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Everything posted by mudmanc4

  1. You might want to head over to https://testmy.net/mirror and pick the California servers. You've been testing to Dallas, which is fine, but from what you are explaining, it's obvious the tests you were taking at the other place, are not telling the complete story.
  2. How to import an existing OpenVZ container into a running OpenVZ container? Not doable as I understand. Yet there must be a way to take one virtual server dump and get it running in a completely different instance. Not having control over the HW node itself. The cruft of it all if you think it will help:
  3. Are any of the results within your database here at testmy.net, results just after the HDD format, before installing steam and other applications?
  4. Hi Moidcher, Not being familiar with the web interface of this router: You'll have to find where to set a subnet reservation, out of the DCHP pool range. Leaving plenty for DCHP to start with. If the default is say, the assign a pool to ; this way you have ~98 static IP addresses, and ~156 for the DHCP, you could set it where you wish. Though, it appears as if this router may handle the specific reservations setting itself. As pictured below. For the second router, you could turn off DHCP, assign the second router a static IP within the range of of lose DHCP addresses on the first router (that is if you intend on accessing the second router itself for any reason after initial configuration) Otherwise, on the second router the more simply way would be to leave DHCP on the WAN set, and turn off the internal DHCP itself, and allow the first router to manage everything. On the second router, plug the cat5 into theWAN LAN, and connect this to a LAN port on the first router. Here is the manual itself: http://www.dlink.com/-/media/Consumer_Products/DIR/DIR%20850L/Manual/DIR850LA1manual041913v10US.pdf
  5. Hey that is awesome, I read what I could find in the time I had and how they were planning on getting rid of the cap they stated after the buyout. It's great they chose to leave it open. When I was with them there was no cap, I only heard from them if I went a bit wild and popped up in there 'high percentage of usage'. Even then they never penalized me for it.
  6. Hello Farhad, You can view your test results here: https://testmy.net/quickstats/Farhad%20Lahijhonie From there you can share results : Just click 'share' then chose which way you would like to share them: This will open a dialog with the code to copy, and paste wherever you wish: I chose 'Copy 4 Forums' : Then highlight or copy the code, and paste it into the forum of your choice.
  7. I was just having a look at this myself Not to mention the TWC cap will certainly be costly at some point. With Buckeye, after the cap is hit, it's ten bucks per 10 gig. From what I can see, without a TWC account, they charge $1/GB over {whatever is in the contract agreement} same thing as Buckeye, if it still stands.
  8. Everything you have said, mainly the section on removing the switch from the equation produces the same results, I would continue submitting tickets to the ISP, they will eventually respond and send a tech. Of course they will not be responsible for administering the local network, but with enough perseverance they should responsibly cave, and get someone out there.
  9. Ah, so with or without the switch, results are ~the same? Even using different workstations / laptops what have you? If not, run: show policer
  10. I may have missed this somewhere, what are you using to manage traffic / IP's ect. Router / firewall. I ask to see if there could be some QOS / traffic shaping going on, in any sense.
  11. I'm looking for any reason for this other than specifically, deception, anyone? Again, unless the test is taken and strictly meant to be used by the end customer, and only to be used in a manner to verify ISP to end user connectivity.
  12. I use it a couple times a year, for that feel good feeling, thing. However I mostly know better.
  13. Going out on a mental limb here, what happens when this is done on three separate machines locally. I mean to say, one instance of the download per workstation. Might sound strange or leading to inconclusive results, maybe, just my way of analyzing.
  14. The test they are using is to verify the end to end connection, within their internal networks. It has no other purpose. If hosted on [or within] their networks. Just for fun (it's all fun though isn't it) start a download of debian [http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/8.2.0/amd64/iso-dvd/debian-8.2.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso] which is 3.7 gigs in IE and one in Firefox or Chrome on one machine. Monitor whatever you have which can print or render live throughput.
  15. I would expect a bit more from that connection. At the same time, a leased line, if this is simply as stated a dedicated fiber line to your ISP, and not connecting corporate offices, that if you tested say 5, or 25 machines at the same time, the results could be reflected much the same as your seeing with one. [In other words, each workstation might achieve the same ~5Mbps at the same time another or others} Are you in a position to simultaneously test any multiple of workstations to verify?
  16. That is the direction I was thinking as well. You could also have a look at hyjack this
  17. In Chrome, goto chrome://net-internals/#dns and clear the host cache; Then goto chrome://net-internals/#sockets and flush socket pools Restart Chrome and test again edit: Reasoning here is due to Chrome having it's own DNS cache, sometimes this can get corrupt or other. The result will be Chrome is forced to do DNS lookups again, which happens in milliseconds at any rate.
  18. Disable each addon or extension one at a time, and test if you don't mind it could be useful to someone else using the same thing.
  19. Do you have Firefox installed, or use Internet Explorer which you could verify if this is an issue with an addon in Chrome.
  20. Lets open a shell on windows or CMD and run a traceroute to testmy.net tracert testmy.net Just an FYI no more: I just tested the upload to Dallas and had normal results.
  21. Ok, just select a different server than Dallas. For now, look for the closest server to you.
  22. Ok, visit the severs selection page, change your server. https://testmy.net/mirror What server are you using at the moment?
  23. What do you get when you visit this link? https://testmy.net/upload
  24. Try a long press and hold on the icon to view the tooltip. I know believe iPhone and some versions of Android will show the tooltip this way.
  25. I find this disturbingly hilarious, not to mention in a sense, falsifying throughput details. Hell, why don't we simply create a test on ou[r] local network to get 'interwebz' speeds. Oo
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