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Bird Fan

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Everything posted by Bird Fan

  1. I'm not paying for it..
  2. Why do you want Web Acceleration off if you get faster speeds with it?
  3. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 963 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Download Speed is:: 118 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Mon Oct 3 22:06:44 CDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 17X faster than 56K 1MB download in 8.68 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 16.73 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-LYRWVOSMN
  4. What about when Vista comes out? I think I'm going to upgrade to it when it comes out, will there be any advatage having a 64 bit with it?
  5. I'm looking into making my own computer and I'm trying to make it as cheap as possible but I want it to perform well and I want it to look good. I've been talking with this IT Pro and he says that I shouldn't get AMD, but I've seen a few reviews around the site saying that AMD is good. Can anyone tell me what's better for just plain old web surfing, photoshop editing, and using simple programs? Here's the barebone kit I'm looking in to: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1596823&Sku=TC3J-2012 I'm also looking in to getting the Seagate 250 gig HD, ATI Radeon 9200SE 128MB DDR video card, and a cheap wireless adapter. And no, I don't need a monitor. Thanks.
  6. 400 kb/s is pretty damn good....
  7. Your system specs don't show this update? I don't think it's a terrible thing, but if you're worried about it I would call Direcway Tech Support, even though they probably won't help at all.
  8. Direcway automatically updates it for you...
  9. There isn't any damage on the outside, just on the inside. We'll see what happens, it's just going to take time and I'm not going to rush it (especially if I have to pay for it).
  10. I've heard November
  11. I don't have the money to do that, and my dad would never allow it. I found one on Ebay for $200 buy it now, I'll probably go for that. I'm thinking about having my dad just taking it into a computer shop, though. Just to see what they can do, maybe they can get a good screen. I might even call Dell, this would be the second time in a month that I'd be requesting a new part. I wonder what kind of story I would have to pull to somehow get it to be warrented..
  12. Unfortunately, yes
  13. I already told him over the phone... His comment: "I'm not very happy" Nah, mine was working fine. You must've confused me with someone else. Buying one off Ebay is safe right?
  14. I already was carts at a golf course, so there isnt going to be a money problem. Now I just need to find one, learn how to install it, and somehow keep my dad from hurting me.
  15. my wireless internet wasnt working... kept restarting and restarting, still not working. so therefore, i squeeze the screen. smart, eh? I think I want to go to anger management.
  16. I learned that if you squeeze a laptop screen too hard, it'll break. I'm such a dumb fuck; next time I get mad, I'm definately not taking it out on the computer. I doubt I'll be alive much longer, my dad's not very happy...
  17. EDIT: nevermind. I don't need to reply to this.
  18. Maybe you should have a teacher teach you how to spell... I'm a Freshman at Brown County High School in Indiana.
  19. You've got a smiley faced cursor? I can't imagine how slow your computer is..
  20. my pings have been really slow lately...
  21. I had a problem one time where all the lights on my direcway modem were on, my computer settings were right, but I couldn't get on the internet. I called Dway and they told me to reset my router. Here's the problem with reseting your router, (I think) you lose all your settings. Security, passwords, etc. Now I don't know if you have any security, so I don't know if it would be bad to reset or not. It's probably good to do it once in a while, and if you know how to re-configure your router then this probably wouldn't be bad. There should be a button in the back of your linksys router that's big enough for a pen to fit in. Hold it down for 20 secs. or until the lights on the front flash. If you don't trust me (I wouldn't blame you) just call Dway support. Or you can try Linksys support. You could always plug your computer directly into the Direcway modem, see if that works. Then we would know if it's a router problem or not. Power cycling means unplugging (your DW6000 modem) for about 10-30 seconds. Then plugging it back in. Try that again before you reset your modem.
  22. As php would say: Try a larger file
  23. Are all the lights showing up on your modem? (sorry, it's a dway support question) Have you reset your router?
  24. Put in the HTTP box and 87 in the port box beside it.
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