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Bird Fan

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Everything posted by Bird Fan

  1. It's monthly, but it's still great.
  2. Well, it works now since I deleted that registry key. I already had that checked; I was wondering if there was a faster way than just going through every folder.
  3. Let's see if this works...
  4. Before you go back to DWay, take a look at WildBlue. There are a few customers on this site that are pretty happy with it so far. Blue's website: www.wildblue.com
  5. Is there any way to search for all my compressed files?
  6. Ever since I've re-installed Windows on my computer, I've been unable to run the Disk Cleanup tool. I know that it's no where near as good as CCleaner, but I like to use it to clean up my Restore points. I've tried running it in regular and safe mode and it always gets stuck on "compress old files". And when I close it, it's not open, but it's running under the process list in the task manager. Is there anything that I can do to get it working? Thanks.
  7. Stupid hurricane. Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes 32 time 1414ms TTL: 50 Reply from bytes 32 time 920ms TTL: 50 Reply from bytes 32 time 1147ms TTL: 50 Reply from bytes 32 time 919ms TTL: 50 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in mili-seconds: Minimum = 919ms, Maximum = 1414ms, Average = 1100ms That's bad, even for sattelite.
  8. I think he wants Photoshop so he can make signatures like mine. Apparently, he wants to make one that says "Bird Fan Hater". He probably thinks that it will hurt my feelings.
  9. And all I have is a shitty satelite that costs $60 per month, I can only download 169 mb per 4 hours or else they'll drop me down to 20 kb/s, and I can't use it when it storms. I consider you lucky.
  10. No, he says he's 13, but he acts like he's 8. I would try testing at a time when not many other people would be on (I don't know if it matters or not with DSL). Try around 1-4 in the morning. I could be wrong, but your speeds-- including upload-- should be faster. That way you know that you can reach your advertised speeds, if you can't get the upload up all the way, I'm sure there's some more tweaking you can do.
  11. Just so you know, unless you want to pay thousands of dollars per month, I doubt you'll be getting whatever package offers 16/2. I'm guessing that the consumer package will be in the 5/1 range.
  12. Don't "screw" around with it. Most likely you'll just slow down your internet connection. 5.6 down on a 5/2 plan is pretty damn good. I doubt you'll get any faster. In the meantime, don't listen to kol. He's only 8 years old
  13. Well apparently Direcway is supposed to fix that problem with the DW7000. I heard it's going up to 500 mb. That seems like enough for me. And then there's the launch of Spaceway next year that's supposed to give us faster speed. Who knows? Maybe Direcway is getting better. "...with upload speeds as high as 16 mbs and download as fast as 30 mbs" http://www.direcway.com/HNS/Rooms/DisplayPages/LayoutInitial?Container=com.webridge.entity.Entity%5BOID%5B1C00C36BF513EF4DBEC64906158194CE%5D%5D
  14. Before changing to WildBlue, I'll probably wait until I see some speed tests from people with the new DW7000, and I should probably wait until Blue has some more customers. Let's see if they can manage to oversell their bandwidth also.
  15. Warez is like 200 mb itself, and it slowed my computer down.
  16. First of all, I'm not the one who stole the cd-keys, serial numbers, etc. Second of all, I'm a minor, so I won't be in jail. Third, these applications were not re-made or anything, so they have no way of telling you're on a hacked cd-key or whatever. It's common sense (maybe not for an eight year old).
  17. I'll take my chances.
  18. If it's not going to change much, then why pay the extra money to change?
  19. And what exactly do you do that needs uploading?
  20. 1.5/512? Let's hope... Wild Blue may be the best thing that ever happens to Direcway.
  21. If you download Photoshop off the net, Direcway will kill you... I think the trial download from download.com is 300 mb or something.
  22. Not if you know where to get it... I got mine for $20.
  23. You need Adobe Photoshop. You can find a few here: http://www.hazegfx.com/UserBanners/ But I made my zone alarms one, direcway, dell owner, kol hater, and oreo banners.
  24. I think there's a monthly cap.. Aren't you already paying $100 a month for your's, kol?
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