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its van

VanBuren  5858

Swimmer 5271

dlewis23 5029

php 4856

tommie gorman 4257

CA3LE 4251

resopalrabotnick 3255

Shug7272 3116

.s1 3104

netmasta 2882

You beat me to it lmao :2funny:

But yea http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=mlist;sort=posts;start=0

Shows you all the members and their post count

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na  all this stuff that guy shug posts, its the worst crap ive ever read. he never does anything for nobody  :grin:

There are so many ways to resond to this.... I think I will pick...

:uglystupid2: <--- this one, just because CA3LE asked me what to name this one and I said "What do you think?" He said "I hate Dlewis?" I said yes yes we all hate Dlewis but what should we name the emot?" He said how bout it we name it after Dlewis. I said hey your the boss.

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There are so many ways to resond to this.... I think I will pick...

:uglystupid2: <--- this one, just because CA3LE asked me what to name this one and I said "What do you think?" He said "I hate Dlewis?" I said yes yes we all hate Dlewis but what should we name the emot?" He said how bout it we name it after Dlewis. I said hey your the boss.

:haha: :haha: :haha: we don't need another conversation like last night.

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So dlewis passed php  :2funny: and is snuggling up on swimmer's butt.  :grin:

I love these new little guys. "HEY WATER"  :kiss:  But the old ones will still help out.  I just noticed the other new ones.

New dlewis  :2fast: I need an answer quiick.  :sorry: Would you give me an opinion  :imneutral: These are great.  And they even saved the important one. :booty:

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:knuppel2: That's right! But I don't see a pirate smiley neamed water here!



TMN's Social Conscience

Global Moderator




Posts: 1069

Note the post count ;)  :shocked:

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And...  :uglystupid2::police::lipsrsealed::idiot2: So where is my Roadrunner taking off with a cloud of smoke  :?:  You don't see me crying.  :crybaby2:

That's because it ISN'T all about YOU!

It's all about ME!

*shakes her head sadly* You'll never learn!  :buck2:

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