mudmanc4 Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 You can't do that, it's just a snapshot. Are saying there is no "0" , just a "1" ? Not that core,(the one at the top) you should have one " core" , and at least two services running, scroll down to see the actual services. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 my first core (most likely thread 0) is maxed out, and my second core is around 25% used... im not sure honestly. Edit Hey mudman, i rebooted again and Its maxing my cpu out at 100% It worked. Thank you so much. Now i'm going to be folding every time my pc is on. here is 2 screens to show...Oh hey, i have 2 core services running and 2 other f@h services. so i have 4 services i guess running... Also, how do i check my stats and everything? without going to the website...or is there another way.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 my first core (most likely thread 0) is maxed out, and my second core is around 25% used... im not sure honestly. It's ok, maybe just that particular WU your working on. I wouldn't think to much about it for now. You have to remember, your actually working double the normal rate, like there's two different machines entirely, Thats awesome dude! Give it a week or so, check the link i posted, see how your doing, sometimes you'll get really small units, and you'll blow through them , then other times it'll take a couple days. On the eoc link i posted, you can see by the month, week, day, and hour , how many work units you have turned in. If you get more into it, there's quite a bit more to. Like averages, team take overs, and conquests, as well as threats to the team, and yourself. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 Thank you mudman, I've wanted to do this for a while, just not known how....Thanks alot Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 Thank you mudman, I've wanted to do this for a while, just not known how....Thanks alot Good , I'm glad you did, now maybe others will too. You don't have to go through all this crap, thats just the way I learned how to do it, lets you get into it , and understand things more than just installing it. there are simple click and go solutions , where you can literally be up and running in less than two or three minutes. But i like to do things the hard way, they told me that since I was in the fifth grade If you get super geeked out on it, you can download the actual " gromacs core" that folding runs on, and do some serious stuff, me , I'm no programmer, but if you are, then maybe you can re write the code, and finally give us an Ubuntu core, man, I wish I had that, I'm lookin at a ppc laptop w/ Ubuntu on it, and I can't frickin fold on it!!!!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 Hey starship, i forgot, what was i thinking, you have a good processor, you can tweak it out by adding the " -advmethods" flag, and the "-forceasm" flag ! just edit the registry file that we did before, and you'll get much more power out of it. the avdmethods will use the sse boost, and ithe other one will use another cpu specific booster. Just remember, sometimes folding doesn't like overclocking if you get to far out there, for some reason it gets all weird. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 Good , I'm glad you did, now maybe others will too. You don't have to go through all this crap, thats just the way I learned how to do it, lets you get into it , and understand things more than just installing it. there are simple click and go solutions , where you can literally be up and running in less than two or three minutes. But i like to do things the hard way, they told me that since I was in the fifth grade If you get super geeked out on it, you can download the actual " gromacs core" that folding runs on, and do some serious stuff, me , I'm no programmer, but if you are, then maybe you can re write the code, and finally give us an Ubuntu core, man, I wish I had that, I'm lookin at a ppc laptop w/ Ubuntu on it, and I can't frickin fold on it!!!!!!!! Yeah i'm glad i did it too. and i love doing it the hard way..i may suck at it but it give me more of a chance to learn. Oh btw, in the fahlog.txt i had to change one machine id from 1 to 2, so they have seperate id's so they download and work on 2 packets but under my name . so yeh... i wish there was one for ubuntu also, of course im more and more heading into mandriva 2008 linux if any. Also, if anyone is worried about computer slowing down or anything, Look at the screenshot of mine..its always at 100% on both cores, and i just played call of juarez for like 30 minutes with absolutely no lag....Folding slows down its work to give other applications more use over the cpu than it takes. so there is no real system slow down. :grin2: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 Hey starship, i forgot, what was i thinking, you have a good processor, you can tweak it out by adding the " -advmethods" flag, and the "-forceasm" flag ! just edit the registry file that we did before, and you'll get much more power out of it. the avdmethods will use the sse boost, and ithe other one will use another cpu specific booster. Just remember, sometimes folding doesn't like overclocking if you get to far out there, for some reason it gets all weird. Ok mudman, what do the advmethods and forceasm flags do? lol and i only have mine overclocked from 2.8ghz to 3ghz. i can take it down if need real reason other than bragging rights..but hell look at my cpu, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 no dude, "0" is the first one, and "1" is the second. Besides, as far as I know , you didn't change anything, that is just a log file of what is going on. You already created the directory, and the files, so mess w/ it too much and you'll be hurtin. Did ya read my last post? Ok mudman, what do the advmethods and forceasm flags do? lol and i only have mine overclocked from 2.8ghz to 3ghz. i can take it down if need real reason other than bragging rights..but hell look at my cpu, You should be fine unless you go over 20 % of stock, then gromacs freaks out and panics. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 Don't forget to reboot when you add a flag, or it won't do anything until the next time you do. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 oh ok, sorry mudman i misread your post about the thread_0 and thread_1. i understand now . Thanks for clearing that up but also, what is it that the flags do? the ones you posted a few posts ago? or are they just things to give a little boost. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 but also, what is it that the flags do? the ones you posted a few posts ago? or are they just things to give a little boost. They utilize the flags that are already in your cpu, like sse, and the stuff that really makes the cpu what it is, That was a large oversight on my part not to have you set those flags from the beginning, you will freak when you see your cpu load after those two flags. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 HOLY CRAP MUDMANC4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went from having 545 threads and 46 processes to over 634 threads :2funny: my cpu is at 100% and the graph is off the scale :evil6: My only complaint is the cpu temp is now 158 degrees Fahrenheit. but hell thats because i have yet to clean out the case with my air duster this month Thank you score should go up hella fast now. i have for services running from folding and im maxing a 3ghz dual core thanks mudman, im curious to see the results in a few days edit/ Oh slowed my system startup time down by about 10 seconds..but it now takes around 45 seconds to 1 minute to start...OH NOS...Just kidding lol its perfectly fine. but i still see no real system slow down...i've even gamed to test it still getting over 200fps in cs source on max resolution with folding running. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 Dude , ...............there's more, ............much more ! But, you need to learn a bit more before you turn loose here, there are flags you can set which will doublw what you see there now, and more than tripple your points you get for the finished WU's. Keep the crap out of the computer! your cpu can handle it, this is one reason i warned about OC'ing, you don't need to here, and your games , you will eventually set a new profile that kills all but about 15 , or less services , so when you game, it's on. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 NICE.. hey i barely game and when i do its fine if a i need to turn stuff down from the high settings. im not a graphics whore . Im very interested in learning about this stuff. so i'll research and post up when i want to do something...or you can post up if you find something for me. either way, i wanna learn (never thought i'd say that) edit/ to help a little i also edited my startup items in msconfig...only the stuff like my antivirus, firewall, and the necessary windows services start. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 Wakin up are we? :grin2: Later we'll work on the bigWU flag, and then maybe to the smp core and the big wu flag, thats the killer, unstable a bit, but you can get 2,000-3,000 + points per day hat way, but you have to watch it, and set things up totally different than you just did. So at a later time maybe. EDIT: DON"T SET THAT FLAG RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! I know you wanna , but you'll have to change a lot for it not to crash the core you have installed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 Wakin up are we? :grin2: Later we'll work on the bigWU flag, and then maybe to the smp core and the big wu flag, thats the killer, unstable a bit, but you can get 2,000-3,000 + points per day hat way, but you have to watch it, and set things up totally different than you just did. So at a later time maybe. damn thats alot of many does the average person get (just as a wild guess). and im sure it wont be long before i show up on the list for our team ...i hope. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 It all depends, it's really machine dependent. I have several machines, I have most of them set very conservatively for different reasons, a couple of them I acess from wherever i am, and there's a lag in time from when you are remotely accessing, before the core realizes it needs to shut up, ( because folding will slow or even halt as the other programs you use need cpu space) . And others are old ass boxes that I have FTP's on , and I don't like to push the hell out of an ancient machine. Some that really know what there doin, get the 2-3 k per day, and even more. What I'd like to see is the fairly new graphics card core, I guess they kick chicken. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted March 26, 2008 CID Share Posted March 26, 2008 if i had a quad core it would be folding as much as possible Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 27, 2008 CID Share Posted March 27, 2008 Hey ST, Time to pass the " -bigWU" flag! Don't forget to restart afterwards. This will give you huge cores when available, they gave big bonus points. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fattymcbluff Posted March 27, 2008 CID Share Posted March 27, 2008 what i want is to see a clinet that uses the new Nvidia 8 and 9 cards that support cuda then there will be some real kick ass folding Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 27, 2008 CID Share Posted March 27, 2008 what i want is to see a clinet that uses the new Nvidia 8 and 9 cards that support cuda then there will be some real kick ass folding Are you saying the current gpu folding cores don't support them? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted March 27, 2008 CID Share Posted March 27, 2008 Hey ST, Time to pass the " -bigWU" flag! Don't forget to restart afterwards. This will give you huge cores when available, they gave big bonus points. Sweet thanks. im going to check my scores tomorrow evening and see...if it updated.... and then i'll use that flag. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted March 27, 2008 CID Share Posted March 27, 2008 Sweet thanks. im going to check my scores tomorrow evening and see...if it updated.... and then i'll use that flag. sorry for the double post...but i have a question... when does the stats get updated...and when is the best time to check them... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 27, 2008 CID Share Posted March 27, 2008 sorry for the double post...but i have a question... when does the stats get updated...and when is the best time to check them... Depends on where your looking. There is a delay as the servers process the WU's, so sometimes it's takes a few. There are several good monitoring sites, the best one, they just built a new stats only server, you can find it <a href=>Here</a> Just look on the left side of the page, and type in either your username, or our team number, you'll get more info if you look around those links than you can imagine. Or look in the data folders that folding created in your /folding dir, and there are all your stats for the current WU, and how far the progress is, and a couple other things If you want the WU's to send info back @ quicker intervals, just use the " - Verbosity 9 " flag. Make sure you leave space, as the others, and a space between the 9. Or look in your /folding dir, and there will be info on the progress of each wu, and other stuff. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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