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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. i advise you to not mess up with your canopy. dont change anything except the dl/ul throughput and the dl/ul burst. now try these utorrent settings: 1. go to preferences/downloads: uncheck "Append .!ut to incomplete files"; check "Pre-allocate all files"; check "Prevent standby if there are active torrents". 2. go to connection: make sure you use a value above 40000 in "Port used for incoming connections". uncheck "Randomize ports..."; uncheck "Enable UPnP port mapping; uncheck "Enable NAT-PMP port mapping; check "Add uTorrent to Windows Firewall Exceptions" (very important). Set Maximum upload rate = 60; Maximum download rate = 0 (w/c is unlimited) 3. go to BitTorrent: Global maximum number of connections = 375; Maximum number of connected peers per torrent = 100; Number of upload slots per torrent = 4; check "Use additional upload slots if upload speed < 90%; check "Enable DHT Network", "Enable DHT for new torrents", "Asl tracker for scrape info", "Enable peer exchange"; enable outgoing Protocol Encryption; check Allow incoming legacy connections. click apply. 4. go to Advanced: click "net.max_halfopen", in the Value box put 100, click set, apply. click "peer.disconnect_inactive_interval", in the value box put 600, click set, apply, ok. 5. restart uTorrent. See to it that your torrent will have the most number of seeders than your peers. you download from the seeders, upload to your peers. Also make sure your firewall not just allow uTorrent.exe but also the TCP & UDP port being used. Try it and post the result.
  2. i understand you feel the other way with that speed. i suggest you read the other topics, there's a lot which can be of help to speed up.
  3. i understand that SendFar's range is up to 6 kms while Canopy is just 3 kms. since SendFar can reach a base station far better than Canopy, there must be something in SendFar that pulls the signal therefore faster speed, right? it will be beneficial for those who are closer to the base station, don't you think so?
  4. of course. your line can serve 2 masters at the same time, however, one should be the priority. if you want browsing be prioritized over p2p sharing, then have cFosSpeed installed. the lease expiry won't affect speed. i think there's a solution for that somewhere in the fora. try to shop for answers
  5. i just had a couple of program ports forwarded. there was a time when I used cFosSpeed, i discovered that SmartBro is using a "remote router" (please correct me if im wrong). i believe this is the equipment used to distribute evenly the bandwidth allocation of each base station, which limits our uploads and downloads however we do the tweaking. if tech support reveals to you the name of this equipment then portforwarding will be easier.
  6. simple. open your uTorrent window and click the items you are downloading and hit "stop". if you have finished downloading and just seeding, you can uninstall uTorrent if you like. uTorrent is a standalone software that uses minimal system resources, but certainly will affect your speedtesting.
  7. tweaked a friend's pc this afternoon, check out her download speed on actual download from a website (hid the site and file name for a reason ). this is at 5:30 pm MLA time.
  8. Hey guys! I would like to know who among you would like to have SendFar installed as SmartBro antenna instead of Canopy, or those whou'd like to stick with the latter? This is Canopy This is SendFar I have heard and read positive feedback on SendFar but your opinions will greatly help. My plan is to forward to SmartBro as many responses as possible.
  9. i really wished SmartBro has considered my request for the replacement of my Canopy to a SendFar antenna but unfortunately they turned it down. I will surely make a new thread regarding SendFar.
  10. ok nice. you're back to the 400 club. from my memory: 1 mile = 1.609344 kilometer
  11. now if you think everything's been set in your canopy, think again. i guess you had the setting maxxed to 500 & 1500, right? if i am correct, try to make a little adjustment. try the values 448 and 1024, if it does not do good, just revert it.
  12. yes i did. btw, have you seen that tiny yelow exclamation mark in the lowest middle part of the uTorrent window? click it and it will show you the Connection Type. Your choice should range from 384 kbps up to 648kbps depending on what setting gave you the best result. A setting more than that will hurt your connection. Also, enable encryption which I believe will help increase speed. i have a question, did you tweak your smartbro already?
  13. consistency, i guess, should be the key. results surely will vary when testing from different speed test servers on different occasions. hmmmm. well, it's smartbro, the speed is always intermittent.
  14. huh? is your original speed the one in your sig? a kilobyte or two wont hurt you right?
  15. @ just- my pleasure. it's nice to know a veteran from tm.n recognizes my input. more to come.
  16. you're maybe correct coz i have not checked out myself the canopy configs of my neighbors after that. what i did to open a port for p2p sharing is to portforward my uTorrent port using the software from portforward.com. i can see a green check button somewhere in the lowest middle part of the uTorrent window which tells me that my network is working as it should be. usually if a uTorrent port is blocked, a red exclamation point circular button or a yellow exclamation point triangular button would appear. i can download up to maximum of 80kB/s and upload up to 100kB/s during non-peak hours. for peak hrs an average of 50kB/s download and 60kB/s upload.
  17. @ grift3r74 it's nice to have you back. im wondering what gourame & jun101ph are doing now. they have not posted more often.
  18. It's possible. Last month in our place, technicians from SmartBro went house to house to put a unique IP address to every canopy. All my neighbors availed, me unfortunalety didn't coz i was not home.
  19. Here's how to allow a uTorrent Port through your firewall. 1) Start Menu/Control Panel/Switch to Classic View/Windows Firewall/Exceptions 2) If uTorrent is not shown in Exception/Programs and Services, click Add Program, browse for uTorrent, click uTorrent, click ok. 3) To add a port - click Add Port: 3.a) For TCP Port: Name it to something like uTorrent TCP port then enter port number of uTorrent (see the Listening Port in uTorrent options), click TCP button, click Ok. 3. For UDP Port: Name it to something like uTorrent UDP port then enter port number of uTorrent (see the Listening Port in uTorrent options), click UDP button, click Ok. 4) Close Add Port window. 5) Click Ok to close Firewall window. Restart PC.
  20. Nice tutorial to speed up uTorrent http://www.johntp.com/2006/04/19/how-to-increase-download-speeds-of-utorrent/
  21. could be. better start emailing customer service.
  22. for me, i would not mind whether its 100Mbps or 10Mbps. SmartBro isn't even giving its subcribers 10% of the lan card speed.
  23. so you are close to where the abu's are? really, are you?
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