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Everything posted by Marcin541

  1. You cant ever use all 256 of your ram. if you get in the 20mb free zone, windows will unload all your programs and free up your ram. But if you have 512 or more, you can save all those files in your ram, hence, faster access. Windows itself takes up around 280mb ram without unloading anything. And that is if you dont have alot of programs running at startup. I dont know how to easier explain it, but I know it will make a difference. As for the transparent bar, its something wrong with windows where is fades it. I dont know why and i dont know how to disable it And finally, doing as Vanburen said will make your windows faster. If you look carefully at the boxes, the only thing you really need is the Windows xp theme (which doesnt take up more ram than the classic skin) so thats the only thing you should have checked. All those other options are not needed. They will made your menu look like its coming out of your mouse, and it will load slower. To me, it doesnt make a difference if it fades or whatever, it just has to load fast. Edit : Damn Van had to post before me Yes, your CPU matters too, but I dont think you'd be willing to change that?
  2. Err buy more ram? I mean, 256 is pretty low for xp. With 512+ you will run much better. 600mhz is also a really low speed for XP. I got a 866mhz running 2000 pro in the other room ,and its not too fast lol.
  3. I havent called my isp regarding those stats, because I know that they will tell me its all my fault. Im not sure I understand what people on dslr say lol.
  4. Here are my DSL stats, are they good or bad?
  5. So Van, is it possible that its my phone wiring inside my house that is causing my speeds to drop at only those times? I just dont understand what the problem might be, maybe my ISP is right. Here are my current speed results... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2771 Kbps about 2.8 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is:: 338 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 49 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 3.03 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=8BKLPO1E6
  6. Yesterday Verizon had maintnence in New York. Hopefully, it will be better now. So far its 4:45 and speeds are okay, and by that i mean from 2.5-2.9mbps. Im pretty happy now. Lets see what happens later lol
  7. Actually, it is cached, trust me On my 3mbps line, using Van's test a few weeks ago:
  8. When should I throw out my computer? Grrr! Why is my browsing slow? Why? When i run a p2p program it seems fine! What can I do, i know its not my computer because i tried my modem on both of my pc's. Wow! Around 320-330 is my cap, and thats how fast its going
  9. cached...
  10. Thats nice lol
  11. Not if they constantly lie to you... Im on 3/768 and get 200/650. They are to scared to admit that their lines suck. From around 6Pm many, many people are getting slowdowns. Its pissing me off, since they either dont believe me, or don't want to listen. They always say its my fault, i had one member tell me that i no way can be on the 3/768 plan because im too far from the CO, yet im getting them all throughout most of the day. So how can i not get something if im getting it already? They better fix this soon . Yea they are great, except for their support Just replace the AOL with VOL. Hopefully this will help lol Posted Date: 12/16/2004 5:25:05 AM CST Status: Open During the normal operations window on Friday, December 17, 2004, Dial technicians will be performing the following activities. We will be upgrading hardware in New York City, NY. This activity will begin at 3:00am local time to the site. No interruption of service is expected, but the users in these areas may experience latency for up to 30 minutes as the work is performed.
  12. I wont bother testing, i bet ill get 300kbps Stupid Verizon lol
  13. can you guys stick with the topic?
  14. Alright. I started a support ticket and see what they can do for me.
  15. You should start testmy.com
  16. Thats not what I meant Im provisioned at 3 megabits per second. One person said i was way too far from the CO. 5 minutes later after calling them (I hang up on the guy) the lady said i was allowed to get 3/768 with no problem at all, WTF? I had to make a support ticket and they will call me back within 48 hours... which accirding to them is Tuesday lol. What i meant by my previous post is that If the man said i was no way able to get 3/768 then how am i getting the damn speeds throughtout most of the day, before 6Pm? Its all cleared out now because the lady told me I was able to get 3/768. I hate Verizon!
  17. Hey Van, or anyone, If I am able to download at 3mbps any time of the day, that does mean I am able to get 3mbps right? I mean my isp told me Im not able to get that speed, so thats why it slows down. But I AM able to get it, and they keep telling me im not. So is it possible?
  18. I posted my results on the other thread. I got a little over 2800 I believe. But, that is pretty nice
  19. Its same throughout the same day.
  20. 4PM, speeds are okay for now. And Van, I am on interleaved service, which means my first hop should be that high, or atleast thats what people on BBR say.
  21. 2004-12-16 07:19:48 EST: 2696 / 690 Your download speed : 2761426 bps, or 2696 kbps. A 337 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 707130 bps, or 690 kbps. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2757 Kbps about 2.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 337 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 49 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 3.04 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=VR8I88X6J Both ran at 7:20 am So what, my phone lines are broken at night?
  22. Further research shows a rogue router(s) and in fact, one of those show up on my trace route as hop #3. Glad i found that out, now its time to call verizon and complain, complain, complain. Damn them and bothering my phone lines lol...
  23. I posted on BBR and other people seem to be having problems with that aswell. If i say its not my phone line, its not my phone line
  24. My only other guess is that my phone cord outside of my house if broken. Im pretty sure it isnt me. I had 768/128 dsl and it ran very, very smoothly. Before i got my upgrade, it was ok. So unless the wire outside my house broke the same day I got my new dsl, there is no other explenation. I mean if I was able to work good at 768/128 even with a broken phone line, how come i cant even hit that now. Heck, I was able to work at 1.5/384 without problems. This is a tracert with "perfect" dsl conditions. Its connected directly to my main phone jack leading outside of the house, and the power adapter is isolated from all other adapters/plugs. The modem is also isolated, so overheating is not the issue here. I read a post a few days back where it said that verizon puts you on a high ping server, is this what they meant?
  25. Also, support doesnt wanna do shit about it. I talk to another member each day... Yesterday after spending 30 minutes of explaining that i did everything... the damn tech support asks "Ok, please restart your modem and computer". Im like, WTF?! So i just went to sleep with the ticket open. Today I was talking to one support member, who seemed like a resonable person. She asked for me to allow her to run a tracert to a site. But my modem wouldnt let her connect, or atleast she said it like that. 5 minutes later she said she gad to go and another person came on. The person asked "Have you removed the splitter" I said "I connected it directly to my main phone jack" she said "Have you removed the splitter". Well if I was so stupid to use a splitter to connect it to my main phone jack.. i would have worked at Verizon lol. Sorry, im just outraged right now. Edit : recent speed test... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 190 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Download Speed is:: 23 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 3 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 44.52 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=3CX8SCMJM It is slower by the day
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