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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. I am of a mind that one should use every tools available these days when surfing the web. 90% of websites scan everyone automatically in an effort to find info they can "make money" with by selling to others who will use it against you, or at the very least will take your 'valid' e-mail addy and sell it to the spammers (for one). I use over 12 "anti" everythings ALL THE TIME (realtime), and my systems are set to scan everything I have twice daily. Even with all of the high-tech protection I am running, there is always somebody who manages to break through it in an attempt to leave a nasty on my systems, which irks me to no end. I use everything that DiamondCS uses ...their latest programme, Process Guard is a killer, yet Microsoft's new Antispyware contends with it since they both are "watching out" in realtime ...which is a plus. SpyWare Guard from JavaCool is priceless, MRU-Blaster, SpyBot and SpyWareBlaster (with Tea-Timer) to prevent all manner of bad things (like browser hijackings), TDS-3 allows me to track anyone who 'gets funny' with me plus it is loaded with features (including "lookup" capabilities that are priceless. Zone Alarm Pro works fine for me without causing any loss in speed, and I've had great luck with McAfee (their best). Once a month I visit www.trendmicro.com and let them do a full scan just to be safe, and every once in a while I'll go to PC Pitstop and let them put me through their wringer to make sure I'm running at optimum. All these things combine make for peace of mind and a secure system. My very best defence (or defense if you will), is Steganos Security Suite 7. It erases all tracks and has excellent features that are unrivaled by any other programme trying to imitate it. I also 'swear by" being anonymous while online, and that's why I have dual accounts (www.proxify.net and www.anonymizer.com). Using either of them, no matter where you go you are safe. They can only attack your anonymizer ...you are well out of harm's reach! Oh, I also am running Trojan Hunter now and it's a hot programme too! I take this machine in the 'meanest' of places yet nobody has been able to trash me (lately) since the installation of all this "protection" software. Before, I was reformatting all the time due to some egghead getting off on trashing my system just because they thought it was "cool." Now ..if they even try, it's detected and my programmes lead me right to him no matter how well he's tried to hide himself (and then they get a taste of their own medicine). lol.... "The Rev"
  2. One of the differences between XP Home and Pro is that the Home version doesn't have the ntbackup utility installed so that you can archive anything you want (and it's extremely dependable as I use it daily and it's never "missed" yet).
  3. Over the past two weeks I have been directing several people to www.blackviper.com [www.blackviper.com] so that they could tweak their XP System Services, yet many of them say they can't bring up his website, so I've attached a PDF that specifically states how you can get the most out of "tweaking" the "Services."
  4. Over the past two weeks I have been directing several people to www.blackviper.com so that they could tweak their XP System Services, yet many of them say they can't bring up his website, so I've attached a PDF that specifically states how you can get the most out of "tweaking" the "Services."
  5. Now you are the 2nd one to mention Flash FXP ....I never heard of it until the former post. I guess I lead a sheltered life. lol "The Rev"
  6. EYUK! That never crossed my mind! Where is that fridge?
  7. Come on now! I've been running around the web in my spare time drumming up business at ever chat and forum I can find. The bigger we can make this place, the better off we'll be. Given the "heads" here that are freely offering time and 2nd-to-none infomation, this site just can't be beat for those seeking assistance. I'd like to see some of the better posts moved into something like a self-help area, because the majority of visitors are shying away from getting directly involved. This is due to the # of 'bad' websites that have taken their personal info and trashed them with it, so folks like us take the beatings for it. Still ...it would be a another 'scheme' to get them coming ...word-of-mouth "rules", so once you get the people talking, the rest is gravy. Making a self-help section out of the better posts would be easy! For help with Home Networking (click here) For help with Road Runner Tweaking (click here) For help with Cablenut (call 1-800- Van-Buren) etc.... We already have the resources, and the attitudes here are head and shoulders above competing websites due to the personalities ...we just need more folks and a unique tool(s) that favor the shy visitors. Once you win their trust they'll start posing ...I MEAN POSTING! (Microwave is a prime example ....he even admits that he never shuts up)! lol (just teasing of course my friend)! Make sense everyone?
  8. Wow ...I never realised that the diff was so close between auto/manual on the 0-100 scale. hmm..... Guess they are more efficient that I've given them credit for, but I'd still rather let my engine do the braking on a fast corner (or accelerate into it) than having an auto "barrel" me through it (and it's worthless downshifting an automatic). lol... (IMHO that is) I'm no racer and my racing knowledge could be held in my CMOS chip.
  9. On the flip side, our Jeep Cherokee was recently heavily modified to be a "true" Rock Climber. Lift kit of 5.5 inches with articulation out-of-this-world, 35x10" tires, new Dana front/rear axles, "air-lockers" for a true 4WD at the push of a button. They took out the manual and replaced it with an awesome ''on the fly' automatic. It has several advantages over a manual in the type of terrain that we "play" in, plus the dang thing is smarter when it comes to shifting for max torque when needed the most. When in low-lock it will climb a sheer-cliff without a thought ...for even better traction just deflate the tires down to six pounds (there is an onboard compressor just for this reason). This was an $8,000US upgrade to the vehicle, front to back. It's a 2002 and had 19,000miles on her at the time of conversion. Boosted the value beyond belief, and now everything in her has a million mile warranty ..not to mention you don't need a road to drive anyplace! lol... She's got the standard 4.0L in her with all the upgrades; new "chip", 200AMP Alternator, MeanGreen starter "yellow top" deep cycle batteries (2) ...you name it, she's got it. The biggest change came when they put on the new air intake system ..gave me a power boost that blew my mind. ALL Jeeps (4.0Ls anyway) should have the new air-intake kits installed to let the motor BREATHE ...what a diff it makes! The timing chain was replaced with timing gears, and that also makes a noticable diff. I think all engines should move to 'gears' as part of the stock package. Chains are 'old hat'! However, for speed/performance driving, I'm from the old school and have better luck 'sticking' to the road using my gearbox versus my braking system. We had a Viper before leaving the states. We tried both an auto and manual prior to purchasing and decided that manual 'rules'. That was an impressive set of wheels there! I think I would have killed myself with it though ...the temptation was always too great everytime I saw "open road." heheh... (I have the tickets to prove it too)! Cheers! The boss has a point though, the auto's these days are almost bombproof and in many cases outperform the manuals. Yet "pure" performance vehicles can always be found with a clutch in them ...I doubt that ever changes...
  10. Earthlink is in the middle of negotiating a (highly confidential) contract with other providers (pooling resources so to speak), so even the folks that work on the phones have no clue how it will all pan out, or in some cases they have no idea that it's taking place. Right now it's midway through the process and "stalled" due to FCC rulings. Danged FCC is responsible for slowing down anything and everything that happens it seems. When it is finished both Up and Down will take a big jump ...give it another 30-45 days for completion. They have targeted March 15th ...we'll see if they make it. *I didn't tell you this, and don't even exist! lol....
  11. ME TOO! We've got a 1966 "cherried out" back in the states and "on blocks." Has a fresh 289 in her and is black/black and completely stock except for the wheels. I put lowriders on her plus ground effects. Won't get over a speed bump but she sure looks good! She's a true "muscle car" restored ..plain and simple. Cheers
  12. Hi resopalrabotnick, Your thinking is "dead center."
  13. Why yes! That's the new satellite (bird) that went up not all that long ago basically for the use of Wild Blue. She's called Horizons One and not only will (does) provide backboning for Hughes (DirecWay) ...but is capable of splitting a BUNCH of Ka Band signals, which is what WIld Blue is going to be using. Hughes built and paid for the bird to be launched. It certainly seems that Wild Blue is simply an extension of Hughes, and you are walking proof. (I've been waiting for somebody to come along and say there were using Horizons One. lol.... Say, that is a superb speed you have there. I just ran a test as soon as I logged in but I'm shy of your mark by 212Kbps. Then again, I am shooting Galaxy 4 (GR4) ...all the way from Costa Rica (my dish looks like it's horizontal! lol.... (So I can understand why I don't get the speed ....I've MAJOR LATENCY ISSUES ....but I'll live! Hey, thanks for the info. This one is going up on my wall so that I won't forget who is using Horizons One ....which is supposedly reserved for Wild Blue usage only! Ha! I won THAT bet! (rubbing hands in glee). Cheers! *Horizons One is designed to handle Hawaii and Alaska, but already they have her taking on the East Coast? You must be in an unusual area of it's footprint! I'll have to check it out if I can ever find the time to get to the FootPrint page! Thanks again!
  14. NP. Danny Wareham, owner of WareSoft Inc, (he wrote XP-Smoker ....www.xp-smoker.com), sent me that little thing and it's perfect for what little I use FTP. (And the price is right too)! lol...
  15. SMG ....I'm glad it has that.
  16. Thank you VanBuren ...that's ......cool! Didn't post it with that in mind though, I just wanted folks to see what Terragen is capable of making. It's very photo-realistic to say the least!
  17. I know that at the present time DirecWay is in the process of adding several thousand switches to their systems to accomodate the increase in customers they have walking through their doors, which has been triple what they expected so they were unprepared (meaning for their DW6000 systems ...any of them). Eventually, they'll have obtained enough bandwidth to be able to keep everyone running at a decent speed, but for the time-being everyone is going to be seeing fluctuations of all kinds in their speeds until everyone has their own switch again. Sometimes steadily increasing only to fall through the floor, and vice versa. So far mine seems to be stable and averaging 1000Kbps, but dropping to as low as 50Kbps at 2PM for the past two days ....which makes it impossible to check mail let alone work this forum! That's fine. After all, if I had a screaming connection speed all I would do is hit my FAP limit too fast, then have to wait until I became "un-FAP'ed" ....so 1000Kbps is good enough considering all aspects of this type of Internet connection. (But I could easily live without the danged FAP limits)!
  18. Neither is compatible with the other. Apples and oranges!
  19. Ah yes, may God Bless You and Yours too Miss YooperLady.
  20. Specifically, the transponders in use on each satellite are: Galaxy 11 (91
  21. Here are the Transponders and the Birds that carry them! Looks like I was thinking about the 1350MHz ...but I don't think you can "hit" that bird from Maryland anyway.... here ya go: Galaxy 11 (91
  22. Well, the exact frequency isn't an "even" 1300 ....it is something like 1305 or so. The ones who are on it are quite happy with it, and there is another one (1260?) that has next to nothing for net-congestion at this time. But, give it 3 months and they'll all be maxed out. That's how DWay works! (it's a very irritating way for them to be conducting business ....they are chasing the money trail and to hell with the customers)! I'll see if I can't dig up that info as soon as I am able to log into DWay. Right now it isn't responding for me ....as usual.... I'm using 1202MHz, yet I am pretty sure that it is reserved for Commercial use only (G4R). It gets congested, yet the speeds stay UP because it is a 'pricey' account with a bit of extra bandwidth to fall back on ...but over the past two days I've had periods of speeds less than 50 ...and I'm not impressed seeing that it cost me $1300US up front plus $134.00US per month! grrr... Para Vida!
  23. Due to the overwhelming negative reports about the TurboMozilla Browzer (brought to you by DirecWay), I strongly advise that nobdy bother wasting their time with this browser and simply continue on to a more beneficial thread. I do believe I'll lock this one down just to avert somebody getting another migraine! lol..... TY for all who gave it a whirl. I'll have DWay eradicate it from their systems. Cheers!
  24. Thanks BrawnyDawg .....I've added it to my database regarding that browser (which appears to be worthless), and I've given you an "applause click" for being so kind as to test run it for me. TY! Now I need to get DWay to take the darn thing and toss it into the nearest Dempster Dumpster! lol..... Cheers!
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