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Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. nope. i was born and perfected in davao
  2. the best internet booster that i know is MONEY. you pay more you get more... am i correct?
  3. but i know philcom does it faster when it comes to technical help and line fixing
  4. good night man. hope you'll wake up tomorrow with your smartbro at 512 kbps!
  5. that's a OK. thumb's up!
  6. my favorite line. think positively. be optimistic.
  7. i know. i'll try it first with the neighboorhood.
  8. just be optimistic. we'll reach the 7th heaven when time comes!
  9. i'll be manufacturing starting tomorrow. will show screenies of those pretty soon.
  10. not just do their jobs but upgrade their base stations
  11. yeah. great & improving!
  12. nah if you are in CDO, why not get Philcom DSL? they give 512 kbps am i correct?
  13. Update: I finally befriended a supplier of RJ-11 6-pin plugs! Would someone be against if I can be a supplier of override plugs?
  14. kinda bz with obtaining an NBI clearance for employment purposes. i am very happy we have a growing community and the numbers are counting. my aspiration is that there will be more happy members than complainants
  15. @ tonio. welcome to the forum. congrats on your new speed!
  16. hahaha. he's just playin with us guys. im pretty sure justinlay's not on smartbro! look at his host...weeee!
  17. @ 8:00 am aug 10th having a speedtest with pldt mydsl in comparison to SmartBro big difference
  18. update: if you already have satisfactory speed tested for a week, then write down the values of your cablenut setting and keep it. you might need to re-apply your setting at least once a week. the registry values might change from time to time especially if your downloading/installing Windows Updates.
  19. ispayk & -Procopio welcome to the forum.
  20. azureus is created on java that's why it uses a lot of RAM. uTorrent is a standalone program and uses less RAM. but you can use both, together or alternately, depending on you memory capacity, speed and P2P settings.
  21. not yet. they emailed me they will discuss it in a meeting.
  22. i think you skipped one thing when using tcp opti. you have to have the slider pointed to your desired speed. here's a tip when using TCP opti: slide from 384 kbps up to 3000 kbps, and remember which gave you satisfactory speed. also, be careful of the Receive Window (RWin) you might be using the wrong values.
  23. talking 'bout consistency: here's a score that's consistent i tested it over pldt mydsl. the DL and UL are not that fast compared to SmartBro, but are always the same every test. very consistent.
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