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Everything posted by fr0stbound

  1. yes, your speed test result sucks. did you try to tweak it already?
  2. rj-11 6 pins don't exist? maybe they just don't have it in stock, since coolbuster already have some of them.
  3. the contractors who went here also said they get paid 400 a visit. if they visit 3 houses a day, that'll be Php 1,200. not a bad career i must say, and with their faulty connection, a lot of subscribers will be wanting a visit.
  4. very nice speed there
  5. hmm, again, the usual rant :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 193 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Download Speed is:: 24 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2007/08/19 - 9:24pm Bottom Line:: 3X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 42.67 sec Tested from a 579 kB file and took 24.549 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 80.75 % of your hosts average (smartbro.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-3FJGKD164 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Firefox/ (Ubuntu-feisty) [!]
  6. to tell you the truth, im not really interested. first of all, 2000 per month is too steep for me since i'm only a student. second, there is that 24 month lock. if i am not satisfied with it, the i don't think id want to stick with it for 2 years. the one year with smartbro is enough.
  7. welcome to the forum. the mac address is used to access the canopy if it is blocked
  8. hey, thats what this forum is for glad we could help
  9. thats news to me, i haven't heard of it before.
  10. really? here's how my girlfriend looks like. you people take a long time to post 1 pic, and here i am about to post my third. cmon people, lets keep this thread alive.
  11. me i only have 3 APs, and i can't switch to the other to.when id do,i get a limited or no connectivity in th notification area. the one i can use has 36 users.
  12. well, there are many people who helped me out, so i guess they won't be satisfied in a bowl of soup or something like that.
  13. oh, i thought you have tasted it and liked it. anyway, i was just joking, if all of you who helped me out in this forum ever come over to my house, i'll serve you a feast.
  14. you actually eat that? i don't think i will like the taste of it.
  15. what will that /mac.html bring up? because i can access my canopy page by just typing adding/mac.html to it does nothing.
  16. hmm, cucumber sandwich?
  17. hey, great find. i miss the nes
  18. i tried it but it said that the connection was reset.
  19. its a lot more better than bribing them with money
  20. sir steel, when i try to use that,all i get is a blank page. it looks like it connected with the canopy though, since the logo of the canopy appeared in the address bar.
  21. so you removed cfosspeed and in the process, removed some files you did not know? well, here's what you do. if you followed the 20 steps to tweak smart then you should have ccleaner. run it. then reinstall cfospeed.
  22. thanks for correcting me.
  23. thnx, i'll try it. btw, since i already post a pic,i'll post a favorite pic of mine, last year's halloween mask
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