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Who out there is still a fan of the good ol' classics of Super Nintendo!? I know i still play mine all the time.

What, in your opinion, are the best 5 classics ever made?

I think

1. Final Fantasy III

2. Super Metroid  (my all time favorite)

3. Chrono Trigger

4. Donkey Kong Country (preferibly the frst one)

5. Secrete Of Mana

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Who out there is still a fan of the good ol' classics of Super Nintendo!? I know i still play mine all the time.

What, in your opinion, are the best 5 classics ever made?

I think

1. Final Fantasy III

2. Super Metroid  (my all time favorite)

3. Chrono Trigger

4. Donkey Kong Country (preferibly the frst one)

5. Secrete Of Mana

1.  super maro brothes

2.  Donkey King Country

3.  Street Fighter

4.  Mortol Kombat (if it was on super nintendo, i can't remember if it was on it, or sega)


will add a 5th once i can remember some of the games i played.

honestly there are somany more then 5 games that are ultimate if you ask me...how could i forget Legend of Zelda Link to the Past... AHH that was insanely good. the light and dark world... simply amazing.

it was so much fun to have a battle royal with ultimate mortal kombat 3 and street fighter 2 turbo.. oh my gosh the classics... Thank GOD the Nintendo revolution will have downloadable access to all past N64 Super nintendo and NES games... that is going to be so nice and basically keep the revolution always fun to play.  HURRAY FOR NINTENDO.. in my own personal opinion i think Nintendo is the best out there for counsils. Sure they dont make DVD players in their systems, or HD TV features...but whats nice is their main concern is making the games better for the people.. thats why i love them... i have never played more fun adventure packed games then i have for Nintendo... can anyone second me on that?

I still probably like NES best .I haven't had a super Nintendo console I went with the SEGA Genesis .

I still play the original Final Fantsy on the NES as well as others like Mario & Duck Hunt.

I like one called "The Immortal"

The Link or Zelda games are fun & the Castlevania series.

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