Yea, ive found out the hard way before... it took me a couple hours to get back online...
also, you may have to do the crosspol test for a long time... it took me 20 minutes before to get it to pass...
no, i think thats about it, maybe try defragging your hard drive
if you factor in a 10% overhead, you arent doing too bad... 301*1.1= ~331Kbs, which isnt too bad
try defragmenting your hrad drive overnight and run another test tomorrow.
1:32AM here, about time to turn in
wow, that did go up
go into your network connections folder (in the start menu, or my computer, or right-click on my network places and click properties)
something like partition magic?
xp should be the last OS installed (thats what Microsoft says anyway) so other OSes won't overwrite its files or something...
could you possibly connect directly to your modem? also, when connecting directly to your modem, set the link speed to 10Mbs half duplex (if you need to know how to do this just post back and ask me)
how is your download speed?