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Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. oh my gosh! can't modify anymore my post in the previous page
  2. DON'T WORRY.. i tried it out of curiousity...just can't access your Canopy from my point.
  3. nah...its no big deal..
  4. dude...you knew i was kidding, learning how to make fun out of small things. its a perfect morning for us, come join!
  5. what? are your crazy? man don't ever do that!
  6. I prupose the name of the Company would be TWEAKING BROADBAND, INC. (TBI) We Tweak You and Your PC! :2funny:
  7. yes! we will COMPIT and SPIT on them :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
  8. looks like tamie77 has enrolled in my 600+ club
  9. snip07's canopy ip is, right?
  10. hey, be careful in posting sensitive data. you might end up being hacked!
  11. to be easily understood, here's how i look at it: 1. From the other PC go to command prompt 2. type telnet 10.xxx.xxx.xx hit enter 3. if canopy already accessed type clearwebfile 4. you have access to your sidebar. is that it?
  12. lets keep things organized. so for example i'll pretend im the one who can't access the canopy thru my own PC. Here's what im gonna do. 1. Know first my Canopy IP address. 2. Go to another PC with a diff ISP or Dial-up 3. Open IE and put the Canopy IP address in the address bar, hit enter 4. Then the Canopy web interface will show up. Question: Can I change/configure the setting of my Canopy from there?
  13. haha. now you're happy huh? be careful with the configurations ok? don't mess it up. you've already been given the best chance.
  14. aha. i hope im right. i already figured it out. test time tomorrow.
  15. i'm trying to figure it out. is the ap address the same as the default gateway?
  16. @ mapuamj welcome to the forum. hope you'll have a nice stay here.
  17. in case you do not know @ mapuamj, what you're doing is forum shopping.
  18. can you possibly do a step by step tutorial on this one? coz a lotta people have been craving for answers. thanks. it would be a great help to others.
  19. ok. btw, for starters here's a link to my initial post on the 20 Steps to Make SmartBro Faster http://www.testmy.net/t-20438.0
  20. oh yeah i remember. ok so we'll just wait, we can learn a lot from him
  21. five means ranging from 10,000 up to 99,999 right? with the high cost of commodities in PI, its not enough.
  22. @fr0stbound that explains it. you get more seeders the faster your DL. the more your peers the faster UL.
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