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Everything posted by dlewis23

  1. peepnklown yes verizon is better at $50 for 15/2 but for 16/2 $60 a month is not bad.
  2. its about time adelphia/comcast cought up. I guess there done with getting the crap kicked out of them by verizon. 16MB/2MB i can't wait.
  3. Conrad787 welcome to the forums Runna nice speeds puts my uploads and downloads to shame :cry: :cry: :cry:
  4. my uploads are on fire... :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 888 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Upload Speed is:: 108 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Sat Jun 18 10:36:14 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 16X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 9.48 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 113.98 % faster than the average for host (adelphia.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-PTZ8NROCE
  5. thats weired my upload and download were a little faster today.
  6. timeturner very nice speeds 500K over your cap
  7. nice speeds right on with your cap.
  8. ya i know most ISP's dont allow it, but its not right i pay for, i should be able to do anything i want on it.
  9. nice hosting pland. But what i need is a dediacted server like one of these http://order.1and1.com/xml/order/ServerWindows;jsessionid=41967B5613FD52D830139813FD36A4F9.TC62b?__frame=_top&__lf=Static
  10. ya i just found out they do, i read there TOS and it says that any verizon user its not allowed to run a server of any kind. Thats f***en B/S ill run a server of any kind if i want to. Looks like im going to have to spend the $120 a month to get a dedicated server from rackspace.
  11. dam, that make me so i think they do it to piss you off, but they say its blocked so you can't run a web server, so i said people can run it over port 8080. Its so not right that they block services and ports from being run on there internet, I pay the high fucken rates they want, then i should be able to runor host anything i want. Can;t wait for verizon FIOS to come to my town.
  12. I am currently on adelphia, and i am being switched to comcast within 30days and i would like to know if they block port 80 like adelphia. thanks
  13. AVG All the way in my opion best anti-virus software avaiable. Havent gotten a virus since i installed it, and best of all it doesn't slow down your system.
  14. welcome to the forums remotewizz. nice speeds what are your advertised speeds.
  15. runna welcome to the forums, and i have to say very nice speeds. Makes my 6mb connection look like dialup.
  16. for the default recive window make it 128000. if you notice a difference then lower it a little.
  17. your close to your advertised speed. I would try using cable nut and tweak your connection a little. You should be at atleast get that to 2.8mbps
  18. Hctim VDSL is kinda a wast of time because you have to be with in 30M of the DSLAM. Whitch elimates 99% of the people that wana get it. So don't count on it.
  19. sundevil13 your right on with your connection, your probably not going to get any faster. What is your upload speed.
  20. Ar.Pi nice download and upload speeds
  21. coknuck those speeds are crappy, what are your advertised speeds for that connection.
  22. Its most likely spyware. Just like thoes stupid tool bars that just get downloaded and installed on your system. Just remove it. And whatch what sites you go to, try and find out whare it comes from, so that you don't get it again.
  23. I know its not hard to do, but for most people its seems to be hard.
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