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Everything posted by RTB

  1. The result was: Neat, but not useful. It didn't work well at all.
  2. Scratch one up for the computer addicts, I'm one of them. Dutch student, 19 years old. Haven't accomplished much in real life yet, so I'll stick to my somewhat more interesting internet life. Been here for over 2 years, moderatorship came as quite the surprise, but grew into one eventually. Besides here, I'm at about 5 Diablo II fora, mostly answering questions and more questions. Quite recently I've begun staying up-to-date on hardware and overclocking, after deciding to get a real computer for once. The first result: AMD64 3200+ at 2700 Mhz, benchable just above 2900 Mhz. Another habit is Quake 3, have had that game for over 5 years, but my current home situation only lets me game online once in a blue moon, so I stick to fragging bots and defragging. That's me, any questions? I'm used to answering them
  3. Tough one. If you're on an average of 2 MB/s, it could either be normal or too far above normal. So, either testmy.net's fault or Verizon's. Could you give a more exact maximum, without burst preferably.
  4. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Tests. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=13055.0[/iurl]
  5. Guessed wrong, it happens Lousy ISP then... keep us informed.
  6. I'm guessing it's DSL, and it's wellknown that DSL degrades quite fast after 3km distance from the big box, and thus you must be around 5 km. The only solutions are moving or getting cable. The DSL2 providers here advertise with 15/1, yet that speed can only be reached within 500m of the box. One provider even offers a service to see the maximum speed attainable from a house, even though it overshoots the real maximum, it's proof that they certainly are aware of it. It's just how DSL works.
  7. Can you reach stable speeds of > 2MB/s on other downloads?
  8. Not a problem at all. In fact, Optys tend to do much more than that, and stay under 50C while OCing. It's not that extreme, but it's said that for optimal use of AS5, you'll want to turn it off once in a while for up to 200 hours after application, so the thermal paste can work at its best.
  9. First things first. Do you need the side to have a window? I mean, it's nice to have, but only rarely useful and so many people have windows (both in the case and on the HD) already on lan parties. Lots of room for upgrade, keeper. [quote[AMD Opteron 165 1.8ghz Dual Core 2x 1mb cache - plan to OC to 2.4 on stock HSF http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16819103588[.quote] The stock HSF is very good, and if you keep the temps below 50 (45 preferably) you can problably reach 2.6 with little problem. With a little luck and a better heatsink (I love my SI-120) it might run 2.8 24/7. Overkill. Stick to SLI-D if you don't wanna mod or can't get your hands on a SLI bridge (you don't even need it anymore), but the Ultra-D is just fine for virtually everyone else. Note that SLI is a pretty bad investment for most cards, with the 7900GT being the best option atm. If you plan on playing BF2 or FEAR think about getting 2x 1 GB. With the money you save with the motherboard I'd go for a 7900GT, they're awesome quality for the price. Overclocks like a dream too. HD fine, DVD drive fine, Floppy drive can be salvaged from other computers, you'll only use it very very rarely. Don't bother with a fixed budget, you're bound to go over The multipliers for AMD chips (save for the FX ones) are locked upwards, meaning with this CPU you can't go above 9x. If you want 2400 Mhz, you'll need a FSB of 267. Note that your ram won't handle that most likely, and should be put on a divider, on DFI you have the choice between 166 (Ram speed 218 effective) and 150 (ram speed 200 effective). First one is an option if you like tweaking (lots of ram can do more than that), otherwise stick to 200 effective. I had lots of problems getting my DFI board to run at all, it wouldn't recognize my CPU at first, and you may have that problem as well. Either stick an older CPU in there and flash to a newer BIOS version, or hotflash the BIOS chip in another DFI lanparty board.
  10. I believe a corrupted Win98 install atm, and it would certainly be able to run XP, although loading it up would take a looong time. And as you might know, my connection is rather crippled, thanks to a constant 100 KB/s upload along with 1 - 250 KB/s down BitTorrent traffic. That tends to kill any chance for speed, or a stable ping for that matter.
  11. Well, I'd have to install XP first... it's just a computer I happen to have in my room.
  12. Put them as attachments, no need for others hosts such as photobucket.
  13. I could beat that, with a P1 166 Mhz, 32 MB ram, and 1.2 GB HD. Too bad I dismantled my 486.
  14. TheINQ still doesn't get it. It's only logical that the swap file is used, and it's normally not used for data that must be accessed quickly. 2 GB may be the sweetspot, but not because of Vista.
  15. Sure, it's always the ISP's fault anyway. How can there be someone else quilty, if they're the ones providing the access? On a more serious note, I noticed some time ago that a server I used to visit often was quite laggy, and knew it was in a not so perfect datacenter. Still, when doing a tracert to it, I found that a router maintained by Chello was responsible for the degrading ping speeds at night. Normally it was 30 (from Holland to Germany), but as time went by it worsened to 120 at 9 PM or so. I wonder how such a situation can be improved.
  16. Chello is part of UPC, the only company that is allowed to serve cable internet/tv where I live. So, lots of government protection it is. The other option is DSL, but as I said that requires one to be disconnected from the web for at least 3 weeks, and is not a valid option for this household, as my motherfucker uses 400 gig a month. No DSL provider will allow that and thus I problably won't be able to convince him to switch.
  17. Folding@home runs experiments on how proteins fold. It's done this way because while the particles examined are small, the computing power required is very large. Knowledge on folding helps projects on anything based on proteins, so its effect is big. It downloads a work unit and starts using up spare CPU cycles. Normally it puts your CPU at 100%, but there should be an option to reduce that if your CPU cooler isn't that great or you don't want to pay a bit more money per month. It's like keeping a 60w lightbulb on 24/7, if you keep folding running 24/7. Thread stickied, we need more people folding.
  18. Not every mod/admin is a spammer, just look at me Thet key in high post count is consistency, just keep on going. Absences of over a month kill your average posts per day... not that it matters. Good luck on becoming a TMN friend
  19. You can use any image, it gets resized automatically. Double-click the standard image in the start menu to change it.
  20. RTB


    There aren't that many AMD processors that can run according to their rating of xx00+, in fact only a few. There is no way you can make a 4800+ X2 run at 4.8 Ghz.
  21. RTB


    It's just that much more efficient. Note that Intel is lowering the Gigahertz on the new CPUs, yet they're much faster than the original ones.
  22. RTB


    It means equivalent to a P4 Celeron of 2800 Mhz, at least according to AMD. For the others (Athlon(64) and X2) it means equivalent to their direct competitors. With the recent results of Conroe, AMD is going to have to change this, as it gets spanked bad on the benchies.
  23. About:blank yesterday, today, tomorrow, and every other day not mentioned in that small list.
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