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Freezing my butt off for a few days in November. Not bad the last couple of days. And winter has not yet started. And just east of me in St. Lois they will say the winter storm got them pretty good also.  :icon_shaking:

Guess I am saying when is it supposed to start? I don't remember one winter without record cold temps. But I also remember record warm days in Dec. when I was a kid too.

Maybe the earth is just shifting instead from throwing  the earth off balance by sucking all the oil out of different regions by the boat load  :idea:

I always figured global warming is more of a political strategy.  :undecided:

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Watch the movie. All facts.

   Stop it!   The earth will take care of itself .When weve pissed her off enough , or our time is up here ,the earth will simply exterminate us. Our job as individuals is to keep the place clean. Pick something up when you see it. I hear this rhetoric constantly, and the extreme leftist views being pumped into our young peoples minds from the time there toddlers and even before.So the reality of this is by the time they reach age of thinking for themselves , this  (poor planet ) view, becomes a reality. (mentally).

We should all take a good hard look at the history of Mother Earth.And stop thinking we are so important that you can change the earth, your not. Yes it really is a crime some of the pollution we put into the earth (there goes the old saying , you don't shit where you sleep).

      Some of us need a good hard lesson on just how unimportant and minuscule we really are.For Pete sakes . Take Aclick at these new pics from the Hubble, study them , and ask yourself a few questions that may come to mind.

                    Watch this video


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my vote goes with Mudmanc4 , well said ,

over population is the main cause IMHO,

and just to wind you guys up  :evil6:, can you ease up on the hydrocarbon usage ?, you are using X 20 more than the average Brit ,  :evil6:

just wait to you are paying $7.50 for a gallon of petrol , yeah it hurts  :evil2:

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hello...tdawnaz here(aka: treehugger)...there r so many factors...weighing in on the global warming issue...one of the biggest is a buildup of carbon dioxide...why??...because we've destroyed our rain forrests...upset the balance...we're an ecosystem...and our plant system is the biggest comsumer of carbondioxide on our planet...we're literally sucking the innards out of our mother earth and stripping her bald at the same time...and it's done for our comfort...and guess what we're all gonna die a miserable death for it...well our children and grandchildren will

green peace has been screaming it for 30 years...and what did people say...???..."shut up treehuggers...get outta the way...go to jail"...we were hugging those trees for a reason...we protested for a reason...not just because we had nothing better to do that day...

yep there is little that we can do as individuals...but united we can all make the changes...find other energy resources...leave our rain forrests alone...elect "green" government officials...

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Treehugger.... WHICH TREE... who was the SON OF A BITCH.

*Shug strips off naked and runs into the woods biting the trees and yelling* 

"Touch her again and I will kill you!!!"

:2funny: I Just hope you ran to the woods Bro , most I know drive  their 108 ltr  SUV 's crushing numerous small wild life on the way. 

and shout ,  South America don't chop down your trees , we need them,  :shock:

Yeah cynical Eco-warrior me,

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my vote goes with Mudmanc4 , well said ,

over population is the main cause IMHO,

and just to wind you guys up  :evil6:, can you ease up on the hydrocarbon usage ?, you are using X 20 more than the average Brit ,  :evil6:

just wait to you are paying $7.50 for a gallon of petrol , yeah it hurts  :evil2:

Your evil roco!  :haha::evil6:

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hello...tdawnaz here(aka: treehugger)...there r so many factors...weighing in on the global warming issue...one of the biggest is a buildup of carbon dioxide...why??...because we've destroyed our rain forrests...upset the balance...we're an ecosystem...and our plant system is the biggest comsumer of carbondioxide on our planet...we're literally sucking the innards out of our mother earth and stripping her bald at the same time...and it's done for our comfort...and guess what we're all gonna die a miserable death for it...well our children and grandchildren will

green peace has been screaming it for 30 years...and what did people say...???..."shut up treehuggers...get outta the way...go to jail"...we were hugging those trees for a reason...we protested for a reason...not just because we had nothing better to do that day...

yep there is little that we can do as individuals...but united we can all make the changes...find other energy resources...leave our rain forrests alone...elect "green" government officials...

I agree w/ you to a certain extent.as far as our children paying for our splashing toxins around the world...............I dont think so.

Atidbit for youall, I am a bit of a naturalist, I live in an area of wetlands, protected by the govt.We dont put up w/ hunting , (if it came to my children eating, I've got the bow, or the lead to feed the fam), or any kind of litter.There are 100's of acres of woods around us, which 6 are only ares, but we police them as if they were . Because really , they are!My hair hits my ass, and I live (mostly) a chemical free life.Taking health products for simple colds and so on.

My point in all of this is to try and portray my outlook on this whole killing the earth thing.Yes we do damage, yes we pollute, we are nothing but a scab on the face of the earth!   Are we going to mess something up that was here billions of years ago? only one way I can think of, nukes.Then we will only mess it up for us, we wont be here , the earth WILL.And in time she will heal herself of the afflictions that she created.Moving on to the next chapter in biological creations, of many that have been before us.And imo, many after we are gone, and done squabbling over the most immature , insane and obscure, that we as a human race do , I dint believe I need to give any examples , many of you here are well read of the nations issues .   

                             Treehuggin Realist

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my vote goes with Mudmanc4 , well said ,

over population is the main cause IMHO,

and just to wind you guys up  :evil6:, can you ease up on the hydrocarbon usage ?, you are using X 20 more than the average Brit ,  :evil6:

just wait to you are paying $7.50 for a gallon of petrol , yeah it hurts  :evil2:

i dont own a car anymore so what you think about that?  i already shut off everything i am not using at all times and use energy efficient  eletronics and lights and keep the heat on low as possible if we dont need it and in the summer the AC goes on energy saver. 

i am doing my part but what else can i do?

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i dont own a car anymore so what you think about that?  i already shut off everything i am not using at all times and use energy efficient  eletronics and lights and keep the heat on low as possible if we dont need it and in the summer the AC goes on energy saver.

i am doing my part but what else can i do?

IMO , when you are anywhere , and see something where it should not be (trash), put it where it goes!Leave subtle hints in everday conversations, of your intentions, as far as cleanliness. You will be surprised at the long term response you will see. The collective mind does what it takes to heal the majority of human afflictions.People will respect you for this, and most generally you will leave them with a feeling of self worth. That seed will continue to grow within you as well as many others.Try it, it's amazing the good we can all do , just by being what we know is good!

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IMO , when you are anywhere , and see something where it should not be (trash), put it where it goes!Leave subtle hints in everday conversations, of your intentions, as far as cleanliness. You will be surprised at the long term response you will see. The collective mind does what it takes to heal the majority of human afflictions.People will respect you for this, and most generally you will leave them with a feeling of self worth. That seed will continue to grow within you as well as many others.Try it, it's amazing the good we can all do , just by being what we know is good!

:smile2: :smile2: :smile2:

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IMO , when you are anywhere , and see something where it should not be (trash), put it where it goes!Leave subtle hints in everday conversations, of your intentions, as far as cleanliness. You will be surprised at the long term response you will see. The collective mind does what it takes to heal the majority of human afflictions.People will respect you for this, and most generally you will leave them with a feeling of self worth. That seed will continue to grow within you as well as many others.Try it, it's amazing the good we can all do , just by being what we know is good!

:iamwithstupid: I will straight stop what I am doing, pull the car over and pick up trash in my neighborhood. I hate people messing up my neighborhood. I picked up so many dead fireworks after the fourth of July you wouldnt believe.
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:iamwithstupid: I will straight stop what I am doing, pull the car over and pick up trash in my neighborhood. I hate people messing up my neighborhood. I picked up so many dead fireworks after the fourth of July you wouldnt believe.

Crazy as it be, beleive it or not my 6 at the time year old, MADE me pull over (on the E-way)to pick up a ton of shit some slob tossed.Go into his bedroom one though, you cant walk for the matchbox cars lined up racing acrross Litterally dosens ..........and dozens. :haha: :haha:

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I know we are on a destructive path and I don't really have any room to talk because I eat a lot of resources myself and drive a 1998 Camaro Z28 with chopped exhaust - not much I can do about the car since I still owe a crapload of money on it...but I'm actually starting to recycle what I can since I use a lot of crap.  i don't want earth to be screwed..but at the same time I'm not a tree hugger...just your average joe  :smile2:

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I know we are on a destructive path and I don't really have any room to talk because I eat a lot of resources myself and drive a 1998 Camaro Z28 with chopped exhaust - not much I can do about the car since I still owe a crapload of money on it...but I'm actually starting to recycle what I can since I use a lot of crap.  i don't want earth to be screwed..but at the same time I'm not a tree hugger...just your average joe  :smile2:

That's pretty much all I do. I drink alot of soda so I can recycle those.

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Hi Storm 311, don't feel too bad about the car  (nice ) a UK study on making cars, found that a new car makes more pollution and uses more resources X3 , than the old car will in it's lifetime ,

also maybe you got a car doing 20mpg so you trade for one that does 35 mpg , work out how many years it would take to recoup the cost of the new one ?

and don't forget most small cars are being built in places that don't give F***k about the environment ,

if we all did the best we can as individuals , it will  make a diferance , IMHO ,

but you have to balance things out , I got a neighbour who drives a 30 mile return trip to recycle 1 sack of cans ! , he is proud of doing his bit for the enviroment  :evil6:

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