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Everything posted by TheHalf

  1. ***Firefox 2 release candidate can be downloaded now, and the actual beta is due later in the week.*** By Graeme Wearden, ZDNet (UK) Published on ZDNet News: July 11, 2006, 11:31 AM PT They had an error in the story and did make corrections on the release date for Firefox 2 Beta. Full story: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6092770.html?tag=nl.e589 TheHalf
  2. State Department Computers Hacked Large-Scale Computer Break-Ins Appeared To Target Specific Offices WASHINGTON, July 11, 2006 The State Department is recovering from large-scale computer break-ins worldwide over the past several weeks that appeared to target its headquarters and offices dealing with China and North Korea. Investigators believe hackers stole sensitive U.S. information and passwords, said U.S. officials familiar with the hacking. Reportedly, whoever did the hacking tried to leave so-called back doors so they could come back later and keep intruding into the computers. Full Story: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/07/11/national/main1794152.shtml TheHalf
  3. Welcome to the forum cellar. If you order Adelphia's Powerlink and look to keep AOL, AOL has simple setup procedures to use AOL via Powerlink. AOL will automatically detect the broadband connection (if you are using the latest version of AOL) and your off and running. TheHalf
  4. The first thing I needed to do after IE7 was installed was to remove the default settings for Clear Type, it is intended for users with a LCD monitor and not a CRT. Now the clarity is much better and as for CA3LE's response, isn't there adjustments user's of IE7 can make using the Internet OptionsAdvanced Tab? TheHalf
  5. I haven't had any problems with IE7 and the similarities to Firefox is very noticeable, I'll continue to use IE7 much like IE6. TheHalf
  6. Take a look at the link below. http://www.pchell.com/hardware/beepcodes.shtml#phoenix TheHalf
  7. I agree...before Windows final release of Vista, generic drivers for most hardware (NIC) will get you thru the installation process. I have a dual port 10100 NIC (Netelligent Dual 10100TX PCI UTP) and it works fine with Vista. TheHalf
  8. Go to the below website and scroll down to WEB PATCHES and take a gander at that. https://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php TheHalf
  9. :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 6562 Kbps about 6.56 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 801 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 892 Kbps about 0.89 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Upload Speed is:: 109 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 2) Test Time:: 2006/07/07 - 7:15am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KFHZQYMTX U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-M1CWHUBIK User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Media Center PC 3.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) TheHalf
  10. Right...I'll stick with my Sealys full size mattresses ($599.00) thankyou. Nice article though. TheHalf
  11. What's with downing cartoons? Come on people (those that posted in here) cartoon by some means are to invigorate laughter. The Simpsons The Family Guy Futurama Boondocks Agua Teen Hunger Force Ed, Edd & Eddy Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends Just look at some of the blogs on these titles and you will see many people (college kids as well) love these shows. TheHalf
  12. Let me review this thread and see where I f'ed up...(jeopardy music playing in my head or is that aloud?)...ahhh, I had a major typo "AKG K701 headphones with both my stereo and PC (with adapter) and the frequency range is 10Hz to 39,800KHz" should of read 10Hz to 39.8kHz. From that point on all my post snowballed outta control in the Phoenix heat. I was wrong Hz range is 1 to 999 kHz range is 1000 to 999999 MHZ range is 1000000 to 999999999 and so on. Now I need a nap. Sorry php TheHalf
  13. php your bringing megahertz (MHz, 10 to the sixth) and I'll reiterate; Hz range is 10,000 to 99,999 kHz range is 100,000 to 999,999 MHz range is 1,000,000 to 9,999,999 and I a'm hot going to GHz, Thz, Phz and so on. So again you made a mistake in your prior post, so relax we all make mistakes. TheHalf
  14. Yes I read your post and you did make a significant error, I'll explain...again You wrote 8,000KHz would be 8,000,000Hz and that is incorrect. 8,000KHz would be 800,000Hz not 8,000,000Hz. Take a look at the link below. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hertz TheHalf
  15. Sorry php but you are incorrect. Don't think Hz and kHz are like bit and bytes because they're not. I'll explain, 90000Hz is 90Hz & 100000Hz is 100kHz, look at the images below. TheHalf
  16. That depends on your headphones php. High quality headphones (like mine) can pick-up frequencies as low as 10Hz. Now that frequency is the low end bass that when played on my 400 watt 15inch Cerwin Vega Monsters actually gives more of a feel than a sound, kinda like vibration in the floor . Anyhoo I heard all the test frequencies (even all the low-ends) and that web-page is a lil deceptive in that the high-end frequencies 8000-22000 should all end in KHz. I personally use AKG K701 headphones with both my stereo and PC (with adapter) and the frequency range is 10Hz to 39,800KHz. Also remember anyone trying that test with headphones on should adjust their PC's equalizer by shutting it off. My headphones----> http://www.akg.com/products//powerslave,id,911,pid,911,mynodeid,214,_language,EN.html TheHalf
  17. Pizza & Wings watching the Yankees get spanked by Cleveland... TheHalf
  18. Most people can hear 15-20000Hz sounds. We hear tones best near human speach which is 500-4000hz. So check it out and do tell the highest frequency you can hear. *Note* If your using SP2 you need to install the ActiveX controller. http://www.jimmyr.com/blog/hearingloss.html TheHalf
  19. If all fails go directly to Zone Labs website and do a search on TrueVector. I can only comment on TrueVector that after a Windows update (happened more than once) TrueVector failed to load, I simply rebooted and voila. Zone Labs----> http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/company/search.jsp TheHalf
  20. YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!!! TheHalf
  21. Yes dn0 and no Roco. The lightning struck the old VHFUHF antenna atop the house. The antenna is grounded (I believe to the waterline in our basement) but no longer connected to TV ever since cable was installed on the premises. But that clap of thunder over my place and my neighbours was something. It's been hit and miss thunderstorms here much like you would encounter in Florida. Here's a cool website to view radarlightning strikesground clutter in your area (I believe in the US only). Just type in your zip, click on the NEXRAD radar, choose animate and there's a whole list of options below the radar screen. Click there---->http://www.wunderground.com/ TheHalf
  22. I don't know what channel that is (I have Adelphia), but the coverage from Saturday July 1st., 2006 was shown in its entirety on CSPAN-1. TheHalf
  23. To U.S. Americans here and abroad Happy 4th of July, aka Independence Day. Click there Click there ---> http://www.fireworkspop.com/Liberty_.htm TheHalf
  24. ZoneAlarm Pro. No problems for me. If you need PM me. TheHalf
  25. I had to bring this up. Just a few moments before beginning this thread my home was hit by a lightning strike while I was on the phone to my mom. Fortunately I was on a cordless and man is it night-time here, to our guest and members be careful. I heard a crack in the line and the lightning strike hit the UHF antenna. TheHalf
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