tommie gorman Posted May 3, 2006 CID Share Posted May 3, 2006 So why do you condone their cheating. Cheaters never win. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 3, 2006 CID Share Posted May 3, 2006 Actually I think the problem is not immigrants, it is the illegal immigrants. Or were you confused? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted May 3, 2006 CID Share Posted May 3, 2006 Actually I think the problem is not immigrants, it is the illegal immigrants. Or were you confused? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 3, 2006 CID Share Posted May 3, 2006 Maybe i should refraise that. The American Immigrant Way. :brave: After we are all imigrants. Just legal ones. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted May 3, 2006 CID Share Posted May 3, 2006 1. Hold on exp[lain the american way????? 2. Because lets c us americans have come into tons of countries univited and taken over the latest exemple of this iraq 3.Oh but we are not criminals 4.Nevermind that we have pictures of solders humiliating prisiners making them strip and peeing on them 5.Never mind that 6.There are solders out there who have and are rape womanin other countries 7.Never mind that we unlesh the deadlidt wepon ever created the atomic bomb 8.never mind that we still have tons of nukes 9. yet a country such as N korea tries to just built one and points it our way ALL HELL BREAKS LOSE 10. I dont c much diffrence 11.anyway this country is based on immigrants 12.immigrants made it strong immigrants will make it stronger 1.This would take a book.The Bill of Rights would be a start.These rights are really for citizens even though the Supreme Court has extended them in most cases to cover others in the USA. 2.Tons if I equavalate that to a number 2000.That would mean the USA had done this to more countries than there have ever been on Earth.So please site examples.Most of the time the USA has been invited in some way or we declare war & invade.Following the Geneva Conference rules I think.Rules of war have always been an oxymoron to me.The USA tries to follow this.For myself there is one rule of war.WIN . 3.No the USA is not criminal. 4.This was not condoned by the leaders of the USA as far as I know the soldiers that did this served prison time & were dishonorably discharged.& they probably didn't get them all.Far less that the Japanese did to POW's in WW2. 5. I do mind that. 6. In Japan the only one I have heard about the soldier was prosecuted.Rape happens the answer is to prosecute the guilty.If you are sayng this is official US military policy then prove it. 7.The 2 dropped in WW2 the only 2 ever dropped in war.Stopped the war a the cost of many lives but far less than if the war had continued.The Japanese were vicious to POW's.& civilians of other countries.If we had nuked them till Japan sank It still wouldn't have been equal. 8. we do I am against this because we never intend to use them.It is a gross waste of tax money.I wouldn't mind the assembly/disassembly plant 20 miles from me shut down. 9. We shouldn't control what other countries do.But this is not just a USA thing with N.Koresa it is a UN thing.They also threatened the USA with their nuke.As far as I'm concerned this was a declaration of war by N.Korea on the USA so any response by the USA is justified. 10.The difference is the USA doesn't intend to use our nukes.As explained above. 11.The country was based on immigrants but these came to settle & make this country theirs.Make a new culture.They didn't miss the countries that were so bad they left.Taking a chance of making it or dieing.No welfare to bail them out.If they couldn't work they starved to death.I don't see that attitude with the immigrants of today even the legal ones.They want to bring their culture from a country so bad they left.I still can't figure that out.Many want to make enough money here to return to the country they are really loyal to.They just come to America to take advantage of the USA.& want Americans to accept their customs.While they're here. 12.The immigrants of the past made it strong with lives .blood & sweat because America was now their country to which they were loyal.This is over all not true of the immigrants today. Ask a Native American see what he/she thinks of what immigrants did for their country. Theres my answers to your post I think I covered it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GlocknLoad Posted May 3, 2006 CID Share Posted May 3, 2006 Well, you had to get me started! I feel those in this country that slithered over our border are here illegally and should be prosecuted and deported. They are invaders, pure and simple, and while they pose no imminent threat to my safety, they cause a huge burden on the taxpayers and CITIZENS of this country! I gassed up my cars, I mowed my own grass, washed my own vehicles, ate at a restaurant where teenagers who are trying to make a few bucks are employed. I did the things necessary to help my people and my country. I saved all my purchases for Monday, May 1. Thank you, illegals, for the wake-up call. I spent 24 years in the U.S Navy, a retired Commander, and know all about U.S. policy and the countries we have invaded. I HELPED INVADE THEM! Some of the first Tomahwks to hit Irag in 1991 were launched by me. If those countries mentioned had done better by their people, I wouldn't be there. Mexico is close to this point, and now that they are legalizing drugs there, that stuff will eventually be found on the illegals crossing the border here. I have writen all my elected officials from municipal to the fed level, telling them to stand firm and not cave in to this crap. MY bottom line is, if you're in this country illegally, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL! And you can't alter my life, I own too many guns and carry a badge. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted May 3, 2006 CID Share Posted May 3, 2006 First I want this clear.I support the US military troops where ever they are sent.And thank GlocknLoad for serving us. It would even take a general with some brass cohones to tell the President "NO I'm not sending troops there.we have no business there"Where ever there is. That being said we were wrong to attack Iraq.We have to let other nations run their own countries as we have the right to run the USA.If we have definate proof their citizens have attacked the USA then we have a right to declare war & retalliate.I don't believe we proved this in Iraq this time.In the first Gulf War Iraq took over Kuwait & the USA had & probably still has an allience with Kuwait.We simply honored that alliance & kept our word.If we don't like the USA to have this alliance with Kuwait then we need to do what's necessary to legally change it.But when not attacked we need to mind our own business I have already posted my view on illegals in other posts. I want to address drugs coming into the country .I don't have a way to prove this but I doubt if more than 1% comes in carried by people.or even regular passenger vehicles.Think about how many illegal drugs are used in the USA everyday.To get that quantity it has to come in by shipping container & semi truck loads full.So I may blame the illegals for some things but not this. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted May 3, 2006 CID Share Posted May 3, 2006 My 2 Penny's worth !! I think you cannot compare the original immigration into the States,undertaken for opportunity and a new life, with immigration that is taking place world wide today. for economical reasons, the original immigrants knew they would have to work hard , maybe not for their benefit but for the future generations, today immigrants are saying, hey look at that lifestyle I want some for me, I am thinking of retiring to Spain , for the better climate and lower taxes, so that puts me in the new immigrant category, just in case anyone takes offence, but I think at some stage the door will have to be shut, maybe on me as well, P.S. can I realy get into the States by the back door ? aaagh just wish I was 30 years younger, geting past climbing fences these days Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 3, 2006 CID Share Posted May 3, 2006 4. You forgot out vietnam vets.POW's and MIA's 7. I guess never mind about pearl Harbor,Dec. 7 1941 8. And we went through this with USSR in cold war. We removed several. 9. So you feel comfortable with them having them? Their leader is a nut. You don't let a nut have a gun, at lest I don't. 11. Legal immigrants 12. Again, legal immigrants Maybe you should check with some Vet's and ask them what they think. Until you have a better perspective of what patriotism really means. That is what is wrong with US today, not enough Patriotism. If more young men enlisted in the military, the ideas would change. Ever think about serving your country, instead of illegal immigrants? Do you think the illegals would help defend this country, or would they just say that it is not their problem! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted May 3, 2006 CID Share Posted May 3, 2006 tommie gorman ;I hope your last post was to Dark06.I didn't leave out the vietnam vets.POW's and MIA's on purpose.& yes they were treated very badly. I think we agree on 7 read what I think we should have done to Japan.I have a more personal perspective.I wasn't born yet but my dad served on 3 different tankers during WW2 in the Pacific.The reason 2 of those were sank by the Japanese.He spent time in the water both times.So the Japanese might have caused me not to have been born.Then & this is about the USA.The Navy let sailors from my dads ship walk around Hiroshima about 3 weeks after the bomb was dropped. 8,11.& 12 we agree. On 9 no I don't feel confortable with Korea having nukes.In their case once they threatened the problem would have been over.We didn't handle it that way though.I still believe you have to let countries govern themselves like we do the USA.Even if you don't like their politics.Its part of the price of freedom.The USA should respect this more not less.Then take action even severe action if they do attack us or our allies. Do you think the illegals would help defend this country, or would they just say that it is not their problem! To be honest I think some would defend the USA but I don't think the percentage would be very high. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 4, 2006 CID Share Posted May 4, 2006 Nah, it was for Dark06. You know me better than that. I am thinking of retiring to Spain , for the better climate and lower taxes, so that puts me in the new immigrant category, P.S. can I realy get into the States by the back door ? aaagh just wish I was 30 years younger, geting past climbing fences these days First off you will probably do it legally. Secondly I am glad we welcomed you in. Your Brit humor kills me. I am sure there are areas that you would not have to climb at all. ____________________________________________________________________________ It just kills me to hear a wet nosed youngun spouting off at the mouth. When they have not done one thing to serve their country. And then to support an illegal (breaking the law) alien. Try the naval nuclear submarines if you really want to learn computers. Then lets see if you have the same ideas. And damned if you would not know something about computers then!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted May 4, 2006 CID Share Posted May 4, 2006 I didn't really think so tommie but just making sure.Anyway it gave me a chance to add some more. Roco ;Just board a Mexico public transit bus in Juarez.Mexico & ride it across the border bridge into ElPaso Texas.The 2 times I rode one of these there was no customs check at all.Things may have changed since 911 though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted May 4, 2006 CID Share Posted May 4, 2006 Hi Tommie & Cholla Dont tempt me, I might just try that, Hold on that guy's, the sun has just come out (3rd time this year) so life aint so bad , I just got a letter from my water auth. "No Hosepipes " but I can fill my pool ,LOL what pool ?? Smile things could be worse, so I did, and sure enough things got worse. Roco UK Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted May 4, 2006 CID Share Posted May 4, 2006 I'm even more frustrated about the immigrants and the whole "Spanish language" movement. Just because you're too lazy to learn English doesn't mean we should change our national language to Spanish. What a group of Americans went to live in Mexico and started trying to change the national language to English? exactly...wonder if i could get a job in mexico if i couldn't speak spanish???...hmmm...i don't think so. i am so sick of callin companies i deal with...and getting their answering it's bad enough that i have to hear their fricken recording in english...but then i have to hear the whole damned speech again in spanish!!!...if ur gonna live here...learn the language of the land u walk on. don't expect us to supply teachers that speak multiple languages so ur kids don't have to bother to learn the language of the land...wouldn't even be a consideration in any other country in the world, where english wasn't the national language, for me to expect to educate my kids there and not speak the language...why should it be here?? anyway this country is based on immigrants immigrants made it strong immigrants will make it stronger LEGAL immigrants...what is so hard to understand???'s a simple concept...doesn't even need discussed...LEGAL...come here thru proper channels and learn the language of the land u plan to work in...bear ur babies in...cook ur food in... i don't wanna be trying to translate to english...or decode billboards or packaging of products i buy...this is the United States of America...and our national language is ENGLISH...learn bilingual if u want...but learn the language of the land and don't expect me to know ur native tongue just to keep my job...or don't blame the doctor if he/she can't figure out what's wrong with u just because u don't speak english, and he/she doesn't speak spanish...hopefully u don't die before a translator gets there (and YES i've seen this scenario happen...first hand in person) edit: damnit...i can't spell and rant at the same time Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coknuck Posted May 4, 2006 CID Share Posted May 4, 2006 You go girl tell it like it is. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted May 4, 2006 CID Share Posted May 4, 2006 I'm still waiting for this to happen .Make a call & you get this:Please select your language: 1.English 2.Spainish 3.German 4.Itallian 5.Greek 6.Swedish(for Van Buren) 7.Portuges 8.French 9Native American 0. Chinese Then 9. is sub divided 1.Cherokee2.Choctaw.3,Shoshonee4. Iriquios 5.Eskimo till the number pad runs out again 0. is sub divided too !.Mandrian 2.Cantonese 3.Schezwan & so on Then since this still doesn't get every language on Earth someone sues because they were left out & descriminated against. The point Where does it stop? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j3grizz Posted May 4, 2006 CID Share Posted May 4, 2006 exactly...wonder if i could get a job in mexico if i couldn't speak spanish???...hmmm...i don't think so. i am so sick of callin companies i deal with...and getting their answering it's bad enough that i have to hear their fricken recording in english...but then i have to hear the whole damned speech again in spanish!!!...if ur gonna live here...learn the language of the land u walk on. don't expect us to supply teachers that speak multiple languages so ur kids don't have to bother to learn the language of the land...wouldn't even be a consideration in any other country in the world, where english wasn't the national language, for me to expect to educate my kids there and not speak the language...why should it be here?? LEGAL immigrants...what is so hard to understand???'s a simple concept...doesn't even need discussed...LEGAL...come here thru proper channels and learn the language of the land u plan to work in...bear ur babies in...cook ur food in... i don't wanna be trying to translate to english...or decode billboards or packaging of products i buy...this is the United States of America...and our national language is ENGLISH...learn bilingual if u want...but learn the language of the land and don't expect me to know ur native tongue just to keep my job...or don't blame the doctor if he/she can't figure out what's wrong with u just because u don't speak english, and he/she doesn't speak spanish...hopefully u don't die before a translator gets there (and YES i've seen this scenario happen...first hand in person) edit: damnit...i can't spell and rant at the same time Couldn't have said it better myself!! What about calling customer service somewhere and can't undersatand a dang thing the person says. Wonder why that is! I think you know what I'm talking about. Man that is annoying!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paladin Posted May 5, 2006 CID Share Posted May 5, 2006 Quoting: Glocknload. I feel those in this country that slithered over our border are here illegally and should be prosecuted and deported. They are invaders, pure and simple, and while they pose no imminent threat to my safety, they cause a huge burden on the taxpayers and CITIZENS of this country! I have writen all my elected officials from municipal to the fed level, telling them to stand firm and not cave in to this crap. MY bottom line is, if you're in this country illegally, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL! And you can't alter my life, I own too many guns. . I agree with you Glocknload. We can thank Clinton for this multilingual B****S that we are going thru now. He wrote the Presidential Proclamation that started it all. That should be illegal as it makes the Pres. like a King. Sorry to say that I voted for him. I'm not sorry to say that I didn't at any time vote for G. W. as I have always thought he was a puppet jerk. I see by the polls that about 2/3rds of the USA agrees with me now. I own a lot of guns also, guess I'm gonna have to get my permit to carry my 9mm as it is legal to carry concealed in Tx. now. Dark06: You are living in a country founded on laws, so I don't see why you can't understand the meaning of illegal immigrant. All those that came in by the Statue of Liberty went to Ellis Island and entered legally. Our Medical system is nearly bankrupt now because of all the illegals that they are required to treat and that is normally a freebie. Have you tried waiting in an ER lately, if you are lucky you might get to see a Dr. in 5 or 6 hours because these people are using the ER for their family Dr. I'm through ranting for now, maybe later. :haha: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 5, 2006 CID Share Posted May 5, 2006 Here is a real good movie for you to see Dark06. Uncommon Valor (1983) And a couple of my favorite quotes: Sailor: You don't quit, boy. Not when it's for real! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mrs. Wilkes: It's taken me TEN YEARS to get that damn war out of his head! Rhodes: Oh yeah? Well it looks like it's still in there to me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhodes: We'll need transportation... preferably four-wheel drive. Wilkes: Buy it or "borrow" it? Rhodes: Steal the F#@&er! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sailor: Boy, you just bought the whole can of whup-ass! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sailor: Boy... usin' that martial bullS#!t on me's gonna get real expensive. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark06 Posted May 6, 2006 Author CID Share Posted May 6, 2006 Damn have not been on 4 a while look at all the response i got Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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