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Bird Fan

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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Bird Fan

  1. I didn't even smile. How is that funny?
  2. Congrats.... Lucky bastard. What are your pings like?
  3. Depending on what the FAP is... I would take no FAP (or a higher one) with Xplornet's speeds over Direcway anyday.
  4. Welcome to the forum dusty61! Not bad... Do you get those speeds around the clock? Also, is there an FAP?
  5. Wow, that's awesome. I feel happy for you. Good luck tomorrow
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if Direcway is having a lot of problems again... Idiots, doesn't it bother them that they have to do so much work on these things to get them to work right? Why don't they just fix the problem correctly rather than patching it, or just not get any new customers. I think they have enough already.
  7. I've been really slow today (but I've been FAP'd) and my modem has restarted on its own about 7 times.
  8. That's pretty much average depending on the time of day.
  9. Yes, you're getting good speeds for the pro plan. Have you ran an upload test?
  10. On the 6000 I used to download at about 125 kb/s. On the 7000 I download at about 133 kb/s.
  11. Hmm... Dunno. Doubt that's a speed burst. Maybe the 6000 is just fast.
  12. If it's really affecting manang's career, then she should really consider it. Especially if DWay hasn't come out and looked at it.
  13. This is the Wildblue forum, not the Road Runner forum
  14. Here's the 5mb and 12mb test files... http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?ni=1&tt=1&s=5983&st=st&ta=&top= http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?ni=1&tt=1&s=12160&st=st&ta=&top=
  15. Welcome to the forum viasatellite! Most of us already knew this. Some the noobs probably don't, however. Yep, knew that. AMC 3 is also working pretty good...
  16. I never harassed you... I was just making sure you didn't really think those tests were correct.
  17. *sigh* About fucking time... What a relief.
  18. Run it in Firefox.
  19. Have you done forgot how to take a test twice?
  20. Ok, about the real 1200kbps speeds. A speed burst is not a "real" speed; through all our arguments about it, you still don't realize that. Why would you really want something that only lasts a couple seconds? What good does that do on a 100mb download? Why would you be showing that off? Use some logic; I don't see anyone else on this forum showing off speed bursts.
  21. You should just click on my file that I uploaded, and Cablenut should automatically put my settings in. I wouldn't bother, tweaks do nothing these days. You should consider upgrading to the Pro package, you would get faster speeds than you're getting now. Do you ever see 1070 kbps? And what are your upload speeds like?
  22. tommie gorman probably thinks that's accurate
  23. Take a few consecutive tests. The second or third tests are always more accurate and slower for me...
  24. The typical speeds are a bit higher for the 4000's...
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