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Everything posted by derek22x

  1. Internet is slow again LOL. I miss the DTH Fiber already haha... But I am here for the holidays and not sit behind my computer the whole day Filipino friends, What's a good place to go here? I am in Manila right now
  2. Was reading my e-mail and I got a notification that there's a reply in a thread I posted before. Wow it's been quite a while. Back in the Philippines for the holidays with my Mom Smart Bro's fast now? Hmm... It's been 3 years since I was here... LOL
  3. Wow, that's pretty cool speed.
  4. Great to be of help and to TMN.
  5. ndex: 0 Frequency: 5755.0 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f2-37-63 Jitter: 2 RSSI: 806 Power Level: -71 Beacon Count: 7 BRcvW: 1 DFS: 0 FEC: 0 Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 3332 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1 Session Count: 1 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0 FrameNumber: 1456 SectorID: 4 Color Code: 16 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 12 Frequency: 5755 NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 54 NumULContSlots: 3 That's the AP where you're connected. It's too far from your place. Maybe you should call the company and ask if there are other BTS near your place and ask for rehoming.
  6. Yeah, but no it isn't cool. First you think it'll be cool picking on somebody but it's not. It's like you're picking on yourself. I learned a lot of lessons from the guidance counselor and the principal haha..principal's office almost every day.
  7. Just right click on the Taskbar then TOOLBARS. Uncheck Desktop
  8. I used smart bro in the Philippines during my vacation there with my mom(Nov 2007 to Feb 2008). I am back home now I got to this forum because of Smart Bro
  9. How did you know you're getting high Jitter then? AP = Access Point If you can access your antenna it should be in Tools->AP Evaluation
  10. Can you post the AP Stats here please?
  11. Oh you mean, just 3 HDDs and no CD Drive. Gotcha.. I suggest a 500W to be sure..
  12. What do you mean without using the CDROM? I didn't get it.
  13. Wow, me I am just the bully. Haha.. Well, in Highschool, I am one of the "pain in the a$$" students Now I am keeping a low profile in College, I have to graduate or else Dad will cut everything off.
  14. Canopy is the Wireless Platform from Motorola that Smart uses to deliver broadband internet. I used Smart bro during my 3-month vacation (well, sort of vacation) there in the PI.
  15. That made me laugh hard
  16. Have you tried other cable? They are sold cheap at bestbuy. I suggest you get a new one.
  17. I don't think piracy can be stopped totally. Everything can be pirated nowadays.. hehe China can pirate everything... who knows, maybe tomorrow they will be pirating Americans You'll just see someone who looks exactly like you on the streets LOL
  18. Wow, you guys rock... I rarely encounter "computer guys" who're inclined with music. I know a lot who's inclined with babes I've listened to some Filipino bands when I was there... I liked the music, too bad I can't understand the lyrics Hope I learn your language one day since I have Filipino blood running in my veins
  19. Remember the advertised speed of Smart Bro is 384kbps only, do not expect more than that If you want blazing 1000kbits then get a Wired DSL or Cable connection.
  20. Ah, what do you expect? It's marketed under the same brand hehehe If it uses the mobile network then it should give fast speed especially if the 3G Signal is strong.
  21. Ugh..Do I? When you say Harry Potter, is it the character or the actor who played the role? Hehe.. That picture was taken in 2003 in Australia LOL... 4 years ago. My Avatar was taken in HighSchool (Circa 2000) LOL
  22. ExtremeFusion, you're not a picture addict, are you? Hehehe...
  23. PAP - Password Authentication Protocol I didn't know there's another service from Smart Bro other than the one using Canopy..
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