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Everything posted by tbaker397

  1. I was just throwing somethin out there. Before we moved(fam. & i) my router had a DHCP release of 2 minutes. Which made me mad because every 2 minutes i would lose internet. Makes it impossible to download anything. ANYWAY, i dunno, sorry man.
  2. upstream power looks good, your download looks a little high but then again it is an older modem so that might explain why.
  3. Wait for Project Never-Get-Our-Lazy-Asses-Of-The-Ground-And-Start-Working-On-It to come around.( mean project Lightspeed). If nothing else go with a fractal T1 line.
  4. Go into your router settings and see what the DHCP release is set to(if you even have DHCP)
  5. When I had DirecWay, about a year ago with my Dw4000 I would always get 1.2Mbps with boosts up to 1.7. Upload sucked but still, just to make a point
  6. Quite Possibly correct yea, give me your address, ill send you an AOL 9.0 Optimized CD.
  7. Let me give you my suggestions: Dont buy from office depot, check out the links for the cars I provided below. I know that you don't have a CC so ordering online won't work, just see if you can find them at your local store whichever it maybe(im guessing Office Depot). http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?Manufactory=&PropertyCodeValue=679%3A9566&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&description=&MinPrice=&MaxPrice=&SubCategory=48&Submit=Property http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?Manufactory=&PropertyCodeValue=679%3A9541&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&PropertyCodeValue=0&description=&MinPrice=&MaxPrice=&SubCategory=48&Submit=Property I have 2 computers, one with the 5700LE and the other with the 9600. I can't really tell the difference in casual gaming, but when I get on WoW or EQ2 or Half Life 2, or something like that, the 9600 seems to be able to keep a better frame rate than the 5700LE.
  8. Pineapple what?!
  9. This is a decent idea, frank gets a little repetitve once in a while.
  10. THREAD RESURRECTION! Speeds I guess are good guys, i don't know what your provider offers/what you have.
  11. I've heard it can take between 30 to 60 kB/s upload. All I know.
  12. its a phone call using the VoIP so it takes bandwidth.
  13. I live 60 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, and will have Comcast whenever the takeover ensues.
  14. if you have a 512/128 connection it should be enough to squeeze by, with little noticable lag, or none at all. But I also agree, this is a good idea.
  15. We need all the help we can get. Cuba/Castro hasn't done anything major recently(that I can recall) to not letting them into the country. I believe whole heartedly that Castro was actually trying to be of some help to us.
  16. Hey peepnklown, is DOCSIS 2.0 even the industry standard yet? I thought most networks were still on 1.0 or 1.1 and planned to skip 2 and go directly to 3. Maybe its the Wild Turkey talking but I coulda sworn that was what was planned.
  17. Hey VigVoodoo welcome to testmy.net! Be sure to tell all your friends bout the site. Anyway, those look good, but if your not using the other PC, the PS2 is offline and your not making any phone calls, you'll have that. Log the PS2 onto a game of NCAA Football 2006, start downloading a Linux ISO on the PC and have a long distance phone call with a relative in Japan and then see what your speeds are
  18. Frank doesnt make much sense to me... lol
  19. tbaker397

    WTH lol

    Dont get too angry about the upload. Comcast just upgraded their download to 6 but kept the upload at 384. When Adelphia upgraded it was ot 384, seems to be the industry standard now.
  20. look on ebay or maybe an amazon.com marketplace seller. for the most part, you can save a good deal of money of you shop around enough. so my advice, shop around!
  21. doesnt work, even the full address when u replace the *** with uck
  22. I think we all have been at one point and time.
  23. the fruitcake lady is the best! triumph, is funny, but it just doesn't appeal to me.
  24. Hey jynx how ya doin? Welcome to testmy.net! Make sure to tell all your friends about the site here. Speeds look good, what plan are you on?
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