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Everything posted by zalternate

  1. I am wondering if there is a conflict between AVG and AdAware? Been known to happen. CPU spikes up to 100% and slows things down. Try Safe mode with networking and try the websites. Or ditch AVG and try Avast.. http://avast.com/eng/download-avast-home.html To get to safe mode, Reboot, and while it reboots, tap F8 repeatedly and choose 'Safe Mode, with Networking'. Depending on how your system gets to safe mode.. I ditched AdAware for the 2007 version, due to it 'not' accepting to 'NOT' put a icon in the system tray. And mine seems to be corrupted at the moment, to check it's settings..And it launches after a third try...Argggggggg... Oh sure and a new version of spybot to update/download as well....1.6.2 It's a pain when you can't just play with a system in person. Time to get offline...... I have donuts waiting to be eaten.....
  2. I'd remove or uninstall..... R1 - HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Default_Page_URL = http://www. dell4me .com /myway MyWay Can be considered a hijacker of the IE browser(and others). I think ASK.com is the owner. And ASK.com is pizzing off a lot of people off this past year. I'd also go in to Internet Explorers ActiveX section to look for controls that are not needed.. IE, Tools, internet options, settings, view objects, and then right click on the name to find out what each one is for.
  3. Doing some Googling on those process's... crypt32chain.dll is a trojan according to some sites depending on where it is located. And could launch some of the other stuff to remote control your system? Also download and install ZoneAlarm free version as the Windows FireWall is only a one way(Inbound) firewall. http://www.filehippo.com/download_zonealarm_free/
  4. Is all that stuff supposed to be running? I actually don't have any of those running in my XP SP3 processes.. Run a HiJackThis http://www.trendsecure.com/portal/en-US/tools/security_tools/hijackthis and then paste it in to the automated log file reader.. http://www.hijackthis.de/ Update these two below before running. Run this free version. Of super anti spyware http://www.superantispyware.com/ And free version of malwarebytes http://www.download.com/Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware/3000-8022_4-10804572.html?tag=mncol&cdlPid=10997763
  5. Is it still choppy in loading with the new paint delay?
  6. You could raise the number to see if the page loading is more even.
  7. I remember on dialup with FireFox, things used to resolve like that. Text would come up first and then the pictures would load. But only with FireFox and not Internet Explorer. Which made FireFox nice for dialup.. with FireFox there is a preference line in ' about:config ' (type in to address bar. but be cautious)that you can add with paint delay. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=firefox+paint+delay&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq= 3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it
  8. I've tested a few of those sites and some of them should 'Not' be offering speed tests. Some are 2Mbps too slow(tested on a 5.2Mbps DSL connection). Even using the recommended speed test can give a false number if it is on your ISP's server(not an Internet based test). The test on this site I find to be consistently accurate.. http://www.testmy.net/speedtest/download_speedtest.php
  9. She posted in the wrong thread. So now you think it's a big problem with your graphic statistics.. But then again the time code is off from the other thread of http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=25722.msg295825;topicseen#msg295825 I have a ATI Radeon 9550 With 256MB memory size. Internal DAC (400MHz). AGP slot
  10. Have you tried http://www.opendns.com DNS server IP's? Maybe DNS issue with multiple image feeds?
  11. And KA (spaceway3)band or KU band. And if KU, what crappy satellite.. Also time your automatic updates to the FAP free period overnight, eastern time.
  12. Some ISP's will 'optimize' the connection to those sites(speakeasy,speedtest). Meaning to up your bandwidth temporarily. A bit of a scam. But thats why you do various Internet speedtests to confirm a stable number. Or some ISP's will only consider a speedtest to their server as a speed test(oh look, perfect numbers. And the call agent hangs up on you). But that does not take in to account the Internet that you have purchased the connection to connect to. I am on Telus(DSL) as my ISP and those sites and this site give me the same results. But some Speedtest.ninny sites do not have enough bandwidth to give a proper result in the download or upload direction. And never use the recommended site.
  13. Some up to date ones.. http://www.consumeraffairs.com/internet/hughes.html People just love that FAP policy. But after 3 or 4 hours of software updates and YouTube, they always wonder why the connection gets so slow... But I read a post on another place about how an installer needed all the account information from the new users setup. For access to the users account. http://www.wildblue.cc/wbforums/showthread.php?t=7590 Which he should 'Not' need. But there are rumors for a couple of years, that people are paying for the one unit while two are being used.. Mystery bandwidth usage, even when the users modem is powered down and unplugged for 3 or 4 days. And not always an issue with a delayed FAP meter.
  14. I like to have the Web show without all the extras. I am the one person who does not buy from Internet ad's, so I choose to not see them. Some people actually have over 40 Add-Ons. That is a bit drastic. But some sites will try to get you to install 'fake Flash updates'.(discovery.com is a safe site to notify you to Install flash or Shockwave flash warning). The main thing you can do without having all sorts of software is to watch what you click. Does the Windows security center popup on your screen actually belong to your computer? Or is it a bogus warning from a website you are on, that wants you to manually install the Virus/Trojan? Just because Pop-ups are blocked, does not mean that Pop-ups are blocked via Java Script manipulation of the browser size... And then there are those people who surf porn sites and willfully download a Codec to view content and get infected. And people on dialup get a dialer in their system and a $200 dollar phone bill at the end of the month. pixiepistlz Has mentioned in the other couple of threads for help about clicking to download the Virus/Trojan that killed her system. Because the warning came up about needing to download it for an infection. That is the biggest way I see now, on how people get infected. People download FireFox and then complain they got infected. But the person infected themselves by clicking a bogus warning. Toolbars are a waste. And most of them track your surfing(Non-identifiable B.S.) for whatever purposes. Some track your sites to be able to tell the website you hit, what ad's need to be displayed to your surfing habits.
  15. How about Add-Ons for Firefox. Tools, add-ons, get add-ons. Ignore the part about not signed, bla bla bla. they do try to keep things clean. -AdBlock Plus . And then also the adblock definitions(subscriptions U.S.). In preferences, filter, add filter. And you can Green light sites that you want to see the ads on. -Flashblock. For when you get tired of flash. -QuickJava. turns Java on and off. Never have much of a need for Java myself. If an online game does not load, then turn Java on(and refresh) and sometimes disable adblock plus on that site. Turning off the Java script is not recommended, as many sites use it to engage things. But some sites will use Java script to minimize the browser and put up a 'Fake' windows message to get you to download crapware.. -United States English dictionary. -User agent switcher. To fool some sites in to thinking you are using Internet Explorer. -And for the older (2.0) look of firefox. Oldbar 1.2 . And hide Unvisited . And some have icons to drag in to the toolbar. For easy access. right click above the address bar ,, customize and drag them over. And then ditch the Windows one way firewall and use Zonealarm. Helps to keep nasties from getting out easy. Scan for programs allowed to get out, is the easy setup. And watch out for free AVG as it wants to install(it asks in the install routine) Ask.com search and changes some settings in FireFox with it installed. It also adds an extension to FireFox. Hopefully Mozilla will fix that security hole soon. Quicktime wants to install Symantecs Norton. I think Java wants to install something too. I like Avast. It comes with 7 realtime monitors for P2P and messaging, etc....
  16. How about this guess. You put the computer on Stand-by and then go away. When you come back and wake it up, the Internet will not connect for anything. But will connect within about 10 to 20 seconds without intervention. Or it will connect if you click the little dual computer icon in the task bar and then click support and then click repair. Or at least thats what mine does occasionally..... Or is it just FireFox that will not connect? Also there is a setting that powers down the Ethernet port if computer is left awake for a certain period of time without being used.
  17. You know something weird? But some do say it is faster than satellite at times....... Watching the TV and see a commercial for NetZero and how people in America can save something like Billions of dollars during these hard times on their Internet connection. The only hitch? You have to use NetZero Dialup services for about $10 a month. The commercial just blew me away.
  18. Reading a few posts on Hughesnet in various places and Hughesnet is slowly shutting down home users(also known as chum) off of the KU band. As contracts expire or get paid off to close the contract. And then new users(or those KU users willing to pay to upgrade) are being loaded on to the newer Spaceway3 KA band. This allows the KU transponders to be dedicated back to the commercial users who pay and don't complain about speeds for their terminals. And since some of those KU band satellites transponders have various 'issues' at times according to posts. Or a user was on a fast enough Transponder and finds the next morning, they are now on a crappy Transponder.. Imagine if there was a power failure(or even a partial failure) on the Anik F2, used by WildBlue and Xplornet. The poop would hit the fan as people would have to wait two or three years till the next scheduled satellite got put up. Or Maybe the ISP's would be nice and allow people out of their contracts early.......
  19. I actually have two OEM sets for mine. And I could make one more since I rebuilt the operating system a while back.
  20. Can't remember,,,But does the CD's have a repair feature on the OEM version? Or does it just nuke the System. I think only the Full Microsoft versions can do a repair. But a repair may not eliminate the infected files. And I know with the Compaq it takes the version from the D: drive and rebuilds the operating system. So the Cd is actually not needed, other than starting a rebuild(one option). But the D: drive 'should' be locked from being written too.
  21. The Spy-ware hunter on the site is not a good one by the way. Some have big problems with it. Instructions pasted. Find the files first and work your way through. Start...Search... %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus ProIAUpdater.exe ... and then delete the previously listed file names on the other post, that come up in the search or go to start. My computer,, C: drive.. Program files to find the folders...
  22. Take some chunks out of it and hopefully kill it enough to stop replicating. the Zonealarm Firewall will help to stop any updaters left from getting out to refresh the trojan.. One location to look in to is... c:program filesinternet antivirus pro Here is a instruction for manual removal. http://www.xp-vista.com/spyware-removal/internet-antivirus-pro-removal-instructions-internetantiviruspro Does contain Registry settings changes, so beware ..Start with just the files first, so you don't kill the system............................ It is extremely important to remove all the components of of the Internet Antivirus Pro and all the malware and trojans that it might have come bundled with (such as zlob.trojan, trojan.vundo and Trojan.Downloader). To effectively and safely remove Internet Antivirus Pro, we have created a manual removal instructions. Be sure to back the data up before proceeding. Good luck! Manual Internet Antivirus Pro Removal Instructions: Stop Internet Antivirus Pro Processes: http://www.xp-vista.com/other/how-to-stop-or-kill-a-process-in-windows-xp-or-vista...... Right click the clock. ..Task manager,, then right click and stop the below listed process's.. iavir.exe iavir[1].exe iavirInstall.exe InternetAntivirusPro.exe iv.exe Find and Delete these Internet Antivirus Pro Files: (Learn how to do this) iv.exe iavir.exe InternetAntivirusPro.exe %ProgramFiles%IAInternetAntivirusPro.exe %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus Proactivate.ico %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus Procookies.log %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus Prodbconfig.cfg %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus ProdbDBInfo.ver %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus Prodbia080614.db %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus ProExplorer.ico %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus ProIAUpdater.exe %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus ProIAvir.exe %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus ProScanner.log %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus Prounins000.dat %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus Prouninstall.ico %ProgramFiles%Internet Antivirus Proworking.log Remove Internet Antivirus Pro Registry Values: (Learn how to do this) HKEY_CURRENT_USERsoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionInternet Antivirus Pro HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun
  23. Internet Anti-virus Pro. Find it any where you can. that is a big bug. http://www.2-spyware.com/remove-internet-antivirus-pro.html .....Link quoted for informational purposes only.... Quick search toolbar is being considered a spyware as a general surfing information gatherer. Questionable to some as to whether need to remove. Multiple ToolBars can cause conflicts in the system. I'd also dump the one way Windows Firewall and put ZoneAlarm on it to block outgoing virus/updaters.
  24. Here is McAfee's site adviser details about infected videos on the Deviant Art site http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/deviantart.com/summary/
  25. Could you post a HiJack log here? Maybe something is being missed. Or a rogue program is on your system for it to keep screwing it up...
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