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Post your speed and how much you pay monthly

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am with Act Broadband, (https://www.actcorp.in/) City: Chennai, India, I pay Indian Rupees 2,300 with Tax for (USD 35) 150 MBPS Speed, 750GB high speed data, They gave me a AC1200 Router for free. And its rumored that my ACT will introduce a 1GBPS plan at USD 93 in Chennai soon, few cities in Indian are already equipped with 1GBPS Plan.



  • 2 weeks later...

My download speed is all the up to 6 mbps (up from 1.3 yesterday). I pay $150 a month and I am on the "Silver Unlimited 25 mbps" plan. That's through Viasat (exede). I signed up for this program because they told me it was unlimited ( it's not. it's limited to 150 g) and it was "at least 25 mbps" (it's not. my average speed is 5mbps since I signed up). In short, they lied. Their contract says "up to 25 mbps" which means any speed they deliver no matter how slow is within the contract. The service people also lied when they said they were capable of delivering 25 mbps and faster. I challenged them to show me 25 mbps just to prove they could. They couldn't. They have tried "everything they know how to do" but the best they did was 14 mbps once. They concluded that they put too much traffic on my node and they are unable to deliver anything better than 5 mbps on average. At the they are "very, very sorry for the inconvenience". But they aren't sorry for stealing my money.


Optus Australia, in Melbourne although I'm about 900km from the Sydney test server. Still that’s for 100/40Mbps for $110 AUD per month which also includes all phone calls regardless of landline, long distance and all mobile calls even to all other phone carriers. Data unlimited and no time limit on any phone calls. These overseas speeds are INSANE however. I highly doubt we’ll see them here now that the governments bought the entire countries internet, every ISP has been taken over by our government. I’m sure you’re all sick of hearing this though. 

The Twilight Zone. Looking at the speeds documented out there for the same money that I pay makes me feel as though I still run dial-up. (a lot of you never experienced those days).

I live in a rural farm community, no cable and no DSL available. I have to rely on "high speed" wireless from a broadcast tower a mile down the road. Paying for a whopping 5mb down/1mb up at a rate of $59.95/mo. This is embarrassingly slow compared to the rest of humanity! In my area they pretty much have us by the short hairs with no decent alternative. Thinking the area market is ripe for the picking for true high speed internet providers.

On 3/9/2018 at 7:03 AM, MoreLess said:

The Twilight Zone. Looking at the speeds documented out there for the same money that I pay makes me feel as though I still run dial-up. (a lot of you never experienced those days).

I live in a rural farm community, no cable and no DSL available. I have to rely on "high speed" wireless from a broadcast tower a mile down the road. Paying for a whopping 5mb down/1mb up at a rate of $59.95/mo. This is embarrassingly slow compared to the rest of humanity! In my area they pretty much have us by the short hairs with no decent alternative. Thinking the area market is ripe for the picking for true high speed internet providers.

That’s the sad truth about internet in America. The ISPs go where the money is and leave rural America with minimal investment.


I can relate to the problems of rural America.  It looks like my speeds are even slower than yours.


Nine years ago I moved from suburbia, with decent DSL for $25.00/mo. to a rural area that only offered very expensive and unreliable satellite or dial-up.  When DSL finally became available through Fairpoint a couple of years later, I signed up.  I pay $41.00 a month to Fairpoint, now Consolidated Communications, and my latest test results are 2.9 Mbps down and 712 kbps up, which has been typical.


ISPs want to make a profit, and it has to be more cost-effective to provide service to customers on a block in a big city, for instance, than somewhere with fewer than ten households in a mile.  I don't know if it will ever get much better without some kind of government subsidy.


There has been some talk here recently about upgrading the infrastructure to attract more businesses to the area, as almost all rely on fast internet now, and take it for granted that it will be available wherever they go.  I will watch to see what happens.

  • 2 weeks later...

Today I am not sure what the internet is doing

I pay $50.00/ month for 5MB upload and download - this is what is happening today, need to fix it right away or find another connection. I have the cable plugged in with no wifi connections on.


starstarstarstarstar   down arrow Download :: 231 kbps 29 kB/s  up arrow Upload :: 26 kbps

  • 3 weeks later...

i live in a rural area and not much choice as to isp and i upload a lot of photos and videos,
so i bit the bullet and paid for the top tier plan from a local phone cooperative which,
when i joined about 4 years ago was about $170 for 30mb/s down and 8mb/s upload.

they gradually improved this over the years without charging more and the uptime is
astoundingly great at what has to be 99.9x percent. but a few months back i got a bill for
only $110 and i thought they had degraded my service and i checked and it was about
70mb/s down and an amazing 30mb/s upload! and your test show even better.

bb /s~

Dude the same thing happened with me with Comcast about a month or two ago my bill never changed but the speeds went crazy I was getting like 300 megabits per second in my upload is only about 13 to 15 megabits per second so I don't know but I know one thing it's crazy fast

Wow guys, looking at the speeds here makes me wonder what kind of country I'm living in... I joined this site because of it's ability to automatically run tests... here's my first result at 10:30pm!




Optus Net

Sydney Australia

Paying $120 p.m

2 hours ago, 3rdworldinternet said:

Wow guys, looking at the speeds here makes me wonder what kind of country I'm living in... I joined this site because of it's ability to automatically run tests... here's my first result at 10:30pm!




Optus Net

Sydney Australia

Paying $120 p.m

hey mate! if i was guessing i'd say you're living in a dsl world there. been there--your results are what i was getting about 10-12 years ago before i got on cable internet.



On 4/20/2018 at 1:32 AM, silverlocke said:


Haha I wish... this is Optus Cable. Should be hitting 100 Mbps... 10 - 12 years ago we were on ADSL and I felt we were ahead of the curve... now we have an expensive cable package and it's like I'm on dial up. It's a congestion issue. Telcos should be more accountable when overselling in a particular area.

1 hour ago, 3rdworldinternet said:

Haha I wish... this is Optus Cable. Should be hitting 100 Mbps... 10 - 12 years ago we were on ADSL and I felt we were ahead of the curve... now we have an expensive cable package and it's like I'm on dial up. It's a congestion issue. Telcos should be more accountable when overselling in a particular area.

Is this the guy that I was speaking to that lives in Sydney Australia?   

Hey this is Chris from the state of Maryland in the United States is this the guy that lives in Sydney Australia was just wondering what your speeds were again if they were getting any better we are hitting three hundred megabytes a second up here where I live and they're talking about going to this 5G bullshit and I think it's going to fry us all I don't think they should go through that what is your opinion about that if you don't mind me asking

On 4/19/2018 at 6:15 AM, photoman15 said:

Dude the same thing happened with me with Comcast about a month or two ago my bill never changed but the speeds went crazy I was getting like 300 megabits per second in my upload is only about 13 to 15 megabits per second so I don't know but I know one thing it's crazy fast

comcast boosted speeds everywhere for free..most got like a 25mbps upgrade

Hi! Recently signed up, but been testing and lurking here for years! I pay $109/month for Gigabit FTTH service from the local telephone cooperative. $40 of that is for basic phone service that I don't even use and cannot be dropped. At any rate, I'm pretty happy with the service and enjoy great speeds even when using a VPN.



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