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Bird Fan

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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Bird Fan

  1. God damn... The Reverend's tests were probably accurate, yours are not. Stop boasting about your great "speed bursts".
  2. Even though tweaks don't do much for the speed...
  3. The Reverend made the TCP Optimizer program, I think.
  4. Who? There is no mention of a cap on Direcway.com, just "up to" speeds and speeds that if you get an accurate score, you never go over.
  5. Do you have a firewall on? Are you running wireless or wired?
  6. Depending on when you test... Did you try it at different times during the day? Did you try different tweaks at different times of the day?
  7. Because everyone thinks its so fast, but in reality it's not.
  8. 2-3% rate of failed/success is what you want... Number of Successful Transmissions 409189 Number of Failed Transmissions 19 To find out your percentage, add successful to failed, then take that number and divide the number of failed with it. Mine's too low to get a percentage.
  9. That wasn't due to the tweaks, it was because he used a more accurate test file
  10. I forgot to ask if you've cleaned out your temporary files lately... Have you? Do you have Ccleaner? If not, go to www.ccleaner.com
  11. What would be nice if you can make it somehow find out where we are on the FAP (so if we start the program for the first time with a bucket of 270 mb, the program would detect that). I dont know if that's possible, though. Another thing, make sure it only counts activity to outbound sites and not activity over your LAN or anything.
  12. Unfortunately, that's probably as high as you're going to go....
  13. Just in case you might need tweaks, try the ones I'm linking. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=10523.0;attach=8795 But first, download an install cablenut from Cablenut.com, then open the .ccs file.
  14. so port 87? ok, take that off, uncheck everything, and test.
  15. Is your proxy on?
  16. You couldn't do that anyway; Direcway uses dynamic IP's
  17. What browser?
  18. That's ok. Damn, you look consistent. What plan are you on?
  19. Of course you don't believe in a speed burst because you want the fastest system. My first test this morning resulted at 1.8 mbps (with the 2992 kb test file), there's no way that that's accurate. My second test resulted at my normal "accurate" and average speed for other users of 1.1 mbps, 132 kb/s. Running the test once or twice in Firefox always gives me an accurate test. I don't have a definition, but that's my speed burst.
  20. Do you have the latest version of Java? I had the same problem a few months ago and it was because my Java was out of date. http://www.java.com/en/
  21. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1013.0;attach=2784 or http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1013.0;attach=8996 It's not like they're going to do much anyway. What speed are you trying to accomplish?
  22. They have the latest firmware on www.linksys.com I just updated mine about 30 minutes ago.
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