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This is a reminder of a feature that testmy.net has that you may not know about...

As a registered member of testmy.net you have the option to add your friends of testmy.net to a buddylist.  Once someone is added to your buddylist their name will be in bold on the "Guests & Members Online" section on the front page of the site when they're online, so you can quickly know which of your personal buddies is online.  This also give you the availibility to quickly contact the people on your buddy list without having to search for them.

If you'd like to take advantage of this feature you can start to build your buddylist at >> http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;sa=editBuddies   --- (I have recently made a change the this page that will help you build your list a little faster, when the page is loaded you will automatically be focused on the portion of the page where you type in the buddies name... trust me, it will make a big difference in how quickly you can build your list.  I made the change because when I was building my list I was getting quite annoyed at how long it was taking, after the change I was able to add people MUCH faster :-D)

If you'd like to review or add people to your buddylist in the future you can get to it under the "Edit Profile" tab, then click "Edit Buddies" in the left-submenu.

Enjoy! -- I hope I'm one of your buddies :-D

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