ok im trying to install suse and when i get to the screen with all the diffrent options how to intsall ie install, install-disable apic (i think) and install-safe, and i have tryed all of them and right after the kernal loads my screen go blank and nothing happens
is there a way to fix this?
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March 16, 2006, 08:44:05 PM
ok amd will allways be slower in the clock speed then intel's but scines amd makes there chips diffrent they can handle the same prosses as there intel counter parts ok look at it this way
intel makes a chip and calles it a 3.2 ghz bla bla amd amd makes a 2.0 ghz wich prosser will you buy? the intel right but you see amd markets there chips buy the intel's standers and says a 3200+ chip but its only really clocked at 2 ghz its really the way they make there chips sorry about the spelling
oh ok
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