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Siryak I think my guard dog could kick your guard dogs ass. Its some little bitty foo foo dog, I dont remember what its called.  :evil6: Nice pics.

I don't know about that...He is a pretty vicious little critter. :evil6::azn:

oooo...love at tmn...  :smitten: ...but ur right he is a cutie fer shur :)

Siryak, you are such a cutie! and i luurrve your dog!

TY. :azn: *cough* me>Shug *cough* :azn::angel:

hey u stay away from my boyfriend...i'll sic my cat on ur chi

:tickedoff:  :knuppel2: ...then i'll sic his wife on ya

Easy...He is a super ferocious chi...At least he thinks so lol. "then i'll sic his wife on ya" Careful...She will most surely give in to my charm. :azn:

  • 1 month later...

Do I dare...Hahahahahaha. Now don't go running down the street screaming your head off "Here comes the filthy beast" when you see my picture.....Oh hell, this is an old thread...Geeesh...

man i wish my desktop had a sd memory card slot, you guys would get such a good laugh at my pics now. yesterday i got my wisdom teeth out and my face looks like a basketball, its so swollen.  :haha: :haha: :haha:

man i wish my desktop had a sd memory card slot, you guys would get such a good laugh at my pics now. yesterday i got my wisdom teeth out and my face looks like a basketball, its so swollen.  :haha: :haha: :haha:

I'll bet. I remember those days.  :2funny:

Better you than me. Hope you do not smoke.  :wink:

man i wish my desktop had a sd memory card slot, you guys would get such a good laugh at my pics now. yesterday i got my wisdom teeth out and my face looks like a basketball, its so swollen.  :haha: :haha: :haha:

c'mon...post it up...how u gonna get all that sympathy if we can't see :)

i cropped out my face, to make the picture smaller, since the actual size was like 2048xsomething. and didnt want to upload that big of a file  :lol:

lol and now is a monitor breaking picture...

:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: AHAHAHAHA!!!! You look stoned!!! :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:.....erm...I mean that must be terrible for you lol.  :angel:

You have no idea how much medication i have to take. its amazing....sometimes i just sleep all day other times i'm online not knowing what to do :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

You have no idea how much medication i have to take. its amazing....sometimes i just sleep all day other times i'm online not knowing what to do :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

So in a sense you are doped up on legal drugs lol. :haha:

awwww sweetie...u poor thing...lemme put some ice on it...and make u some soup...oh wait...i don't cook...but lemme order some soup for ya...damn...i remember my wisdom teeth and the day they had to go...i accidently lost the clot in one hole...makes what they call dry socket...shit...the whole left side of my face swole up even with my nose (and if u've ever seen a pic of me then u know that that's alot) anyway had to meet the dentist in his office in the middle of the nite to pack it...then every couple of days for weeks...way painful too...so don't lose ur clots...don't stick ur tongue in the hole like i did (it was so tempting and i was too stoned to know not to)...that's momma's advice for the day...oh and also...NO STRAWS!!!!

lol, bad news, (not been using straws or anything so thats ok.) I think last night my stitches came loose cause now they are just hanging on by the bottom stitch on my bottom left of my mouth.

anyways, yeah...this is fun. no work and happy pills  :2funny:

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