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Bird Fan

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Everything posted by Bird Fan

  1. The tweaks I posted were straight from SatSpeed. I wouldn't worry about the other tabs... I've never done anything different in them, except for maybe the Max Connections per server tweak thing that The Rev posted about along with his "fastest ever" speeds. BTW, the only reason he got those was because he was on a 1.5/256 package.
  2. Did Direcway fix your headache or did it come back on its own? Did you do something?
  3. I forgot to welcome you, so welcome to the forums! Is your computer clean of spyware, viruses, etc? When was the last time you defragmented? Have you tried tweaking? What browser are you using? If you haven't already, read these topics This may help with some speed issues. Before you post your problems read this! VanBuren testmy.net Cablenut settings
  4. Are you speeds still going really slow without Netlimiter?
  5. Try this test and post your results from the text box http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?ni=1&tt=1&s=2992&st=st&ta=&top=
  6. Try these: TCP Receive Window: 224360 Max. Duplicate ACKS: 3 TTL: 64 Windows Scaling: Checked Time Stamping: Not checked Selective ACKS: Checked Path MTU Discovery: Checked Black Hole Detection: Not checked MTU: 1500
  7. BTW, this summer when I was talking to The Rev, he recommended that I switch to Wildblue... He said he "wasn't allowed" to tell me much about it I should have taken his advice.
  8. It's probably some kind of registry setting that is giving you a super high speed burst. I used to always get really a really high burst on my wired computer. Don't mess with anything, I'll get over it sometime.
  9. Interesting... I knew he had a lot of porn stuff on his old website, I didn't know he had anything to do with a nude church.
  10. I know his old site went down, but I didn't know he got a new one. Where did you hear it from?
  11. 'Slower' said that. (we have the same avatar, I know)
  12. Yes, TCP Optimizer is a tweak.
  13. 1st :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1232 Kbps about 1.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 150 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (main) Test Time:: 2006/03/04 - 12:10pm Bottom Line:: 22X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 6.83 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 35.68 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-PIBT4EH2R 2nd :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1065 Kbps about 1.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 130 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (main) Test Time:: 2006/03/04 - 12:11pm Bottom Line:: 19X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 7.88 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 17.42 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0AWO8G3J7
  14. I don't know how you got above, so I don't think I can. You could try removing all your tweaks. Then test some things, see if it loads slower. And take a test (make sure you do it a few times, right after each other). Test at different times of the day, also. I always get the most accurate tests when I test the 2992 kb test a few times in Firefox. Since they've redone the site, I can actually test with Firefox and get a good speed. A lot of times in the morning it will be around 1.5 mbps the first time, then it will drop down. Remember the first night that Testmy made the changes? Everyone was getting like 1.5 mbps or higher.
  15. Did he do the changes to his hardware? EDIT: I just saw the thing about Direcway's slave labor, so it must be hardware related.
  16. Yeah, Direcway must be doing upgrades for the 4000's as well
  17. That's not correct, but I probably won't pay attention to your speeds anyway. So it doesn't matter. When one person gets way over the majority's average, and they're on the same plan, logic will tell you that it's not accurate.
  18. If Direcway would only get rid of the FAP, slow peak hour speeds, and bad pings, I would like it. The way it runs at 130kb/s consistently in the morning is great, and I could live with it.
  19. $60 per month. It's kind of worth it, though. It's a lot better than dial-up (except for the pings).
  20. Because we live in a place where cable or dsl isn't available.
  21. I'm the only one who is upset with it because I'm the only one that realizes that a speed burst is inaccurate. And I never said there was a solution to your problem. Just go back to posting your 5mb speed tests... They were a lot more accurate.
  22. Where did I say it could be fixed? A variable is something that is not really your problem...
  23. I met with The Reverand this summer and he's the one who got me to my speeds... Okay, so first you test with only the smaller files and get speed bursts. When you start testing with the 5 mb and 12 mb you start getting more accurate results, but since the site has been redone, you've started using the 3 mb test and comparing these speeds to everyone else. Those speeds cannot happen with everyone. Tweaks have not given you those speeds. You think Cablenut is worse when you like test with it during peak hours. Like I said, no one will get the same speeds as you with your tweaks. I gurantee mine would be slower. I have not set up my computer for faster downloads and slower bursts. That's just something that is caused by a variable such as what satellite/frequency you're on, time testing, browser, etc. I just ask you to not compare your scores to other people and call them accurate. It gets really annoying when people with Direcway post scores of 1.4 mbps. We'll get new posters coming in here asking "how do you do that???" and you'll post your tweaks, they'll install them, they won't get the same speed, then they'll complain.
  24. Actually, a speed burst doesn't show how fast your page loads. It's about pings as well And I get about the same bursts when I use another computer... and I don't see any faster page loading on it. Also, we don't really know if yours loads faster than mine.
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