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Well the thing is I have security on and they still get it some how. That's why my speeds have been messing up.

Make sure you are using 128bit encryption, and change your key...If you have WEP on, and he is still getting in, either you have a very easy encryption(default like 00000000 etc.) or he somehow has your encryption key(highly unlikely).  Make a new key, and see what happens.  If you change your key, and he still is getting access, call the cops.  He is stealing...

If it were me, I would go over to the house with a printout of his mac address, which should be logged in the router(mine will show the mac address of each connected computer).  Then tell him if he doesn't stop, next call will be to the police..I doubt he has spoofed his mac address, and it would be very easy to prove it was his pc.  :evil6:

Well it's official. My neighbor is stealing my wireless. I downloaded a program to see who was connected to my network and sure enoguh his PC popped up. I HATE my neighbors. So is there anyway I can call the police on them?

WEP is easily gotten around.  My suggestion is that you lock connections to mac addresses you specify and program into your router.  That will effectively shut that down along with any other security measures you want to take.  The most obvious way around it....don't use a wireless router unless you have no choice....cat 5 is always better anyway if you are truly performance driven.

he might not be stealing it on purpose cause you can get on wireless without knowing it. does he have wireless by any chance and maybe it grabbed your ip since your so close?  i can walk around my neighborhood with a laptop and be online for blocks cause most people dont know how to configure there stuff.  what router you using?

i had this problem a while ago.  Unfortunatly MAC filters and WEP can be broken without too much skill. So definitly for with WPA or WPA2 if you have it.  I also got Mcafee's Wireless Security program which provides hardware and software security.  It rotates your security key as often as you like and provides a bunch of other security features.  After that i've had no problems.

WEP is easily gotten around.  My suggestion is that you lock connections to mac addresses you specify and program into your router.  That will effectively shut that down along with any other security measures you want to take.  The most obvious way around it....don't use a wireless router unless you have no choice....cat 5 is always better anyway if you are truly performance driven.

MAC filter >> permit only.

mac flitering is easy to spoof. WPA is far better.

simple problem turn off your router at random times turing he day

or only turn it on when u need it

if  u dont need wireless tur that setting off

if he has to keep up with what time a day u turn it on it might b to much of a hasle 4 him

to keep track of it

also put aluminum on cardbord in an oval shape around the antena of your router in the side that points his way

that weekens the signal big time but the alimunum has to b kind of thick



in response to the spoofing of mac address not if u assign ur own string of mac addys to each client using ur router. even if they guess it they shouldnt be able to knock off another client.  they are probably staticly setting an ip addy, also, most router internal web server addys are the same so if you dont have ur router strong password protected they could be gettin in there, also you should be able to see all clients on your router from your web interface.

WEP is easily gotten around.  My suggestion is that you lock connections to mac addresses you specify and program into your router.  That will effectively shut that down along with any other security measures you want to take.  The most obvious way around it....don't use a wireless router unless you have no choice....cat 5 is always better anyway if you are truly performance driven.

MAC filter >> permit only.

:iamwithstupid: I used only this while in an apartment for 3 years and nobody got on it was the only thing to stop them. BTW If they were my neighbors I would take a huge shit in their front yard everymorning. Put a toothpick in it with a note. The note shall say "Stealing wireless internet is Shitty." BWAAAHAHAHA get it I said "shitty"  :haha:..... its funny because it is true.... no seriously... I have done it before. But I was high and wireless internet was not the problem. The problem was solved. I make sure to eat a mexican buffet the evening before.  ;)

:iamwithstupid: I used only this while in an apartment for 3 years and nobody got on it was the only thing to stop them. BTW If they were my neighbors I would take a huge S#!t in their front yard everymorning. Put a toothpick in it with a note. The note shall say "Stealing wireless internet is S#!tty." BWAAAHAHAHA get it I said "S#!tty"  :haha:..... its funny because it is true.... no seriously... I have done it before. But I was high and wireless internet was not the problem. The problem was solved. I make sure to eat a mexican buffet the evening before.  ;)

Aahahahahahahahhahahahahha....now that was funny!  So I take it that tin foil was not in your security suite?

Aahahahahahahahhahahahahha....now that was funny!  So I take it that tin foil was not in your security suite?

Na but stool softeners was. Thats what you use if the first 5 mornings dont do the trick, and you move from the yard to the porch. Or right beneath the driver side door of the car. Stealing bastards.

Na but stool softeners was. Thats what you use if the first 5 mornings dont do the trick, and you move from the yard to the porch. Or right beneath the driver side door of the car. Stealing bastards.

You are terrible......note to self...don't move next to Shug and steal wireless internet.  BUT I LIKE IT!

:iamwithstupid: I used only this while in an apartment for 3 years and nobody got on it was the only thing to stop them. BTW If they were my neighbors I would take a huge S#!t in their front yard everymorning. Put a toothpick in it with a note. The note shall say "Stealing wireless internet is S#!tty." BWAAAHAHAHA get it I said "S#!tty"  :haha:..... its funny because it is true.... no seriously... I have done it before. But I was high and wireless internet was not the problem. The problem was solved. I make sure to eat a mexican buffet the evening before.  ;)

Was this your 3000th post as well?  Man thats some funny S#!t...

Note to self...NEVER accept a toothpick from shug...

I would use the shotgun techneque this is different the shotgunning with dial-up.For wireless you load up your double barrell & let your neighbors wireless antenna have it with both barrels.After this he will probably be neighborly & call the police for you.   ;)

Or you could tell him that he is stealing your wireless connection & you will be reporting it to the proper authorities.What does your ISP say about this ?Have you contacted them?I would think this would be a FCC violation as well.You could try the local police I really don't know what they do.

Shug tells you the tooth picks are cinnamon flavored.

It would be too funny if the moron had a shared (networked)printer hooked up to his pc(I love printing stuff upstairs and hearing the WTF till they realize I was printing something)  :haha:

You could just print a page out on his printer...



Maybe he has some shared folders you could drop some stuff in  :evil6: (If he is purposely stealing your internet, I doubt it, but you never know...Some people really are that stupid  ;) )

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