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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by rammolo

  1. Hi, Mine is ATI 8000 Pro 256/MB, works great with Flight Simulator 4 :D
  2. Hi, Go to.. control panel/network conections/local area connection/properties.. then check TCP IP/ if i understood your problem this should work
  3. Well post your peak time speed
  4. Having the same message, not the 1st time either
  5. Hi, go to www.speedguide.net, look for broadband tools, download TCP optimizer, version 1 and run in optimized settings, it works fine for optimizing and getting the most out of your service.
  6. Hi, you can enter bios setup and change some settings so your computer boots with the post or diagnostic screen instead of the computer maker splash screen, bout the memory check to see in the post screen to what you have installed. Post beeps usually indicate and error according to the number of beeps, each bios manufacturer has his own post codes, so be sure you are checking the right one.
  7. hi, Mine 4.0 Mbps Capped 4.0 Mbps speed usually bout 3.9 Mbps
  8. Hi, i do realize you have several options to tweak your broadband connection, give a try to www.speedguide.net, go to broadband tools, download TCP optimizer, version 1, run the program in optimized settings, reboot, that should do some improvements in speed, not really speed but the way you recieve and send data....
  9. hi, the folowing is the only way to get rid of windows messenger for sure. start/control panel/add remove programs/add remove winwows components/ look for windows messenger and uncheck it ..this will delete it from your hard drive
  10. Even if you do know the source, its good practice to make a virus scan of the attachment before opening it
  11. Hi, in the last answer the downside is that the host computer should be on so the other can access inet
  12. Hi, want some awsome wallpapers.. www.digitalblasphemy.com Enjoy
  13. Hi, I just have 2 200GB WD, in my primary computer with a 160GB external for back up, and 2 pioneer DL 16X dvd drives, but i usually use a mac 80GB DP 1.5GHZ G4, both computers with 1024 RAM
  14. Even so that looks like a windows vista scheme. check what u have on ur d drive
  15. Hi, Never get messed up with Religions or Politics, not a good deal.
  16. Hi, If youre just planning to make copies of your files nero will work great, Alcohol 120, are for more techie users, jeje...
  17. Consider lowering ur rwin to 127776, and raising your mtu to 1500, if you have a router you probably wont be allowed to raise mtu value.
  18. Very easy, go to www.speedguide.net, once there look in broadband tools for TCP Optimizer, download the application
  19. Actually Opera is very good, my favorite after Firefox
  20. <img src="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/rammolo/DCP_2762.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
  21. Well, There is a big difference between KBps and Kbps, and MBps and Mbps, so be sure wich one u have
  22. go to www.speedguide.net look for tcp optimizer, works great
  23. just type "cmd" in run, at the prompt type ping testmy.net, post your results
  24. Before doing anything give a try to tcp-ip optimizer www.speedguide.net, look for TCP-IP optimizer check for version 1 it really works for me
  25. Hi, With that kind of downloads i just can suggest call your ISP to check your signals, have u made a ping to testmy.net to check if you have packet loss?
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