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Everything posted by fr0stbound

  1. same here. but i still get 45-50 kB/s dl, so its ok.
  2. how long has he been skating? that's a very bad way to land a crash.(pun not intended)
  3. you should choose the one that says always on.
  4. hmm,my isp is smartbro wifi. my browser is mozilla firefox v2
  5. well, there's no harm in trying. can't believe i only remembered about the stinger now, when i have a printout of the instructions and the actual aluminum sheet i intended to make it with. but i didn't continue to make it because i realized that i have good communication with the base station already.
  6. you really shouldn't notice much difference in them. if you did, most probably one of them is defective.
  7. you first choose a suitable color code by running an AP evaluation at Tools>AP Eval. when you have chosen a color code, then you put it at the color code section of Configuration>Radio
  8. you can watch those there? i can't watch them in crunchyroll since they're already licensed. back to topic i only just remembered, for those with communication problems between their canopy and basestation, you might try this. its called a stinger. a more detailed explanation is given at the second post,and lower on the page is instructions on how to make it. look here http://www.testmy.net/t-18616.135
  9. don't worry, you'll be able to achieve those speeds too soon. just browse through the posts. just don't look at coolbuster's speed test results too much, it will depress you.(just joking) peace coolbuster! rock on!
  10. first of all, a great,big to the new members and a word of advice, when posting your email address, code them for security reasons. for example, my email address is fr0stbound at y a hoooo dot com. @dency45 - based on my experience, the person who called you is much more experienced than the people who call me. patience is very important. off topic - where do you watch anime? www.crunchyroll.com ?? @sourness - hope you find time to tweak your connection soon.
  11. again, don't take my word for it,coz i'm no expert. i think it will be fine, just don't use the spare 2 wires. @dency45 - how did the call go? what did they tell you?
  12. hmm, i think its the same, since your shorting them out anyway. don't take my word for it though, you might break your canopy if you do this wrong. i haven't tried to make an override plug, since i can access my canopy already.
  13. did you return your ip to auto detect?
  14. nice speeds. at around this time of day, i can't even achieve 300+.
  15. yes, it is now open. looks like i still have smbro
  16. thanks. it helped.
  17. do you know what those failed hash checks mean?
  18. i intend to uninstall them later. i tried taking speedtests with different browsers to check if my wrong results was only because of firefox, which used to be my stand alone browser.looks like all of them are the same though.
  19. yes,it is an OS. i really don't want to repeat it. i even left my computer running overnight while i was sleeping.
  20. i wanted to check if my base station is upgraded already, but the portal is closed.
  21. oh, ok. i really don't want to redl it,its 3Gig. takes forever to dl with our speed.
  22. nothing comes out.and the address bar changes to "about:blank"
  23. is that link correct? i can't open it
  24. but will i have to repeat the dl? is the file broken?
  25. im having a lot of messages saying "failed hash check". does it mean the download is broken? is there a point in continuing to dl it?
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