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I can't say Hi, but I wll say MEOW.

After many long years of chopping wood to fuel my crawl-up connection, I bought a WildBlue sat to spppeeeddd up life here in the piney woods of E.TX.

I will try not to shed and claw the furnishing while I pussyfoot around here.

Hi there and welcome. It's nice to see new faces. Be careful where you step, some of the guys here aren't too into cats. ;)

Hope you enjoy your stay! :)

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You're correct, I am about 35 miles from many, LA.

We actually fared better than many.  Rita veered just a bit NW of here and saved us from a bunch of wind.  My spouse and f-i-l are both on oxygen 24/7 so they got to go camp out at the local hospital.  I camped in the yard with the dogs and cats. We have a variety of timber on our 30 acres.  Pine, of course, but also lots of oak and hickory.  I can assure you that me and the Husquevarna chain saw are far more intimately acquainted than I deemed necessary. :D I have plenty of wood for BBQ's now.  Ironically, I am a native Floridian, thought it was priceless, that I am miles from the nearest body of salt water, waiting out a 'cane. ROFL :haha:

My dad was born in Many and grew up in Hornbeck which is southward down 171. Nice country, but not much else there.  :roll:

We also lived in Anacoco, La. for about a year when I was a kid.

Glad to hear you missed most of the storm. Almost every tree on my mother-in-law's property ended up sideways. Took out a couple of cars because the rest of my in-laws thought that was the place to be when the weathermen said it was heading straight for Houston. I tried to tell them it would curve north, but they didn't listen.  :haha:  :haha:

hey everyone,

just thought i would drop in and say hi.....

the internet i currently have is 5Mb/512Kb cable by charter.....

but i think pretty soon we are gonna be upgrading to their 10/1 package.... or maybe even a fios connection by verizon.... we dotn know yet tho

i have a  compaq presario AMD Athlon Xp computer.....

it has a 3.0Ghz processor

1 GB or ram

160 Gig hard driver

i also have a 256k nvida geforce fx something graphics card lol

and thats it!

Hi cable_guy, and welcome. Hope you enjoy all the help you can get from testmy!

hey everyone,

just thought i would drop in and say hi.....

the internet i currently have is 5Mb/512Kb cable by charter.....

but i think pretty soon we are gonna be upgrading to their 10/1 package.... or maybe even a fios connection by verizon.... we dotn know yet tho

i have a  compaq presario AMD Athlon Xp computer.....

it has a 3.0GHz processor

1 GB or ram

160 Gig hard driver

i also have a 256k nvida geforce fx something graphics card lol

and thats it!

I bought a WildBlue sat to spppeeeddd up life here in the piney woods of E.TX.


Welcome to the forum bluecat  :wave:

So how do you like Wild Blue so far, I asume you have not had it long.  :rolleyes:

Be careful where you step, some of the guys here aren't too into cats. ;)

Hope you enjoy your stay! :)

I just meant that other people cats are cool, I just don't want one in my house. As they tend not to like being put on a chain in the yard like a medium sized dog. And kept outside most of the year.  :twisted:

I can't say Hi, but I wll say MEOW.

hey everyone,

just thought i would drop in and say hi.....

a hearty welcome to u bluecat and cable_guy...hope u enjoy ur stay...stay long and come back often and of course u'll wanna run out and tell all ur friends and coworkers :haha: cuz we rock here at testmy.net :D

I thought Hatch got severly flooded in the recent rains.I haven't been there but I have bought & stuffed the Hatch chillis with cooked  ground beef & cheese.Then I bake them for about an hour .& add some fresh cheese to top them off.Sort of my version of a Chili Relleno without the batter & a better pepper.

It did :( The first one hit the town, the last one hit the fields so that trip is out, still headed down that way to see relatives though

hey ackthecat...i know u've been here for quite a while now but i don't think i've sent u a welcome before...soooo...welcome...i already know that u'll stay long and come back as often as u can...it's great to have ya

how'd ya get ur name?...

hi to the new people, hi to the old people and hi to the young people. a shout goes out to the longtime forum members.

one rule: share knowledge. everyone knows something someone else doesn't. so bring it on.

and don't worry about askling stupid questions. there is no such thing.

just enjoy the hell out of this place and spread the word. (ca3le is too cheap to advertise.)

hi to you all... and thank you for the wealth of knowledge you have here..

Hi there! It's great to see a new face. How did you pick your username?

A forum cat, just what we needed. :cool:

[me=RTB]hides the catnip[/me]

So trolls are allergic to cats then! "...even deeper into the dark and gloomy forest, lives a mouldy old troll (a descendant of he who terrorised the Three Billy Goats Gruff I believe) who was allergic to animal hair of any kind...Of course trolls can be allergic to anything they like!  Or rather not like I suppose."


So where did you hide the catnip? I was wanting a snack to go with my mixed drink.  :occasion14:

So trolls are allergic to cats then! "...even deeper into the dark and gloomy forest, lives a mouldy old troll (a descendant of he who terrorised the Three Billy Goats Gruff I believe) who was allergic to animal hair of any kind...Of course trolls can be allergic to anything they like!  Or rather not like I suppose."


So where did you hide the catnip? I was wanting a snack to go with my mixed drink.  :occasion14:

I got one for you ;)


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