http://sub-snackysmores-litelinux-net.litelinux.net/cobradesigns/home.html
  8. tried doing that once... microsoft said that i was a criminal and banned the licence number from being used again so i had to buy another copy...
  9. lol whatre u saying shug? that the old one was girly? lol just messin with u shug
  10. really like the new logo. allowing ppl to make wallpapers is a good idea, but if we have to cut it out the the bg itll look bad. i would suggest saving it as a transparent .png and offering it up for download
  11. dude, ive only gotten two... the windows update site always fails for me and the auto updates dont work either...
  12. i used to wish that until i remembered that having them separate keeps them competing. if they all combined into one, they could charge a really high price for it, then never update it becuase theyre the only ones who make an anti-spyware program, so they really dont have to...
  13. couldnt someone make the file(s) a virus and then testmy.net downloads it, then the people who ran the test download it? risky business...
  14. lol so are the viruses. i use firefox. on my website i have message that only appears when u use a crappy, outdated browser such as IE. i tested it out too, it works
  15. Cobra


    yea, im just waiting for those friggen spacend ppl to email me... taking forever...
  16. anybody know of any fast free hosting? right now i use luwigie's server to host stuff, but his is kinda slow, sooo i wanna switch to something else. any ideas? lol, i could pay for hosting, but im way too cheap
  17. how do i configure it to open firefox when i click the internet icon? also how do i configure it to check my gmail account and, if possible, open the gmail website in firefox? right now it doesnt check any email, but when i double-click the email icon, it opens both outlook express and aim. i dont get y it opens aim...
  18. that was weird,,, too bad my sound doesnt work...
  19. kinda like y2k eh? bet it was a scheme invented by walmart to increase sales
  20. my only complaint is that the new forums skins doesnt match the rest of the site like the last one did.
  21. ive seen that ava be4, cept it was green and animated. ya, we need a mods only section so we can discuss the... troublemakers around here...
  22. lol i take showers because i dont like having dust mites and parasites and BILLIONS of dead skin cells on me plus baths take too long...
  23. thx
  24. lol id get bored before id finish. id be like "ok, so if a penny weighs... zzzzZZZzzzzZZZzzzz..."
  25. lol i wear glasses so i wouldnt know. see im like this B^( while ur like this 8^) lucky bastard...
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