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Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. you are welcome!. can you do me a favor? do all these tweaks and post your uTorrent screenshots. this way we will know if its really working. thanks!
  2. Does anyone know any fastest DNS server than Open DNS?
  3. Update: Got the email reply from SmartBro. They declined the offer. :sad3:
  4. doesn't matter if your englih is crooked or not. what matters most is we can interact and exchange ideas.
  5. @ fr0stbound I got some nice tips in the thread: SmartBro uTorrent Setup. For more tips click this http://www.bootstrike.com/Articles/BitTorrentGuide/index.html
  6. Hey guys! I got these tips on how to obtain a green tick with your uTorrent. (Disclaimer: Do these at your own risk!). Check it out: Further Things You Can Try For Optimum Speed There should be a green tick at the bottom, not a exclamation mark. To get more peers, right-click the entry on the list, and click Update Tracker. Do this especially if you are on a private tracker before you exit the application, so that your ratio is maintained. Setting a high upload can sometimes slow down a fast torrent. For example, in my ADSL connection, if I do not upload anything I can get up to 350KB/s. If I upload at 45%, the download speed gets limited to 200KB/s. This is where you have to experiment by setting a low upload rate (from 15 at Preferences > Network) and watching if the speeds increase, especially if the torrent is heavily seeded. But remember, you must upload in order for peers to share their downloaded data with you. It is possible to set a very low upload, but the chance of peers sending you their data will decrease, pulling down your download speed. Some people have reported speed increases by setting the peer.lazy_bitfield setting to false in Advanced Preferences. However, in my case, it lowered the speeds. Change the Protocol Encryption to Forced. This will force encryption on all outgoing packets and will not fallback to un-encrypted mode if the peer refuses to co-operate. Good to connect to only encryption-enabled peers. Avoid doing this for torrents with low peers/seeds. Remove the check for "Allow Incoming Legacy Connections". This will make all your outgoing and incoming packets fully encrypted, except for tracker communications. Peers who are using a client that don't support encryption are dropped. Avoid doing this for torrents with low peers/seeds. Avoid private trackers, especially those with torrents that specifically tell utorrent to disable DHT (effectively disabling Peer Exchange too). You can tell if the torrent is private by selecting the torrent and looking at the DHT value. If it says "disabled", it is a private torrent. Check the Availability column for the torrent. If it is less than 1, chances are that the torrent is new and the original uploaded is still. However, if it remains at a value less than 1 (eg, 0.98) for more than a day, either the torrent does not have seeds or it is fake. (Thanks TTbarDJ) Click this for more http://www.bootstrike.com/Articles/BitTorrentGuide/index.html Hope this helps!
  7. that sounds cool. i see you're in high spirit...
  8. @ scriva are you using cablenut or another software? if on cablenut kindly post your setting here so you can help others.
  9. here's another one! nice speed. too good to be true
  10. amazing broadband. look at this! this score is impossible but entertaining
  11. @ scriva. welcome to the forum! is your speed a product of tweaking or you haven't touched a stone yet?
  12. oh @ tonio... please read carefully...
  13. please be reminded guys that this is an international forum, its better to use english as our forum language so readers from other countries can understand and may share some insights.
  14. a RJ 11 plug is very affordable. however, its the searching that costs much. it took me almost 2 weeks all in all finding the supplier of the material. we will manufacture about 10 override plugs and it will be available on per order basis.
  15. crimping tools are usually available at internet shops, computer dealers and hardware stores. what's hard to find is the RJ 11 6-pin plug. so rare.
  16. I will post the screenshot and price in my friendster blog. it will cover the material & labor cost plus the freight. will be available next week.
  17. yup i did. i forwarded ports of uTorrent, limewire, and a download manager.
  18. a RJ 11 plug is very affordable. however, its the searching that costs much. it took me almost 2 weeks all in all finding the supplier of the material. we will manufacture about 10 override plugs and it will be available on per order basis.
  19. as what the Motorola Canopy tech support emailed me, the reset to default will only be on the usernames, passwords and ip address of the canopy when using the override plug. configs will remain intact unless you reset it to factory settings.
  20. i already got several RJ 11 6 pin plugs, just waitin for the crimping tool to arrive
  21. nice speed. though its speedtest.net
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